Updated: 2011-07-31 07:30:00
, : skip to main skip to sidebar Tired of London , Tired of Life One thing a day to do in London A website about things to do in London Pages Home About Contact Talking to Strangers 31 July 2011 Join the Hillingdon Skyride The first in a series of three London Sky Rides this summer kicks off in Hillingdon this afternoon , giving cyclists their first chance to cycle car-free streets in the borough as part of the event . Your author has joined the Central London skyride in previous years , and it is usually great fun unless you want to leave the designated route Hillingdon's looks very good as well , even if they have inexplicably asked father-of-the-late-Jade-Goody's-children-and-famous-for-very-little else Jeff Brazier as a special guest' Christ knows how much Brazier can demand for a
Updated: 2011-07-30 07:30:00
, : skip to main skip to sidebar Tired of London , Tired of Life One thing a day to do in London A website about things to do in London Pages Home About Contact Talking to Strangers 30 July 2011 Watch the London Triathlon This year's London Triathlon takes place this weekend , with tens of thousands of competitors gathering around the Royal Docks in East London to take part , or support those who . are The swims take part in the Docks themselves , whilst cycle and running legs are in the vicinity of the ExCeL exhibition centre . Spectators are actively welcomed , and unusually for a London event there is even car parking . Just a shame for participants that bikes aren't allowed on the DLR For more , see http : www.thelondontriathlon.co.uk Picture Nick J Webb used under Creative Commons^
Updated: 2011-07-29 07:30:00
, : skip to main skip to sidebar Tired of London , Tired of Life One thing a day to do in London A website about things to do in London Pages Home About Contact Talking to Strangers 29 July 2011 Drink at Bar Polski An odd little bar in the winding alleyways behind Holborn Station , Bar Polski is a reasonable spot for a quick drink in passing . Your author was coaxed in by a friend who recently told him that they did vodka that was actually nice' and the convincing barman was very persuasive in his selling of something that tasted like apple crumble' Inside , the bar is quite plain , with metal chairs and very few features except one wall full of pictures of cockerels . The clientelle was a heady mix of group-drinkers , those on early-in-the-relationship dates and groups . There was food ,
Updated: 2011-07-28 07:30:00
, : skip to main skip to sidebar Tired of London , Tired of Life One thing a day to do in London A website about things to do in London Pages Home About Contact Talking to Strangers 28 July 2011 Visit the Kings Head Theatre Pub Founded in 1970 by Dan Crawford , the Kings Head Theatre Pub , on Upper Street , claims to be the the first pub theatre founded in England since the days of . Shakespeare The pub itself is , we are told , much older , and has the backroom which now houses the theatre was previously a boxing ring and a pool hall . Indeed , a Kings Head Pub was apparently mentioned in Samuel Pepys' diaries , and is rumoured to have been called the Kings Head after Henry VIII began stopping in for a pint on his way to see a . mistress Whilst Crawford died in 2005, the Theatre continues
Updated: 2011-07-27 07:30:00
, : skip to main skip to sidebar Tired of London , Tired of Life One thing a day to do in London A website about things to do in London Pages Home About Contact Talking to Strangers 27 July 2011 Mourn the Himalaya Palace The Himalaya Palace was the UK's biggest Bollywood Cinema , like a genuine piece of the Subcontinent in the heart of Southall . First constructed in 1912, as the 300 seat New Paragon Palace , its Chinese-style exterior dates from 1929. The cinema began showing Bollywood films around the 1970s , and reopened as the Himalayan Palace in 2001, billing itself as the most luxurious three screen cinema in West London' However , it closed last year , and plans are apparently afoot to convert it into an indoor market . For more , click here Picture Ewan Munro used under Creative
Updated: 2011-07-26 12:40:00

: : Paul in London Paul is in London . And seeing mostly theatre Tuesday , July 26, 2011 Theatre : Four Nights in Knaresborough A play about the men who assassinated Thomas Becket the Archbishop of Canterbury , in 1171 seems an unlikely source of an entertaining night . But this production at the Southwark Playhouse of Four Nights in Knaresborough is so sexually charged , so pumped up and full of machismo and so bloody and funny that it is hard to . resist Paul Webb's play first appeared in London in 1999 and has been given various comparisons to Reservoir Dogs Blackadder and A Knights Tale the film that made Heath Ledger a Hollywood star It is a sharp and funny take on historical events where the four knights responsible for the assassination flee north to Knaresborough castle where they
Updated: 2011-07-26 07:30:00
, : skip to main skip to sidebar Tired of London , Tired of Life One thing a day to do in London A website about things to do in London Pages Home About Contact Talking to Strangers 26 July 2011 See the Government's Art Collection The Government Art Collection is owned by everyone and comprises around 13,000 works of art , dating back to 1898. However , the bureaucrats have imposed such punitive visitation rights that it impossible to see much of it . Tours are fully booked until January 2013, when pre-booked tours for established groups might be available , but only thrice monthly on Tuesday or Wednesday evenings , for up to an hour . You would get better access if your paintings were in prison for armed . robbery However , help is at hand , for this summer some bureaucrats and
Updated: 2011-07-25 07:30:00
, : skip to main skip to sidebar Tired of London , Tired of Life One thing a day to do in London A website about things to do in London Pages Home About Contact Talking to Strangers 25 July 2011 Admire the London Central Mosque Built on a 2.3-acre site given by the British Government following the Second World War , the London Central Mosque was completed in 1977 to a design by Sir Frederick Gibberd , and cost 6.5 . million The large copper dome which sits atop the Mosque is based on the design of the Dome of the Rock in Jerusalem , and it is certainly imposing . Inside , the Mosque has capacity for around 5,000 worshippers , but during Eid it has been known to attract up to 50,000. For more information , visit http : www.iccuk.org Labels : Religion things to see 0 comments : Post a
Updated: 2011-07-24 07:30:00
, : skip to main skip to sidebar Tired of London , Tired of Life One thing a day to do in London A website about things to do in London Pages Home About Contact Talking to Strangers 24 July 2011 Attend TurkishFest The annual Turkish Festival began yesterday on Potters Fields , between Tower Bridge and the GLA Building , and continues today until . 6pm We are told that there will be ntertainment , a Turkish bazaar , an art fair , and Turkish food , drink and spices . The weather looks pretty good as . well For more , see http : www.pottersfields.co.uk event.html event_id=53 Picture Andrew Crump used under Creative Commons^ Labels : Annual Events Multiculturalism South Bank Temporary 0 comments : Post a Comment Older Post Home Subscribe to : Post Comments Atom Time Out To read 10 things
Updated: 2011-07-23 07:30:00
, : skip to main skip to sidebar Tired of London , Tired of Life One thing a day to do in London A website about things to do in London Pages Home About Contact Talking to Strangers 23 July 2011 Find the memorial to DC James Morrison A memorial to DC James Morrison is found on Montreal Place , just off the Strand in Central London . Morrison was killed in 1991 when whilst he was off duty he chased a thief in Covent Garden , and was fatally stabbed whilst trying to make an . arrest With all the scandal surrounding the Metropolitan Police in recent weeks , it's easy to forget what dedication many ordinary police officers like Morrison show to their jobs . Morrison was posthumously awarded the Queen's Gallantry Medal , and the memorial was unveiled to him in 1994. For more information , click
Updated: 2011-07-22 07:30:00
, : skip to main skip to sidebar Tired of London , Tired of Life One thing a day to do in London A website about things to do in London Pages Home About Contact Talking to Strangers 22 July 2011 Visit the Tower Bridge Exhibition Tower Bridge is probably London's most iconic , but it is nowhere near as old as some might imagine , designed by City architect Sir Horace Jones in 1884 and opened after his death in 1894. Originally , the Bridge's high walks were designed to allow pedestrians to cross the river when the huge hydraulic bascules of the bridge were raised to allow ships through , but the walkways closed in 1910 due to lack of use , and since 1982 have formed part of a museum about the bridge known as the Tower Bridge . Exhibition The Exhibition tells the history of the bridge and
Updated: 2011-07-21 07:30:00
, : skip to main skip to sidebar Tired of London , Tired of Life One thing a day to do in London A website about things to do in London Pages Home About Contact Talking to Strangers 21 July 2011 Borrow books from Manor House Library Your author is a big fan of the work and staff at Manor House Library , in South East London . You can go there , pick out loads of books , and take them home with you . It's fantastic . Sure , it costs a lot in terms of council tax every month , but they're always so . friendly The Manor House itself is a Grade II listed building , and if the rough illustration above doesn't do it justice or include the huge guns which stand at the front your author must apologise . You can see a real picture here For more from the Society who protect the surrounding area ,
Updated: 2011-07-19 07:30:00
, : skip to main skip to sidebar Tired of London , Tired of Life One thing a day to do in London A website about things to do in London Pages Home About Contact Talking to Strangers 19 July 2011 Visit Golders Green Jewish Cemetery Founded in 1895, the Jewish Cemetery , on Hoop Lane in Golders Green is divided into different areas , with Orthodox Sephardic Jews buried in the Eastern section , with the feet of the dead facing Jerusalem , and the upright headstones of Reform Jews in the Western . section Famous people interned in the Cemetery include early twentieth century barrister and biographer Philip Guedalla , pianist , conductor and composer Sir Frederic Cowen , and cellist Jacqueline du . Pré For more information , see http : en.wikipedia.org wiki Golders_Green_Jewish_Cemetery Picture
Updated: 2011-07-18 07:30:00
, : skip to main skip to sidebar Tired of London , Tired of Life One thing a day to do in London A website about things to do in London Pages Home About Contact Talking to Strangers 18 July 2011 Drink at the Dial Arch Opened last year as a Young's pub , the Dial Arch , at the Royal Arsenal in Woolwich , is significant for a number of reasons . The Arch itself is a listed structure and was built around 1720. The Dial Arch and the square in front are significant not only for their association with the Royal Arsenal but also as the foundation spot for the Arsenal Football Club , which began life in 1886 as the Dial Square Football Club for workers from the Arsenal and did not move to North London until 1913. Inside , the pub has done its best to be loyal to its history , but has more of a bar
Updated: 2011-07-17 07:30:00
, : skip to main skip to sidebar Tired of London , Tired of Life One thing a day to do in London A website about things to do in London Pages Home About Contact Talking to Strangers 17 July 2011 Buy beads at Beadworks For your author , most shopping is pretty dull , and shopping for beads seems like about the most pointless idea in the world . However , it is important to cater for all , and some will want to buy beads . If they do , they could find few better outlets than Beadworks , in Covent . Garden The Covent Garden Bead Shop has been operating from its current location on Tower Street since 1977, making it the oldest Bead Shop in Europe . It is , we are told , a worldwide pioneer of bead retail , and stocks around 6,000 beads . There probably is a reason why someone would need that
Updated: 2011-07-16 07:30:00
, : skip to main skip to sidebar Tired of London , Tired of Life One thing a day to do in London A website about things to do in London Pages Home About Contact Talking to Strangers 16 July 2011 Visit the new wing at the National Maritime Museum Your author happened to be wandering in Greenwich yesterday afternoon and discovered that a new wing at the National Maritime Museum had opened this week , thanks to a 20m gift to the Museum from the late shipping magnate and philanthropist , Mr Sammy Ofer . Sadly , Ofer died a month and a half ago at his home in Israel , but he would have every reason to be proud of his new wing , which brings a museum which people have previously been too quick to deride right up to date , even though it does change the entrance so it is on the wrong . side The
Updated: 2011-07-15 07:30:00
, : skip to main skip to sidebar Tired of London , Tired of Life One thing a day to do in London A website about things to do in London Pages Home About Contact Talking to Strangers 15 July 2011 Drink at Bradley's Spanish Bar Found just off Oxford Street , on tiny Hanway Street , Bradley's Spanish Bar is an popular little bar on two . levels The smaller bar upstairs is supplemented with a larger downstairs space and both are popular with a varied clientele , and when your author popped by recently everyone seemed to be . smiling For more information , see http : www.shadyoldlady.com location.php loc=593 Labels : Bars Multiculturalism shoppingland Things to do 0 comments : Post a Comment Older Post Home Subscribe to : Post Comments Atom Londonist Out Loud Click here to hear Tired of
Updated: 2011-07-13 07:30:00
, : skip to main skip to sidebar Tired of London , Tired of Life One thing a day to do in London A website about things to do in London Pages Home About Contact Talking to Strangers 13 July 2011 Listen to some Brass on the Grass Until the end of August , Westminster Abbey is hosting weekly concerts on its College Garden , and the second in the series is . today Visitors are invited to bring a picnic and a blanket and enjoy free music from some of the best brass bands in the country on Wednesdays from 12.30pm until . 2pm Today's concert features the Band of the Surrey Yeomanry , and anyone interested is invited to bring a picnic and a blanket for a free concert , with any donations going to band funds . This sort of thing is one of your author's . favourites For more , see click here
Updated: 2011-07-12 07:30:00
, : skip to main skip to sidebar Tired of London , Tired of Life One thing a day to do in London A website about things to do in London Pages Home About Contact Talking to Strangers 12 July 2011 Admire the Hotel Russell Your author has never been inside the Hotel Russell , on Russell Square in Bloomsbury , but from outside the architecture with design by architect Charles Fitzroy Doll is very . striking The 373 room hotel opened on Derby Day 1900 and is described by The London Encyclopedia as a fantasty Francois-premier chateau' hotel , whatever that . means For more information , you could visit the distinctly uninspiring website at http : www.londonrussellhotel.co.uk but instead your author suggests you have a look at some of the brilliant photographs on flickr Labels : Bloomsbury Hotels
Updated: 2011-07-11 07:30:00
, : skip to main skip to sidebar Tired of London , Tired of Life One thing a day to do in London A website about things to do in London Pages Home About Contact Talking to Strangers 11 July 2011 Book a ticket for The Space The Space is an arts and community centre on the Isle of Dogs , housed in a former Presbyterian built in 1859 to designs by London architect Thomas Edward . Knightley After the church left the building in the 1970s , it was given to the St Paul's Arts Trust by Trafalgar House Developments and restoration works continued into the 1990s . Today , The Space hosts a range of theatre , music , comedy and dance events , and whilst Mondays are usually a rest day , there is plenty of things to browse and book tickets for on the website at http : space.org.uk Labels : Art
Updated: 2011-07-10 07:30:00
, : skip to main skip to sidebar Tired of London , Tired of Life One thing a day to do in London A website about things to do in London Pages Home About Contact Talking to Strangers 10 July 2011 See the Church of Our Lady Star of the Sea As your author climbed Crooms Hill in Greenwich last Saturday , he was struck by the beauty of the Church of Our Lady Star of the Sea at sunset . Granted it was a beautiful day , but there was something special about . it Originally built in 1793 and rebuilt in 1851 by W.W . Wardell , the church was designed for the Catholic seamen who were based at the Royal Hospital down the hill , attracting a mixed congregation dominated by those born in Ireland but also including sailors from Portugal , Brazil and India . Inside , the church boasts designs by A.N .
Updated: 2011-07-09 07:31:00
, : skip to main skip to sidebar Tired of London , Tired of Life One thing a day to do in London A website about things to do in London Pages Home About Contact Talking to Strangers 9 July 2011 Take part in Lewisham People's Day Your author assumes that most people reading this are people , and so should feel honoured that Lewisham Council is holding a special People's Day today , just for you and other people like . you The day , funded directly out of the really high Lewisham council tax of real people , showcases around a thousand performers , with music , magic , art , dance , sport , cabaret and spoken word over eight . stages The headline act for the day is Neville Staple off of the Specials , who is pretty good , and its all being held in Mountsfield Park , in Hither Green , so as
Updated: 2011-07-08 07:30:00
, : skip to main skip to sidebar Tired of London , Tired of Life One thing a day to do in London A website about things to do in London Pages Home About Contact Talking to Strangers 8 July 2011 Drink at the Angelsea Arms Built in the 1820s and first occupied in 1829, the Anglesea Arms , in South Kensington was originally known as The . Swan Though it was rather pricey when your author last popped in , it's a decent little pub in an area with a surprising dearth of pubs in general , probably owing to the high property prices in the area . It is also said to be the place where Bruce Reynolds planned the Great Train . Robbery For more information , see http : www.capitalpubcompany.com the-anglesea-arms Labels : Museumland Pubs Things to do West London 2 comments : Hels said . ooohh I love it
Updated: 2011-07-07 07:30:00
, : skip to main skip to sidebar Tired of London , Tired of Life One thing a day to do in London A website about things to do in London Pages Home About Contact Talking to Strangers 7 July 2011 Visit Peter de Wit's Cafe Established in 1988 by Jane and Peter de Wit , Peter de Wit's is a small family-run cafe in the centre of . Greenwich The cafe serves as an traditional English breakfasts-and-sandwiches cafe during the daytimes , priding itself on free range eggs , local sausages and local beer , and in the winter season also has Jazz nights which sadly only last from September to June . We shall return to them later in the . year For more , see http : www.peterdewitscafe.co.uk Labels : Cafes Greenwich South London Things to do 0 comments : Post a Comment Older Post Home Subscribe to : Post
Updated: 2011-07-06 23:06:00
: : Paul in London Paul is in London . And seeing mostly theatre Wednesday , July 06, 2011 Opera : Cendrillon Cendrillon at the Royal Opera looks great and has a great cast . Joyce DiDonato in the title role is a delight as the strong willed Cinderella . Eglise Gutiérrez as the fairy godmother looks like she would be as much at home on the stage of Priscilla Queen of the Desert as she would at Covent Garden although she sounded a lot better of course She looks like she is having fun waving her wand and watching the magic unfold . Alas the opera is heavy going for a fairy tale . Part of the problem is that telling the story of Cinderella for three hours requires some memorable music and some frightfully comedy . The direction is somewhat inspired and wrestles out as much comedy as is
Updated: 2011-07-05 06:45:00
: : Paul in London Paul is in London . And seeing mostly theatre Tuesday , July 05, 2011 Opera : Madama Butterfly Madama Butterfly appropriately subtitled Japanese tragedy in three acts is a little too dramatically obvious , and musically unsatisfying . But the performance by Kristine Opolais as Cio-Cio-San is the sort of dramatic and powerful performance that this piece needs and she had the audience cheering for her on Saturday night . It is all high melodrama and her transformation from a meek and feeble fifteen year old girl , to a woman rejected is incredible and really fleshes out this minimalist . production The audience around me were not so rapt with the performance of James Valenti as he is less of a big bold cad and more of a tender thoughtless B.F . Pinkerton , who marries