Updated: 2012-03-31 23:36:09
. var log mind Dhananjay Neneâ s opinions on programming , design , architecture and the internet RSS Blog Archives About Why OSGi Or Why Not Using It Makes Your JVM Runtime . Unsafe Jan 21 st 2012 Comments Not sure how long ago I started using OSGi . Perhaps it was 12 months ago or then perhaps 18. And yet I still find it painful using OSGi especially every time I bring in a foreign set of jars into the ecosystem . And yet I continue to be a dogged proponent . Hereâ s . why First let us understand one of the many problems OSGi solves . Let us imagine your java application has exactly three classes . One is the class you wrote called âMy.javaâ bundled in a jar called âmy.jarâ . Another is a class called âUses.javaâ whose api and features are leveraged by âMy.javaâ and is
Updated: 2012-03-29 14:12:00
K . Scott Allen Experiments In Writing Home A Simpler MapReduce with MongoDB and C Continuing from the previous post about MapReduce with MongoDB we can clean up the code a bit using an extension method that takes a single string parameter . var db server.GetDatabase( mytest var collection db.GetCollection( movies var results collection.MapReduce( CategorySummary foreach var result in results.GetResults( Console WriteLine(result.ToJson( The code no longer needs to embed JavaScript into the C code , or specify the map reduce options . Instead , the CategorySummary parameter tells the extension method everything it needs to know . First , it can load the map , reduce , and finalize functions from JavaScript files on the file system using the parameter to build the path to the files . Keeping
Updated: 2012-03-27 14:12:00
K . Scott Allen Experiments In Writing Home Custom Slider Value Display with jQuery UI The jQuery UI slider widget doesn't display it's current value by default . However , you can tap into the slide event and grab the current value from the second parameter passed to the event handler . The second parameter in a jQuery UI event handler is typically named ui and always contains some useful information about the state of the . widget function var ageInput ageInput var ageDisplay ageInput div var updateSliderValue function event , ui ageDisplay.text(ui.value ageInput.slider({ min : 0, max : 122, slide : updateSliderValue You can also position the display of the value above the slider handle thumb . The DOM element representing the slider thumb is passed in the ui parameter as the handle
Updated: 2012-03-27 04:41:56
When I wrote my summary of the conference, I forgot something very important: you can download nearly all of the Clojure/West 2012 presentations from github. Some of the files are quite large so you may not be able to simply view the raw PDF on github - you will probably have to clone the repo locally.
Updated: 2012-03-26 14:12:00
K . Scott Allen Experiments In Writing Home Readable DOM Ready Event Handlers One reason some people don't like JavaScript , I think , is because idiomatic JavaScript favors fewer keystrokes and CPU cycles over readability . There is a large amount of script code that is hard to read , and even harder to maintain and change . Take , for example , the following snippet . I think this represents a typical DOM ready event handler with jQuery . function warning dialog({ autoOpen : true openDialog click( function warning dialog( open submit click( function warning dialog( close names autocomplete({ source : Foo Bar Baz It's a wall of text written in the get in , get done , and get out style . The code requires some concentration to see what is happening inside . I think the code improves after
Updated: 2012-03-23 07:03:01
An Architect's View CFML , Clojure , Software Design , Frameworks and more . front page Archives Presentations Software RSS summary Clojure West 2012 March 23, 2012 No Comments My team recently attended the first Clojure West conference in San Jose , organized by Alex Miller , the man behind the incredible Strange Loop conference Back in November , I attended the second Clojure conj conference my first with one of my team , who took the three day Clojure training course . The training course was a bit of a firehose and during one of the conference sessions , my colleague asked me whether he was supposed to understand these mostly very advanced talks . The conj is an inspiring event : a single track of sessions that cover the leading edge of work in the Clojure community , philosophical
Updated: 2012-03-23 05:00:06
An Architect's View CFML , Clojure , Software Design , Frameworks and more . front page Archives Presentations Software RSS cf.Objective( 2012 Why You Should Attend March 22, 2012 No Comments I've attended every cf.Objective( since the first one in 2006. That first cf.Objective( was awesome Every one since has also been awesome . Since the demise of CFUnited , cf.Objective( is the biggest CFML event on the calendar . It offers the best CFML content in the world and these days it offers a lot more than CFML and it offers a unique combination of well-known speakers and new voices , something the conference has always prided itself . on So why should you attend this particular year Every year , our world of web development moves forward at what sometimes may seem like an ever-increasing pace
Updated: 2012-03-22 13:12:00
K . Scott Allen Experiments In Writing Home Cool Down with Canvas and JavaScript The idea is to use an image as a command button When the user clicks on the image , the image greys out and acts disabled for a period of time . The image slowly transitions back to an enabled state by letting color sweep around itself in a clock-like manner . There are hundreds of approaches you could use to implement the effect . My initial attempt used a single image and pixel manipulation in a canvas . I need to give credit to David Catuhe blog deltakosh for giving me the idea of using two images and a canvas . One image has color , and one image is in black and white . Selectively drawing the images into a canvas element can achieve the smooth World of Warcraft cool down effect , and the code is simple .
Updated: 2012-03-22 08:15:37
The Fabulous Clojure West Poll Alex Miller , the organized of Clojure West has announced that Rich Hickey will be talking about something new . The tweet said : Rich Hickey swore me to secrecy today about what he's been working on and will discuss at Clojure West . It's big . quot Whaddyathink Required What is Rich Hickey going to unveil at Clojure West They're moving off Jira One can . hope Clojure on the Objective-C runtime , working both for Cocoa and iOS ClojureOSX the start of work on Clojure in Clojure perhaps the announcement that the work has been in progress all along behind the scenes . re : CinC something completely unimagined by anyone outside of thinkrelevance : Other Powered by Google Docs Report Abuse Terms of Service Additional Terms
Updated: 2012-03-21 13:12:00
K . Scott Allen Experiments In Writing Home Yet Another Bundling Approach for MVC 4 ASP.NET MVC 4 allows you to bundle multiple JavaScript or CSS files into a single bundled download , and optionally minify the bundle to reduce the download size . John Peterson has a good introduction to the feature . I've been experimenting with an approach that lets me use the following code during application startup . BundleTable Bundles.Add( new RGraphBundle The RGraphBundle class lists all the JavaScript files needed for a certain feature , and sets the virtual path to reach the bundle . public class RGraphBundle JsBundle public RGraphBundle( base Rgraph AddFiles( Scripts Rgraph RGraph.common.core.js Scripts Rgraph RGraph.common.context.js Scripts Rgraph RGraph.common.zoom.js Scripts Rgraph