Visit the Buxton Memorial Fountain
Updated: 2011-06-30 07:30:00
, : skip to main skip to sidebar Tired of London , Tired of Life One thing a day to do in London A website about things to do in London Pages Home About Contact Talking to Strangers 30 June 2011 Visit the Buxton Memorial Fountain Often forgotten in an area full of memorials , The Buxton Memorial Fountain stands in Victoria Gardens , just South of the Houses of Parliament . It was constructed in 1834 to celebrate the emancipation of slaves in the British . Colonies Designed by Samuel Sanders Teulon , the fountain was commissioned by Charles Buxton MP , son of anti-slavery campaigner Thomas Fowell Buxton , and originally stood in Parliament Square . When , in 1949, the Government put forward a scheme to redesign Parliament Square , the fountain had to be moved , and following a campaign by