Updated: 2010-09-30 08:06:34

It’s been a while since we’ve had an elephant post. Welcome back to the elephant parade – numbers 101 – 110. 101. Layla by Faiza Butt; Berkeley Square 102. Tattoo – Born to be Wild by Gary Hodges; Green Park … Continue reading →
Updated: 2010-09-29 08:02:18

Maggie Jones captured a little bit of London life that can get under your skin unless you keep up a good attitude about it and take it all in as part of the London experience like the happy guy on … Continue reading →
Updated: 2010-09-29 07:30:00
, : , skip to main skip to sidebar Tired of London , Tired of Life One thing a day to do in London Pages Home About Calendar Contact 29 September 2010 Seek sustenance at the Pavilion Cafe , Dulwich Park The Pavilion Cafe , in Dulwich Park , is a fantastic little cafe with a varied menu of fresh , often organic , dishes housed in a 115 year old former cricket pavilion in Dulwich . Park The cafe has been run by Tarka Domani Cowlam since November 2002, and is open every day , offering wireless internet , home-baked cakes , sandwiches and fresh food cooked on the . premises Your author has only ever visited for a full english breakfast , but they did agree to serve it to him after 3pm , and it was brilliant , so considering the excellent reviews elsewhere we can probably concede that this is a
Updated: 2010-09-29 01:19:00
: : Paul in London Paul is in London . So are seven million others . Wednesday , September 29, 2010 First Impressions : Caroline O'Connor Listen Listen Posted by Pauly Email This BlogThis Share to Twitter Share to Facebook Share to Google Buzz Labels : Audioboo : Reactions 0 comments : Post a Comment Older Post Home Subscribe to : Post Comments Atom About Me Pauly London , United Kingdom I am a thirty-something gay male from Australia living , working and blogging in SW London . My interests range from the oddities in local news and politics to music , literature , arts and theatre . paulinlondonblogger[at gmail.com View my complete profile Amazon MP3 Clips Twitter Updates Et cetera Audioboo Blogs on Stage Broadway Box London Theatre Discounts Dave Hill Dickie and Butch Feigned Mischief
Updated: 2010-09-28 08:05:09

Words and photo by Ramble who came from India to enjoy the little things London had to offer for a while. She blogged here about her London experience, but now it’s time for her to move on to the next adventure. … Continue reading →
Updated: 2010-09-27 08:07:03

My aunt sent me a few paperback books she found in a thrift shop a few months ago. They were part of a project by the London College of Communication’s photojournalism students to track the re-development of Elephant & Castle … Continue reading →
Updated: 2010-09-26 08:07:56

I’ve been working way too much overtime this month at my full time job and sneaking in some freelance work as well so it’s been difficult to keep up with artist interviews every week lately. I’ve got a few lined … Continue reading →
Updated: 2010-09-25 08:01:12

Listen to a Londoner is a weekly interview with a Londoner – someone who lives in this city, born here or elsewhere. If you’re up for being interviewed, email littlelondonobservationist@hotmail.co.uk. Wilfredo Arturo Diaz Ardila, 32 Wilfredo comes from a small … Continue reading →
Updated: 2010-09-24 08:05:19

Here’s a weird shot that came out of my Diana F+ camera of London chimneys. Makes them look a bit mysterious… Happy Friday! Anyone have any good weekend plans?
Updated: 2010-09-23 08:05:04

Holland Park might not be nearly as big as Hyde Park, Hampstead Heath or Regents Park, but it’s one of my favourite green spaces in London. Not only does it have a little waterfall in the Kyoto Gardens where W … Continue reading →
Updated: 2010-09-23 07:30:00
, : skip to main skip to sidebar Tired of London , Tired of Life One thing a day to do in London 23 September 2010 Spend an evening at the Bookshop Theatre The Calder Bookshop , otherwise known as the Bookshop Theatre , was established in 2000 by John Calder on the Cut , between Waterloo Station and Southwark Tube . Station The shop in literary fiction , poetry and drama , but it also hosts discussions , literary readings , film showings , music events and theatre performances . Tonight , as part of this regular series of events , John Calder presents a selection of light and comic poems and verse , read by actors . The evening begins at 7pm and costs 6. Booking is advisable on 020 7620 2900 or amiddleton . calderbookshop.com For more information , see http : www.oneworldclassics.com
Updated: 2010-09-22 16:37:00

: Paul in London Paul is in London . So are seven million others . Wednesday , September 22, 2010 Scenes from a long bus ride I suddenly had the urge to eat a huge roast chicken . Can't quite work out what came over me . Posted via email from paulinlondon's posterous Posted by Pauly Email This BlogThis Share to Twitter Share to Facebook Share to Google Buzz Labels : life in London posterous : Reactions 0 comments : Post a Comment Newer Post Older Post Home Subscribe to : Post Comments Atom About Me Pauly London , United Kingdom I am a thirty-something gay male from Australia living , working and blogging in SW London . My interests range from the oddities in local news and politics to music , literature , arts and theatre . paulinlondonblogger[at gmail.com View my complete profile Amazon
Updated: 2010-09-22 08:02:10

Here’s another great shot of a London couple added to the Flickr pool by Buckaroo Kid, taken during the Bermondsey Street Festival on Saturday afternoon. Share your shots of Londoners in the pool…
Updated: 2010-09-21 08:00:13

This is one of my favourite cemeteries in London, walking down the leaf-strewn trails, past broken gravestones sunk into the ground as the years go by, a birthday card left on a grave from a little girl to her “Daddy”, … Continue reading →
Updated: 2010-09-20 07:30:00
, : skip to main skip to sidebar Tired of London , Tired of Life One thing a day to do in London 20 September 2010 Meet the animals at Surrey Docks Farm Surrey Docks Farm is a 2.2 acre city farm on the south bank of the Thames at Rotherhithe . It is home to goats , sheep , cattle , pigs , ducks , geese , chickens , turkeys , bees and . donkeys Alongside this , there are gardens , an orchard , a herb garden , a vegetable patch and a wild area , as well as the dairy , a bee room , a blacksmith’s forge , adult education rooms , and a cafe . It also hosts monthly craft markets on the first Saturday of every . month First established in 1975, the farm relocated to its current site in June 1986, and has remained there ever since . It is open Tuesday to Sunday , 10am 5pm . For more , see http :
Updated: 2010-09-16 07:30:00
, : , skip to main skip to sidebar Tired of London , Tired of Life One thing a day to do in London 16 September 2010 Watch a film at the Empire , Leicester Square We all know Leicester Square Cinemas can be hideously expensive , but for your money you certainly get a bit of history . Built , like much of the square , on the site of the Earl of Leicester's London Mansion , the original Empire Theatre was designed by Thomas Verity and completed in 1884. In 1887, the theatre reopened as a popular music hall named the Empire Theatre of Varieties , and in 1896, we are told that it hosted Britain's first commercial theatrical performances of a projected film , by Auguste and Louis Lumière . This theatre is also credited with having been the birthplace of the vacuum cleaner , after the inventor H
Updated: 2010-09-15 22:25:00
: : Paul in London Paul is in London . So are seven million others . Wednesday , September 15, 2010 Opera : Don Pasquale Donizetti's Don Pasquale at the Royal Opera was a nice way to spend a Sunday evening . Not good or bad but nice . There was nothing terribly engaging about the performances , and in the first act it was a struggle to hear anything much from the cast . Later we were informed that one of the cast members was having problems but would persevere for us all . But the opera is witty and the story around an old man who marries to spite his nephew moves briskly through its three acts and comes with some laughs . Particularly exciting was watching conductor Evelino Pidò conduct the opera chorus in the third act , which was a performance in itself . Jonathan Miller's 2001
Updated: 2010-09-15 07:30:00
, : skip to main skip to sidebar Tired of London , Tired of Life One thing a day to do in London 15 September 2010 Find the River Westbourne at Sloane Square Tube If you look high up in Sloane Square Tube Station , you will see the large square pipe shown below . This pipe holds what is left of the River Westbourne , a river which shaped London as we know it , but was buried underground by Victorian Engineers in 1856-7 and stripped of its name and function , renamed as the Ranelagh . Sewer The Westbourne once flowed from Hampstead through a fishpond at Kilburn to Hyde Park , where it created the valley now occupied by the Serpentine . It eventually reached the Thames near Chelsea hospital , and the water was once even diverted to a reservoir at Chelsea . Waterworks Nowadays , it doesn't
Updated: 2010-09-12 21:11:46
Got an email from the folks at CBS Outdoor, advertising agency. They are running a competition to demonstrate that long copy is not dead in tube ads!
All you need to do is provide long copy for a tube ad. I suppose when you think about it, long copy is good for a poster on a tube platform because you often find yourself staring at posters when waiting on a train because you have nothing else to look at, and you have time to read it.
More info below.
Updated: 2010-09-12 17:32:00
: : Paul in London Paul is in London . So are seven million others . Sunday , September 12, 2010 Theatre : Passion Stephen Sondheim's Passion has started previewing at the Donmar as part of the Sondheim at 80 season . This dark story about a young officer drawn towards a sick unhealthy woman is less musical and more melodrama set to a lush romantic score , with a bit of crazy thrown . The musical motifs repeat and repeat to a dizzying point and if you let yourself accept the basic premise of the show you're in for a hell of a ride . I have always liked this show in which the central message seems to be long distance relationships don't work , no matter how well written the letters are . Sondheim's music and lyrics are more natural here and grounded in realism , including told through a
Updated: 2010-09-12 07:30:00
, : skip to main skip to sidebar Tired of London , Tired of Life One thing a day to do in London 12 September 2010 Shop at Peckham Farmers Market Every Sunday from 9.30am til 1.30pm , there is a small farmer's market in Peckham Square , at the top of Peckham High . Street Whilst there are plainly very few farmers in Peckham , the stallholders travel from placed like Kent , Surrey and Sussex to sell a range or produce which often includes free-range meat and eggs , organic fruit and vegetables , salads , fresh juice , as well as cheeses and breads and cakes . For a list of many farmer's markets in London , visit http : www.local-farmers-markets.co.uk london.html Labels : shopping South London Things to do 0 comments : Post a Comment Older Post Home Subscribe to : Post Comments Atom COMING
Updated: 2010-09-11 07:30:00
, : skip to main skip to sidebar Tired of London , Tired of Life One thing a day to do in London 11 September 2010 Wave goodbye to summer at the Thames Festival The 14th Mayor’s Thames Festival kicks off this afternoon , with events taking place on the riverbanks , bridges and river from noon until 10pm , anywhere between Westminster Bridge and Tower . Bridge There are seemingly countless events and stages , with street arts , a bandstand , countless performers , a carnival , films , a chance to tuck into a feast on Southwark Bridge , exhibitions , al fresco jive dancing , river events , a new beach beside the Thames , a river parade , markets , circus , music and . dance It all culminates in a carnival parade and fireworks on Sunday evening . For more information , see the patchy website
Updated: 2010-09-09 07:30:00
, : skip to main skip to sidebar Tired of London , Tired of Life One thing a day to do in London 9 September 2010 Shop Swedish at Totally Swedish The Totally Swedish shop , on Crawford Street W1, combines a mission to offer a flavour of the motherland to the many Swedes who now call London home , with spreading the word about Swedish food , children’s products and . handicrafts Founded in 2005 by Annethe Nathan and Teresia Bergsand the shop , which began as an online project , is now open six days a week , to promote Sweden’s cultural and culinary heritage to all sorts of interested Londoners , and convince them that Sweden really isn't just about Volvo and . Ikea For more , see http : www.totallyswedish.com Labels : Multiculturalism shopping West London 1 comments : Anonymous said . Love
Updated: 2010-09-08 13:37:24
Blair has cancelled his book party at the Tate Modern, the protest is therefore cancelled.
Teflon Tony slithers away yet again.
Updated: 2010-09-08 07:30:00
, : skip to main skip to sidebar Tired of London , Tired of Life One thing a day to do in London 8 September 2010 Watch cheap films at the Prince Charles Cinema As famous for the variety of their films as for their wallet-friendly pricing , the Prince Charles Cinema , on Leicester Place , WC2, specialises in repertory films , which are off general release , meaning that they pay less to show them and pass the savings on to customers . The cinema , which also shows newer films , was built in the 1960s , but has existed in its current form since 1991, having apparently formerly been a West End Theatre and a naughty lady cinema . It even apparently has its own . ghost Whilst tickets are a normal-for-outside-London 5.50 10, you can reduce this substantially by becoming a member 16 per year or
Updated: 2010-09-07 07:30:00
, : skip to main skip to sidebar Tired of London , Tired of Life One thing a day to do in London 7 September 2010 Find the Saint Sarkis Armenian Church Built in 1922-3, and paid for by Armenian businessman and philanthropist Calouste Gulbenkian , the Saint Sarkis Armenian Church , was designed by Mewés and Davis but , and modelled on a bell-tower in Haghpat Monastery in . Armenia It is located in Iverna Gardens , in Kensington , just a short distance from Kensington High Street , and apparently when Gulbenkian decided to fund it he was living in Paris but chose Mewés and Davis because he also maintained a permanent suite at the Ritz Hotel , which was also designed by Mewés and Davis , and he admired their Beaux-Arts approach to . architecture For more , see http : www.british-history.ac.uk
Updated: 2010-09-06 21:04:00

: Paul in London Paul is in London . So are seven million others . Monday , September 06, 2010 Scenes from West London A little bit of muscle and a big bang . Posted via email from paulinlondon's posterous Posted by Pauly Email This BlogThis Share to Twitter Share to Facebook Share to Google Buzz Labels : Flickr life in London muscles Photos : Reactions 1 comments : JohnnyFox said . it looks like he's reclining on tinfoil , so does it smell of over-basted roast turkey 7:28 AM Post a Comment Newer Post Older Post Home Subscribe to : Post Comments Atom About Me Pauly London , United Kingdom I am a thirty-something gay male from Australia living , working and blogging in SW London . My interests range from the oddities in local news and politics to music , literature , arts and theatre .
Updated: 2010-09-06 07:30:00
, : skip to main skip to sidebar Tired of London , Tired of Life One thing a day to do in London 6 September 2010 Look up at Centre Point Often dismissed by visitors and Londoners alike , Centre Point , at the junction of New Oxford Street and Charing Cross Road is actually a Grade II listed building , standing 385 ft and 32 floors tall . Whilst it is only the 27th tallest building in London today , when it opened in 1966 it was the tallest , and one of the first skyscrapers in . London The building famously stood empty for many years , as developer Harry Hyams wanted to rent it all to a single tenant , and was thought of by many as a symbol of the greed of property developers . It was eventually let , and has since been sold to another property company , Targetfollow , in October 2005.