Updated: 2024-03-20 16:21:14
Another cute geometry puzzle was posted on Facebook. Puzzle. An equilateral triangle in a plane has three vertices with known x-coordinates: a, b, and c. What is the side of the triangle? I want to describe three different solutions that the readers of the Facebook channel posted. But before doing so, let’s look at the […]
Updated: 2024-03-16 18:12:45
The homework I give to my students (who are in 6th through 9th grades) often starts with a math joke related to the topic. Once, I decided to let them be the comedians. One of the homework questions was to invent a math joke. Here are some of their creations. Two of my students decided […]
Updated: 2024-03-15 19:26:26
Here is an interesting puzzle by Ivan Mitrofanov. Share:
Updated: 2024-03-14 17:35:12
I collect math jokes and, of course, show them to my family. From time to time, my family contributes. The first joke is by my son, Alexey. * * * When you board a train traveling East from Chicago to Boston at 60 miles an hour, you realize you are a part of the problem. […]
Updated: 2024-03-13 21:02:47
These two puzzles were given to me by Andrey Khesin. Puzzle. In a crowd of 70 people, one person is a murderer, and another person is a witness to said murder. A detective can invite a group into his office and ask if anyone knows anything. The detective knows that everyone except the witness would […]
Updated: 2024-03-05 16:11:01
* * * —Why was the fraction worried about marrying the decimal?—Because he would have to convert. * * * —How does a professional mathematician plow a field?—With a protractor. * * * —How many bakers does it take to bake a pi?—3.14. * * * —What did the witch doctor say after lifting the […]