• Londoners: Camera Man

    Updated: 2010-07-30 08:09:28
    Early morning in Spitalfields Market and camera man has fallen asleep. I walked by once and he was nodding off. When I walked by a second time, he was conked out. Couldn’t resist snapping a photo. Must have been a late night.  Notice his shirt says “tried”… should probably be “tired” instead!!

  • A Fish Pedicure in Camden

    Updated: 2010-07-29 08:08:35
    Long day walking the markets in Camden? Pop over to the Stables and visit Wonda Fish for a whole new “weird and wonderful” pedicure experience. You just sink your tired feet into a warm tub of water and relax while tiny Garra Rufa fish suck the dry skin off of your feet. Graham was up [...]

  • Sportswear International News

    Updated: 2010-07-28 16:04:30

  • Candy Machines in Bethnal Green

    Updated: 2010-07-28 08:03:08
    Found these candy/toy machines outside a corner shop in Bethnal Green. Took me back to the carefree days of childhood in New York, 10 cents in a slot and out popped a colourful candy necklace or bouncy Super Ball or some other simple piece of plastic that could keep you entertained for hours…

  • Drapers News + Margin to showcase host of new brands +

    Updated: 2010-07-27 16:00:06

  • Guest Post: 5 Unique Free London Activities

    Updated: 2010-07-27 08:01:31
    Written by Yuli Linssen-Kaminitz. Yuli is originally from Israel but has been living in Holland for the last couple of years with her Dutch husband. London has always seemed to her like a tempting place to run away to which might have to do with the fact that her mother used to live here when she was the same age as Yuli is [...]

  • SE18: The Out Crowd

    Updated: 2010-07-26 08:18:21
    Buckeroo Kid takes us into SE18, one place in London I have still to explore. Here’s a shot of some mannequins she shot in Woolwich and posted in the Flickr pool.

  • London Art Spot: A Small Break

    Updated: 2010-07-25 08:09:43
    Little London Observationist is taking a little London break from London Art Spot this week. Feel free to catch up on the archives or use the comments to talk about some of the London-based artists you’d like to see featured in future weeks. In the meantime, here’s a bit of Leake Street graffiti eye candy [...]

  • Listen to a Londoner: Luiz Hara

    Updated: 2010-07-24 08:12:38
    Listen to a Londoner is a weekly interview with a Londoner – someone who lives in this city, born here or elsewhere. If you want to be interviewed, email littlelondonobservationist@hotmail.co.uk. Luiz Hara Luiz’s London Foodie blog is a well known resource for Londoners looking for a range of delicious meal options, light snacks or unbeatable cocktails. He shares some [...]

  • Opera: Salome

    Updated: 2010-07-23 16:23:00
    : : Paul in London Paul is in London . So are seven million others . Friday , July 23, 2010 Opera : Salome Full frontal nudity , blood and violence never sounded and looked so good as it did in the Royal Opera's production of Salome which I caught last week . Richard Strauss based his one-act opera on Oscar Wilde's play , and gave his leading lady the enormous task of singing Wagnerian-like over a large orchestra , belting all the way . nbsp Angela Denoke in the title role could meet that task , although I was a little bewildered why she went from a delightful dinner party down to the cellar to speak to Jokanaan in the first place . Later , as Salome was dancing the dance of the seven veils , running from the dining room to the wash room , it felt more like dance of the seven rooms .

  • Theatre: Lingua Franca lost in translation

    Updated: 2010-07-23 16:19:00
    : : Paul in London Paul is in London . So are seven million others . Friday , July 23, 2010 Theatre : Lingua Franca lost in translation It always seems to be awfully warm when I head to the Finborough Theatre to see a show . Last year it was the excellent State Fair which is having another run at Trafalgar Studios . It was worth persevering with perspiration for that . This time around it was Peter Nichols's play Lingua Franca which alas , was not . This was a pity as the cast were great and there potentially was something interesting that could have emerged from the constant stream of monologues in search of a . story When you have a good cast with some great actors featuring I always assumed you could put up with them reading a phonebook . In this case , maybe the White Pages would have

  • Sad to Fall Asleep

    Updated: 2010-07-23 08:01:07
    I’m not entirely sure I agree with the message, but I love the fact that people use the empty walls of London to leave their thoughts and messages. Found this under a tunnel just off of Brick Lane on my way back from Spitalfields City Farm.

  • Hot news this week in London

    Updated: 2010-07-23 02:07:00
    : Paul in London Paul is in London . So are seven million others . Friday , July 23, 2010 Hot news this week in London Ping pong tables are popping up around London this week and are free to play . Providing you return the bats and balls . It's one of the initiatives to get people playing more sport possibly by blocking the walkway so you have no alternative Here's hoping we see surprise fencing tournaments start up next . Outdoor darts might be a step too far . It isn't an Olympic sport . Ping pong on Leather Lane in Farringdon Originally uploaded by Ping London Posted by Pauly Email This BlogThis Share to Twitter Share to Facebook Share to Google Buzz Labels : life in London sport : Reactions 0 comments : Post a Comment Newer Post Older Post Home Subscribe to : Post Comments Atom About

  • Little London Escapes: Spitalfields City Farm

    Updated: 2010-07-22 08:08:49
    Walk down Buxton Street from Brick Lane and you’ll find yourself face to face with grazing sheep and horses and a lovely garden. Spitalfields City Farm is the closest to the Square Mile and a nice little escape from the bustle of the markets. Here’s some pics. www.spitalfieldscityfarm.org

  • Theatre: Aspects of Love

    Updated: 2010-07-16 09:27:00
    : : Paul in London Paul is in London . So are seven million others . Friday , July 16, 2010 Theatre : Aspects of Love After a week away from London , I was back in town this week to see a preview with the West End Whingers and others of Andrew Lloyd Webber's Aspects of Love being revived at the Menier Chocolate Factory Some might say it is an odd sort of story with a few catchy tunes , others might say it is Lloyd Webber's best work . As I had not seen it before and hadn't been out for a while since being away I was keen to see this chamber musical . Well I was just to be out really but that's another matter . All told , I enjoyed the cast and the . production What works about this show is the cast and the production . It is a show centred around a few characters so it benefits from the

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