Step 1: Star by drawing a couple of curvy lines like in sample 1. Then depending on how thick you want your tribal tattoos to be, double up the lines like in sample 2. Step 2: Now add more curves and spikes if you wish like in sample 3. Once your happy with your design [...]
Step 1: A lower back tattoo is symmetrical so you need to start by designing one half of the drawing first. Start by sketching a vertical line like in sample 1 and then draw a curvy line on one side of it. Sample 2 shows the same curvy line but with more detail. Step 2: [...]
Step 1: Start by drawing a circle and oblong shapes for the thumb and fingers like in sample 1 below. Once we have our basic guide down we can mark out where the fingers will go like in sample 2. Step 2: With your guide in place you can now start to add detail, you [...]
Step 1: Start by drawing an tall thin oval like shape like in sample 1. This will be our guide and our flames will be worked on the inside of it. Sample 2 shows how the flames can be added. Just add a few squiggles like I’ve done here in sample 2 but make sure [...]
Step 1: The basic shape of an eye is oval so start by drawing an oval shape like in sample 1. Then position where the iris and pupil will go like in sample 2. Step 2: Now you’re ready to add the eyelids and eyelashes like in sample 3 and 4. Step 3: Once you’re [...]
Step 1: A wolfs face is kind of like a diamond shape. Sketch a similar shape to sample 1 and make sure to include the ears. Sample 2 shows how this guide is used to map out the face. Step 2: Once happy with the general layout you can now start to add some fur [...]
Step 1: For this guide I have chosen to use a symmetrical design, so start by drawing a vertical line and then work a design on one side of it. Start by drawing two ovals, the top one being the largest like in sample 1. Once you have your basic butterfly shaped wings down you [...]
Step 1: Start by sketching a large oval shape with a smaller oval shape in the upper middle like in sample 1 below. The large oval indicates the mane whereas the smaller oval is our guide for the lions face. The small circles are for the ears. Step 2: Once you’re happy with your lion [...]
Step 1: Before we add detail we need to understand how a koi fish is made up. Sample 1 below shows a general guide to start you off with. Once you have this guide down your ready to start adding detail. Step 2: Now start to add extra details like the scales, eye and feelers [...]
Step 1: Start by sketching an arc/semi circle shape like in sample 1 below. Then start to add triangular shapes for the fins and tail like in sample 2. Step 2: Once you have your general guide down you can start to add detail like below. Step 3: Once you’re happy with your dolphin lightly [...]
The classes being today at Digital Art Academy. New classes featured are Digital Painting with Adobe CS5 taught by Kirk Nelson and From Traditional to Digital-Painting Fundamentals taught by Marco Bucci. You can see the full line up at
My drawing has a cabin, a hundred trees, and a river my friends and family love it. It is black and white but, color would't make it good enough for this
these are the same lilies but have part or all of the back ground taken out...they are ready to use for painting.... I hope you will enjoy painting some
Learn canvas-stretching and prep your own canvas's in this oil painting lesson. Part of classical oil painting technique using stretcher bars, canvas pliers, and gesso.
These paintings were done in the early 80's when I was still in Oklahoma... Bugs and daisy were painted on sweat shirts, that was very popular back then,
I wanted to learn sculpture so took a class in collage in 1977, completed this green man , then my mother passed away and I moved, everything was different
I'm going to use acrylic paints on an unglazed ceramic plate. What varnish can I use? Hi Vimi, If you are going to paint with acrylics on unglazed ceramic
The subject for my acrylic painting is the Eiffel Tower at night with the sky as background. The Tower is lighted. How do I paint the radiance emanating
I have a 48 x 60 gallery wrapped canvas that has one corner that is warped. It will not hang flat against the wall when I am done with the intended artwork
Hi Everyone,
Lot’s of new stuff going on here at Drawing Tutorials Online. First let’s talk about this drawing tip. I would like to make a suggestion that you go to the book store and purchase any book on Anatomy. Why you ask? Well in the video below I talk about how sometimes we just don’t [...]
This painting was also done while I was in Oklahoma, in 1984 my husband passed away from Cancer, I stayed in Oklahoma until 1989 when My daughter finished