Updated: 2023-03-31 18:37:28
Home FAQ Fund Research Services Investing Therapies Newsletter Archives Press Room Resources About Fight Aging Do you want to live a longer life in good health Simple practices can make some difference , such as exercise or calorie restriction . But over the long haul all that really matters is progress in medicine : building new classes of therapy to repair and reverse the known root causes of aging . The sooner these treatments arrive , the more lives will be saved . Find out how to help March 31st , 2023 Modeling a Cellular Cascade of Alzheimer's Disease Permalink No Comments Yet Add a Comment Posted by Reason Alzheimer's disease is complex and puzzling , and massively funded , high-profile efforts to find treatments for the condition have been failing for decades . The research
Updated: 2023-03-31 10:22:46
Home FAQ Fund Research Services Investing Therapies Newsletter Archives Press Room Resources About Fight Aging Do you want to live a longer life in good health Simple practices can make some difference , such as exercise or calorie restriction . But over the long haul all that really matters is progress in medicine : building new classes of therapy to repair and reverse the known root causes of aging . The sooner these treatments arrive , the more lives will be saved . Find out how to help March 31st , 2023 Cellular Senescence in Idiopathic Pulmonary Fibrosis Permalink No Comments Yet Add a Comment Posted by Reason This review paper goes into some detail regarding present thought on the role of senescent cells of different types in idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis Fibrosis in general is an
Updated: 2023-03-31 10:11:53
Home FAQ Fund Research Services Investing Therapies Newsletter Archives Press Room Resources About Fight Aging Do you want to live a longer life in good health Simple practices can make some difference , such as exercise or calorie restriction . But over the long haul all that really matters is progress in medicine : building new classes of therapy to repair and reverse the known root causes of aging . The sooner these treatments arrive , the more lives will be saved . Find out how to help March 31st , 2023 MANF Upregulation in Macrophages Improves Muscle Regeneration in Old Mice Permalink No Comments Yet Add a Comment Posted by Reason Regeneration following injury is an intricate , coordinated dance between stem cells various types of somatic cell and immune cells Age-related changes in
Updated: 2023-03-30 19:29:06
The adaptive immune system depends upon the thymus. Thymocyte cells are generated in the bone marrow and then migrate to the thymus, where they mature into T cells through a complex process of training and selection. The thymus is largest during development, up until the end of childhood. At that point it shrinks dramatically, and then the remainder undergoes a slow atrophy over the rest of a lifespan. In older people, the much reduced volume of active thymic tissue diminishes the supply of new T cells, leading to an adaptive immune system increasingly made up of broken, misconfigured, exhausted, and senescent cells. Finding ways to regrow the thymus is an ongoing endeavor, a number of companies taking a variety of approaches. Some are looking for […]
Updated: 2023-03-30 10:22:39
Home FAQ Fund Research Services Investing Therapies Newsletter Archives Press Room Resources About Fight Aging Do you want to live a longer life in good health Simple practices can make some difference , such as exercise or calorie restriction . But over the long haul all that really matters is progress in medicine : building new classes of therapy to repair and reverse the known root causes of aging . The sooner these treatments arrive , the more lives will be saved . Find out how to help March 30th , 2023 Complicating the Relationship Between Cellular Senescence and Late Life Depression Permalink No Comments Yet Add a Comment Posted by Reason Inflammatory signaling may be influential in major depressive disorder For any condition in which inflammation is important , attention should be
Updated: 2023-03-30 10:11:35
Fibrosis is a feature of the age-related decline of many organs and tissues, notably the heart, kidney, and liver, among others. It is a malfunction of normal tissue maintenance in which excessive extracellular matrix is created, leading to scar-like deposition that is disruptive to tissue structure and function. Chronic inflammation and the presence of senescent cells appear to be important in the development of fibrosis, but as yet the medical community lacks a proven approach to reversal of fibrosis. Much of the research continues to focus on finding regulatory genes that might be targeted in order to disrupt the formation of fibrotic structures, as in the example here, rather than looking at root causes. When an injury is on your skin, it shows up as […]
Updated: 2023-03-29 19:14:43
Home FAQ Fund Research Services Investing Therapies Newsletter Archives Press Room Resources About Fight Aging Do you want to live a longer life in good health Simple practices can make some difference , such as exercise or calorie restriction . But over the long haul all that really matters is progress in medicine : building new classes of therapy to repair and reverse the known root causes of aging . The sooner these treatments arrive , the more lives will be saved . Find out how to help March 29th , 2023 Aggrephagy in Hematopoietic Stem Cell Aging Permalink No Comments Yet Add a Comment Posted by Reason Autophagy is the name given to a complex , varied set of processes that tag and recycle broken or excess proteins and structures in the cell . The destination for materials to be
Updated: 2023-03-29 10:22:19
Semaglutide is probably the best known of the glucagon-like peptide-1 receptor agonists, a class of drug deployed to treat type 2 diabetes and other consequences of obesity. This is one of a number of classes of diabetes drug where there is some suspicion that maybe these small molecules can modestly slow aging through much the same set of mechanisms that help to steer the abnormal metabolism of obesity and diabetes into a modestly less terrible state, e.g. reduced blood glucose and inflammatory signaling. Equally, the data to support that belief is far from compelling, and the effect sizes are small in comparison to, say, those produced by exercise. An equally plausible explanation for observed effects is that drugs that promote weight loss and lower calorie […]
Updated: 2023-03-29 10:11:41
It is cheaper and faster to study aging - and potential approaches to treat aging - in short-lived species. The disadvantage is that much of what is learned and achieved will be irrelevant to aging as it occurs in longer-lived species such as our own. The response to calorie restriction, an upregulation of cellular housekeeping mechanisms that lengthens life, fortunately evolved early on in the development of life, and the biochemistry is surprisingly consistent even across widely divergent species. Thus much can be learned of it in lower animals with short life spans. Unfortunately, it turns out that this class of intervention doesn't affect life span in longer-lived species like our own to anywhere near the degree it does in short-lived species. This is the […]
Updated: 2023-03-28 19:22:50
The influential hallmarks of aging paper is now nearly ten years old. It has been twenty years since the Strategies for Engineered Negligible Senescence (SENS) categorization of causative mechanisms of aging was first put forward, an effort that inspired the hallmarks. Time moves on relentlessly! Are you feeling old yet? Unlike SENS, the hallmarks of aging made no attempt to be a to-do list of research and development approaches that we should be undertaking in order to effectively treat aging. They are, as it says on the label, hallmarks, observations of old cells and tissues. Nonetheless, a to-do list is somewhat the way in which the hallmarks have been taken in much of the research community, for better or worse. It is good that more […]
Updated: 2023-03-23 18:54:42
Damage in the human genome can be repaired. But this works better in germ cells, sperm and eggs, than in normal body cells. Responsible for this is the DREAM protein complex, which prevents the activation of all available repair mechanisms. A research team has now shown that normal body cells can also be repaired better once this complex has been deactivated. In the long run, the scientists hope to develop better therapies to prevent cancer and aging-associated diseases.
Updated: 2023-03-23 15:34:15
More magnesium in our daily diet leads to better brain health as we age, according to scientists.
Updated: 2023-03-23 00:09:47
Older adults with depression are actually aging faster than their peers, researchers report. They also have poor cardiovascular and brain health.
Updated: 2023-03-23 00:09:26
Changes in the brain caused by Alzheimer's disease are associated with shortening of the telomeres -- the protective caps on the ends of chromosomes that shorten as cells age -- according to a new study.
Updated: 2023-03-23 00:08:44
People who have low bone density may have an increased risk of developing dementia compared to people who have higher bone density. The study does not prove that low bone density causes dementia. It only shows an association.
Updated: 2023-03-21 18:51:43
Researchers find stem cells use a surprising system for discarding misfolded proteins. This unique pathway could be the key to maintaining long-term health and preventing age-related blood and immune disorders.
Updated: 2023-03-16 19:08:15
Decline in the hypothalamic Menin may play a key role in aging, according to a new study. The findings reveal a previously unknown driver of physiological aging, and suggest that supplementation with a simple amino acid may mitigate some age-related changes.
Updated: 2023-03-14 19:35:38
Skip to content Main Menu SHOP About Us Menu Toggle About Us Start Here Shaklee Products Anti Aging By Design Nutrition Menu Toggle Daily Vitamins and Plant Protein What Vitamins Should I Take : A Beginners Guide Kids Health and Nutrition Thoughts Menu Toggle Is your mindset important to your health Stress Keep Moving Menu Toggle Rebounding : Health Bounce and Mini Trampoline Workout How Can You Make Time To Exercise Skin Prove it Challenge Connect with us Resveratrol : My Favorite Anti Aging Supplement Leave a Comment Anti Aging Supplements Live Younger Longer By AntiAgingByDesign My favorite anti-aging supplement is resveratrol . The one I use has other nutrients included for an even better effect than resveratrol . alone Vivix resveratrol and more It is designed to help keep your cells
Updated: 2023-03-08 22:16:48
People with a recent diagnosis of atrial fibrillation (AF), the most common irregular heart rhythm, have a modestly higher risk of developing dementia than people without the condition, according to new research. The research involved nearly 197,000 patient records from Kaiser Permanente health systems in California. Half of the patients had been recently diagnosed with atrial fibrillation; their counterparts in the control group were selected for similar age and health profiles but did not have AF. Both patient groups' medical records were reviewed for three years, on average, to identify subsequent diagnoses of dementia, including Alzheimer's disease. Overall, people with newly diagnosed atrial fibrillation had a 13% higher risk of developing dementia.
Updated: 2023-03-08 22:15:50
Scientists have shed new light on aging processes in the brain. By linking the increased presence of specialized immune cells to conditions such as Alzheimer's disease and traumatic brain injury for the first time, they have unearthed a possible new target for therapies aimed at treating age-related neurological diseases.
Updated: 2023-03-08 16:21:44
Sarcoma is a rare and complex type of cancer of i.a. the bones and muscles. Now researchers have found a way to predict which sarcoma patients will benefit the most from a potential new treatment.
Updated: 2023-03-08 13:43:52
Having trouble sleeping? A new study examines the link between poor sleep and cardiovascular disease-free life expectancy.
Updated: 2023-03-03 22:58:47
Two studies found that adults who live a heart-healthy lifestyle tend to live longer and in optimal health compared to those with low cardiovascular health scores.