• Why OSGi? Or why not using it makes your JVM runtime unsafe.

    Updated: 2012-02-29 17:14:53
    . var log mind Dhananjay Nene†s opinions on programming , design , architecture and the internet RSS Blog Archives About Why OSGi Or Why Not Using It Makes Your JVM Runtime . Unsafe Jan 21 st 2012 Comments Not sure how long ago I started using OSGi . Perhaps it was 12 months ago or then perhaps 18. And yet I still find it painful using OSGi especially every time I bring in a foreign set of jars into the ecosystem . And yet I continue to be a dogged proponent . Here†s . why First let us understand one of the many problems OSGi solves . Let us imagine your java application has exactly three classes . One is the class you wrote called “My.java” bundled in a jar called “my.jar” . Another is a class called “Uses.java” whose api and features are leveraged by “My.java” and is

  • Primitive JavaScript (BYOSP Part 7)

    Updated: 2012-02-28 14:12:00
    K . Scott Allen Experiments In Writing Home Primitive JavaScript BYOSP Part 7 When starting into the animations I decided it was time to refactor . One problem was the little updateState calls floating around inside conditional logic always a bad sign . A second problem was the sheer number of strings and CSS selectors in the . code I've become more sensitive to primitive obsession in JavaScript . Some code I see is nothing but strings and numbers . I think the obsession hurts readability and maintainability . The selectors scattered in the slide presenter code do one of three things : get all slides , get the next slide , and get the previous slide . It would be nice to hide all of these behind tiny function abstractions . var slides function return section var nextSlide function return

  • Language detection, Devoxx talk, interviews and Clojure/West unessions

    Updated: 2012-02-28 08:00:00
    , , , , disclojure home latest archive follow subscribe Language detection , Devoxx talk , interviews and Clojure West unessions Feb 28 cld , a Clojure library for determining the language of some given text via cemerick Very neat . It wraps a library that will tell you in what language a text is written , or a list of the possible languages , and their . probabilities The Devoxx 2011 talk by Alex Miller on Cracking Clojure is now freely available via Devoxx An introductory talk to . Clojure Emblogginated take 5 kevin-lynagh via fogus This interview is with one of the first heavy users of ClojureScript . You can learn about the issues they found and what they’d like to see done in the ClojureScript . world Very nice podcast interview with Conrad Barski lisperati on the latest rubyrogues

  • Solr, LLVM, Distributed memoize, futuristic IDE in cljs, aaaand, Datomic!

    Updated: 2012-02-27 08:00:00
    , , , , , , disclojure home latest archive follow subscribe Solr , LLVM , Distributed memoize , futuristic IDE in cljs , aaaand , Datomic Feb 27 0.1a first release of Icarus , Solr API for Clojure . Simple expression of complex queries , query composition , etc . via matt_deboard Apache Solr is a search engine built on top of Apache Lucene an indexing and search library . This clojure wrapper lets you build queries the clojure . way’ LLVM Clojure Bindings via HNTweets Jason Jackson is experimenting with Clojure and llvm a is a collection of modular and reusable compiler and toolchain technologies” . Currently compiling a toy language with Clojure , generating an llvm-based executable first step from dynamic calls to C code Clojure-llvm Distributed caching and memoization with Immutant via

  • dosync+, clojure-tools, Engulf, Shen on Clojure, and more

    Updated: 2012-02-26 08:00:00
    , , , , , disclojure home latest archive follow subscribe dosync+ , clojure-tools , Engulf , Shen on Clojure , and more Feb 26 I got to interview hlship about Tapestry , Java and Clojure at QCon SF . Video is now on InfoQ via charleshumble Talks a little bit about cascade and how it is porting the bits from Apache Tapestry that make sense in . clojure dosync+ : dosync with event listener via yueliufeeds This is an interesting macro that allows for hooking callbacks on a dosync that will get called when a start , retry and committed takes . place I started a new Google Group for discussion collaboration among Clojure toolsmiths . Let's make Clojure tools rock via cemerick Let’s make it rock If you are working on tooling for clojure , head on to this mailing list . Surely there are other

  • What Web Developers Should Know About HTTP

    Updated: 2012-02-23 14:12:00
    K . Scott Allen Experiments In Writing Home What Web Developers Should Know About HTTP I tried to think of everything a web developer should know about HTTP , then recorded those things into a Pluralsight course : HTTP Fundamentals In the course you'll look at HTTP messages , message headers , cookies , caching , and authentication protocols . You'll see HTTP work from a low level TCP IP perspective using Wireshark and System.Net.Sockets But , you'll also see HTTP from a higher level architectural perspective and learn to think of the Web as an extension of your application's architecture . Persistent connections , proxy servers , and content negotiation it's all there . Give it a try . Print posted Thursday , February 23, 2012 9:12 AM Comments on this : entry No comments posted . yet Your

  • JVM lang popularity polls, Scala vs. Clojure, and CCW+lein

    Updated: 2012-02-23 08:00:00
    , . , , , disclojure home latest archive follow subscribe JVM lang popularity polls , Scala vs . Clojure , and CCW+lein Feb 23 Clojure doing increasingly well in JVM language popularity polls via mikera This is the other one These two polls differ quite a bit at the time of posting this , so take them with a grain of . salt Preliminary thoughts on via chlalanne This is an interesting read in which the author , which Iassume used Clojure quite a bit before trying Scala , provides an honest comparison of both environments , mostly from the numeric computation point of view . It is a very interesting . read Look , a Leiningen based classpath container via petitlaurent Oooo , it looks like Counterclockwise is about to get great Leiningen support . This picture shows building the classpath in

  • History and Hash Changes (BYOSP Part 6)

    Updated: 2012-02-22 14:12:00
    K . Scott Allen Experiments In Writing Home History and Hash Changes BYOSP Part 6 It's happened to everyone . You thought you typed Use Ruby To Capture Screen Shot into a slide , but somehow you hit the i key instead of the o key and didn't notice . Now the slide is presenting itself proudly in front of an  ultra-conservative Ruby programming crowd who is still amped up from drinking green tea all night . What to do You can open a text editor , fix the HTML , and refresh the browser . The slide is fixed , but the slide show always starts from the first slide so you've lost your position in the deck . The crowd grows even more restless . Let's see if we can prevent this sort of ugliness . The first step is to assign every slide an ID when the slide show starts . We'll put this logic in a

  • If programming languages were cars...

    Updated: 2012-02-22 08:00:00
    . , disclojure home latest archive follow subscribe If programming languages were cars . Feb 22 If programming languages were cars . via hzimpel Funny slow news day . today Tweet this post Follow disclojure Please enable JavaScript to view the comments or the social sharing . widgets Back to top Copyright 2009-2012 Antoni Batchelli

  • Media Queries (BYOSP Part 5)

    Updated: 2012-02-21 14:12:00
    K . Scott Allen Experiments In Writing Home Media Queries BYOSP Part 5 Occasionally it's useful to print a slide deck onto paper , or export a slide deck to PDF using a print driver . Unfortunately , printing the slide show in it's current form will only display the single , current slide . We can fix this by adding a CSS media query at the bottom of the . stylesheet media print{ page size landscape section opacity 1 height auto overflow auto page-break-after always Media queries are logical expressions that return true or false and are well supported in modern browsers When the expression returns true , the browser will apply the styles inside the expression to the current document . Inside the media query shown above , we'll turn on the display of all CSS media queries are powerful and

  • Lisp on FPGA, a time tracker for OSX, lein precation and a cljs tutorial

    Updated: 2012-02-21 08:00:00
    , , , , disclojure home latest archive follow subscribe Lisp on FPGA , a time tracker for OSX , lein precation and a cljs tutorial Feb 21 Lisp machine on . FPGA via nakkaya Well , well , well , why rely on a host OS and stuff like that when you can just run Lisp on specialized hardware No idea of how you go from this to a flashed FPGA Time to reach for that Verilog book and see if I can whip out a CinV in a couple of weeks now , where’s my hammock Atea : a free minimalistic status bar time tracker for MacOSin Clojure via HNComments Impressive simplicity and integration with . OSX Want to make sure your Clojure project is forward-compatiblewith Leiningen 2 technomancy has something for you via michaelklishin This is a novel idea . Instead of deprecating old features , you precate upcoming

  • Modernization (BYOSP Part 4)

    Updated: 2012-02-20 14:12:00
    K . Scott Allen Experiments In Writing Home Modernization BYOSP Part 4 What happens if someone using an old web browser wants to view our slides We can add the following div outside of the section elements containing the slide content . div id warning Your browser may not support the features needed to display these slides . div Following a long standing tradition amongst software developers , we are not going to the trouble of specifying exactly what might be missing . Instead , we are only hinting at a potential catastrophe to create an aura of mystery and suspense . We don't want the warning to display on the good browsers , though , so we'll turn the warning off by default using . CSS warning display none Now we can download a custom Modernizr build to detect the features required by

  • Clojure governance, JRuby wrappers, clj+cljs+overtone and much more!

    Updated: 2012-02-20 08:00:00
    , , , disclojure home latest archive follow subscribe Clojure governance , JRuby wrappers , clj+cljs+overtone and much more Feb 20 Clojure huh Clojure's Governance and How It Got That Way via craigandera Clojure Core explains its own view on why things move very slowly in Clojure . I’ll just reuse the article’s final paragraph : no one in the Clojure community owes anybody anything . If you want something , it’s not enough to ask for it , you need to be willing to do the work to make it happen . At the same time , don’t let a lukewarm response to ideas on the mailing list dissuade you from implementing something you think is valuable . It might just be that no one has time to think about it . Recall keyword arguments : more than two years from inception to completion Got a start on a JRuby

  • Poll: (Almost) Half Of You Voted For Clojure-in-Clojure

    Updated: 2012-02-16 08:00:00
    : , , disclojure home latest archive follow subscribe Poll : Almost Half Of You Voted For Clojure-in-Clojure To the question of What is Rich Hickey going to unveil at Clojure West the majority of respondents a 41 voted for Clojure-in-Clojure CinC Roughly half of these voters think work on CinC will start soon , while the other half think that the work is well under way and kept hidden from . us Clojure for Objective-C iOS cocoa was also quite popular at 22 while 17 of the respondents dodged the question by answering Something completely unimagined boo Of note are also the write-ins , which we are listing after the fancy pie . chart Now don’t forget to register for Clojure West today , as the prices are going up after this Friday Write-in Responses a Clojure-based operating system A

  • A clojurey Ring middleware and a ClojureScript cheatsheet

    Updated: 2012-02-15 08:00:00
    , , disclojure home latest archive follow subscribe A clojurey Ring middleware and a ClojureScript cheatsheet Feb 15 Announcing ring-clj-params via fogus This Ring middleware will take a clojure map as a parameter , eval it in clojure , and put the entries in that map into the parameters map of the request Oh yeah . I created a ClojureScript cheatsheet feedback welcomed via fogus The sources for this cheatsheet can be found on github Tweet this post Follow disclojure Please enable JavaScript to view the comments or the social sharing . widgets Back to top Copyright 2009-2012 Antoni Batchelli

  • The Great Clojure/West Poll is Here!

    Updated: 2012-02-15 08:00:00
    , disclojure home latest archive follow subscribe The Great Clojure West Poll is Here Loading . Tweet this post Follow disclojure Please enable JavaScript to view the comments or the social sharing . widgets Back to top Copyright 2009-2012 Antoni Batchelli

  • FW/1 1.2 and Open BlueDragon

    Updated: 2012-02-15 03:25:29
    An Architect's View CFML , Clojure , Software Design , Frameworks and more . front page Archives Presentations Software RSS FW 1 1.2 and Open BlueDragon February 14, 2012 No Comments A problem was with reported running FW 1 1.2 on OpenBD 2.0.2. It turned out to be a bug in how OpenBD resolves Java method calls and it only manifests in two of the example Application.cfc files not in the framework itself You can now download v1.2.1.zip which contains the updated examples . Note that the User Manager example has never run on OpenBD and , obviously , the Flex test in the remoting example won't run either Further , the problem with onError( still seems to be present in OpenBD 2.0.2 so if your FW 1 application hits an exception and triggers onError( it'll fail with a message about Variable

  • Build Your Own Slide Presenter: Part 2

    Updated: 2012-02-14 14:12:00
    : K . Scott Allen Experiments In Writing Home Build Your Own Slide Presenter : Part 2 The slide show project currently only shows one slide . I know a number of people who can talk for 75 minutes using one slide , but fortunately they've all retired from university life and taken their overhead projectors with them . Today's speakers need to show at least one Internet meme infested slide every 30 seconds to keep an audience alert and happy . We must find a way to allow a presenter to move through slides with a keystroke , or the swipe of the finger . We'll look at touch later , and work on just the keystrokes . One way to process keys is to use a giant switch statement . switch event.keyCode case 39 : that's the right arrow case 40 : down arrow etc . Let's try something different . We'll

  • 6 more videos of Clojure/Conj talks, plus a new nREPL with promise

    Updated: 2012-02-14 08:00:00
    , , , disclojure home latest archive follow subscribe 6 more videos of Clojure Conj talks , plus a new nREPL with promise Feb 14 6 more talks up featuring neal4d swannodette cgrand cemerick mmcgrana deepbluelambda via clojure_conj You know you could just now go and register for Clojure West and you wouldn’t have to cry over not having seen spectacular talks live , right nREPL 0.2.0-beta1 released , now w Ring-style middleware , handlers , etc everything you need to pimp your Clojure REPL . via cemerick nREPL is an initiative to provide an universal method to hook into Clojure’s repl . This is looks promising : My plans for the near future release an HTTP transport : a Ring handler that exposes nREPL as an HTTP API . 8221 A Clojure-in-the-Cloud Cloudjure you heard it first here , in .

  • RH's secret talk at C/W, a clojure-reader in clojure, and Clojure vs. Scala

    Updated: 2012-02-13 08:00:00
    , , . , , disclojure home latest archive follow subscribe RH's secret talk at C W , a clojure-reader in clojure , and Clojure vs . Scala Feb 13 When last year Rich Hickey said that he would be talking about something new” at the NYC Clojure Users Group meetup , disclojure ran a fun poll about what people thought the new thing’ would . be Last week Clojure West register now tweeted the following Rich Hickey swore me to secrecy today about what he’s been working on and will discuss at Clojure West . It’s big . 8221 This means it’s time for another . poll Please send your proposed options for the poll today Either by tweeting the option cc disclojure , or in the comments section in this post Find the intertweets below Added records , tagged literals and syntax quote unquote to clojure-reader

  • Clojure in Python or PyPy, monads, techno and much more!

    Updated: 2012-02-12 08:00:00
    , , , disclojure home latest archive follow subscribe Clojure in Python or PyPy , monads , techno and much more Feb 12 Lots of cool stuff today , so I tried to be . brief Fascinating discussion about implementing via eigenhombre There is also PyClojure which tries to implement Clojure on top of Python . proper The state monad via jimduey This is the fifth entry to this Mondads . tutorial Boots-n-Cats : Every Techno Song Ever In Clojure via hnfirehose OK , this article is a must read and must watch the included videos Making techno music with samples of the words boots” and cats” with the help of Overture . Epic Really hope this guy can get a Clojure in Clojure . going via da5ids I don’t think this is the first attempt at building Clojure in Clojure , but this thread in the Mailing List

  • Getting Started with ClojureScript and jQuery (and FW/1)

    Updated: 2012-02-11 19:54:50
    An Architect's View CFML , Clojure , Software Design , Frameworks and more . front page Archives Presentations Software RSS Getting Started with ClojureScript and jQuery and FW 1 February 11, 2012 No Comments About a week ago , I blogged about how to get started with ClojureScript and FW 1 and I showed some basic DOM manipulation functions that go down to the JavaScript metal . In any real world project , you're not going to want to do that you'll want to leverage a battle-tested , industrial-strength library for that . something like jQuery for example . Using an external JavaScript library with ClojureScript isn't entirely straightforward , unfortunately , mostly due to how names are exported and how the Google Closure compiler munges them in its efforts to produce minified . code

  • CCW 0.6 beta, introducing a new language at work, and Rich Hickey's best kept secret

    Updated: 2012-02-09 08:00:00
    , , , , disclojure home latest archive follow subscribe CCW 0.6 beta , introducing a new language at work , and Rich Hickey's best kept secret Feb 09 New Counterclockwise Beta released 0.6 via petitlaurent Biggest change : You can tweak the syntax coloring and raimbow parens are now optional . Check out the release notes Lessons learned while introducing a new language Clojure , in this case via philandstuff In 2008 I introduced Clojure into a DRW codebase . This blog entry focuses on the adoption lessons I’ve learned in the past few . years Rich Hickey swore me to secrecy today about what he's been working on and will discuss at Clojure West . It's . big via Clojure West Should we make a poll like we did for the ClojureScript announcement OK , I’ll start : ClojureBasic . Yeah , I think

  • TDD, Clojure in Tiobe 100, gov.uk and 'do' monad

    Updated: 2012-02-08 08:00:00
    , , , disclojure home latest archive follow subscribe TDD , Clojure in Tiobe 100, gov.uk and do' monad Feb 08 TDD in clojure with midje via agilogy This is about using mock functions to text your code , with the help of midje TIOBE Index for Feb.2012 Groovy is approaching the top 20, Clojure entered the top 100 via devstonez and before we get all too cocky , remember that Forth is at 37 Why the UK government is cooler than yours . despite not liking the ConDems via otfrom It looks like the UK’s Cabinet Office has released the beta of gov.uk and with this , they are also releasing a system to publicise many performance metrics of this system , done with clojure , node.js and other . technologies New post is up . Monad do' notation via jimduey This is the 4th installment of this excellent

  • In the process of building disclojure 2.0 ...

    Updated: 2012-02-08 08:00:00
    , disclojure home latest archive follow subscribe In the process of building disclojure 2.0 , All This recent lack of intertweets posts that has got you wondering if the Clojure world has stopped to a halt it hasn’t– is caused by me moving disclojure from WordPress to a better blogging service , for some definition of . better’ During this process I am also getting rid of the early 2000’s look and feel and moving to something more horrible the old UI was probably built by a web designer and the new one is built by me , and I can’t design . It will should look better on small screens , like iPhones and such , although I can only test with . iPhone The big design change is that the home page now only contains the latest post . Who cares about yesterday , right Well , if you do , then latest”

  • Getting Started with ClojureScript (and FW/1)

    Updated: 2012-02-06 02:32:30
    An Architect's View CFML , Clojure , Software Design , Frameworks and more . front page Archives Presentations Software RSS Getting Started with ClojureScript and FW 1 February 5, 2012 No Comments There's been quite a bit of buzz about ClojureScript since it's launch last July but it is a fast-moving target and a but daunting to get started with . Fortunately , there's a simple Leiningen plugin called lein-cljsbuild that can make it pretty simple to get up and running I'm going to assume you've already got Leiningen installed so let's get a small FW 1 application up and running and then add some ClojureScript to . it First off , we'll install the Leiningen plugin for FW 1 lein plugin install lein-fw1 0.0.6 Now let's create a skeleton FW 1 : application lein fw1 new fw1cljs If we drop into

  • Today in the Intertweets (Feb 2nd Ed)

    Updated: 2012-02-02 08:00:00
    , disclojure home latest archive follow subscribe Today in the Intertweets Feb 2nd Ed Web Application Development with Clojure – Part 3 via hisaitami This one covers getting data from the database  and rendering via . templates Now available online O'Reilly : the final draft of Clojure Programming by cemerick , briancarper , cgrand via ClojureBook 600+ pages of pure and unadulterated Clojure , all in one package My new blog is up First post : Monads are design patterns for DSL's via jimduey This post explains monads by using them in building a . DSL clj 0.0.1 Like json , but with clojure sexps via rubygems Oooo , now you can exchange cloure sexps back and forth with Ruby Good blog posting Java and Clojure How data structures influence language usage via staypufd You might have

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