Updated: 2023-10-13 20:42:48
My friend, Alexander Karabegov, sent me one of his puzzles. I love the mixture of algebra and calculus. Puzzle. Describe a real quadratic function f such that the graph of its derivative f′ is tangent to the graph of f. Share:
Updated: 2023-10-11 18:49:41
Algebra is a fundamental skill that is widely used in school and in life. This article takes a look at what algebra is and its vital role in math.
Updated: 2023-10-04 19:22:51
My former student, Xiaoyu He, invented this elegant puzzle and shared it with me. Puzzle. We’ve got a murder mystery on our hands. There are four suspects, and it’s pretty clear that one of them is the actual murderer. But here’s the twist: there are also four witnesses who know who the killer is. Now, […]