I am so very happy with both my Tuesday and Friday classes this Fall semester. The talent level is high and so is the energy. This year is going to be a blast. So who better to start off our sketchbook series for the Fall 2010 semester than with the highly energetic, passionate about animation, [...]
I was inspired to paint this red poppy micro because of its intense colors of reds, oranges and yellows. It is painted in Acrylics on a 8 x 10 canvas with
I recently watched a documentary titled “It might Get Loud”. A documentary on the electric guitar from the point of view of three significant rock musicians, the Edge, Jimmy Page and Jack White. It really had a profound affect on me. I have always considered visual artists and musical artists to be one in the [...]
When I am painting the background on a canvas, I sometimes mess it up, so I let it dry and then start again. Because I am painting over it again, sometimes
This figure drawing video lesson will get you started with drawing the human head proportions. Drawing the face is easy once you have mastered the basic proportions that this video will teach you. Study sheets are also included so you can follow along and practice on your own.
I have done some mats (table mats) on a bit of thin wood and painted a drawing on top with acrylic paints. Can I use the Golden Acrylic Polymer Varnish
Learn how anyone can draw cartoon animals that look amazing with the illustrated step by step tutorials and video lessons found on this page. If you're new to drawing, or even an old pro there's something here for the artist in each of us.
Learn how to draw a rhinoceros in this easy to follow drawing lesson. No experience is needed, and no worry about him charging off the page into your living room he's just too cute!
Dragonfly drawings don't need to be difficult. Follow along with this how to draw lesson and make your own cute drawing. This is an easy drawing is perfect for beginner artists.
Hi everyone wow it’s been a while. I’ve been super busy with the launch of my new panting site. So something had to slip and it was the podcast. Well the new site is launched and it is accessible to members of Drawing Tutorials Online only. At least for now. When I feel comfortable that [...]
In this drawing lesson you learn how to draw a rose with my detailed 10 steps instruction, going from basic sketch of the flower outline to shading your final rose drawing in fully rendered colors.
Knowing how to draw roses quickly with pencil or pen at hand is very useful in daily life. Show your appreciation and love for others with beautiful drawing of a rose.
Can you paint acrylic over a varnished acrylic painting - should you find you need to fix something in the painting that has only come to light after varnishing?
To me it is seeing what others miss. I'm forever looking around me wherever I happen to be. If I'm on a car trip, I love to look out and admire the scenery,
Hello everyone! My name is Elena.I never received any formal art training, never even attending a class on artistic composition. I was anxious to learn
I believe you need to make up your mind that you are an artist. As human beings we are creative and I do not believe there is good or bad art, there is