• MMSE and Copyrights Part II: Is the MMSE Derivative of Some Other Work?

    Updated: 2011-12-31 01:55:00
    : Pages Home About Videos Links Tweets Friday , December 30, 2011 MMSE and Copyrights Part II : Is the MMSE Derivative of Some Other Work A couple of days ago we covered Dr . John Newman's NEJM perspectives piece that focused attention on how a company , PAR , is trying to charge clinicians everytime they use the MMSE in clinical practice . To make matters worse , PAR is also trying to take down other tests , like the Sweet 16, that are thought to be derivative of the MMSE As upsetting as this is , it does beg the question of how the originators of the MMSE , Marshal and Susan Folstein , came up with their test , and whether it is derivative of any other previous cognitive . screens The origin of the MMSE , as claimed by the Folsteins and PAR , is as follows taken from the PAR blog We

  • Cognitive Function Linked to Later Subdural Hematoma

    Updated: 2011-12-30 13:00:00
    Reduced cognitive function in young adulthood was strongly associated with an increased risk for subdural hematoma later in life, results of a Swedish study showed.

  • Silent Strokes May Scatter Memory

    Updated: 2011-12-29 18:14:39
    Subclinical strokes seen on brain imaging may predict memory loss in older age, researchers found.

  • Study Suggests Synergism Between Medical Marijuana and Opiates

    Updated: 2011-12-28 18:55:00
    Home Hospice Blog Hospice News Feed Overview of Services Clinical Services Education Services Pharmacy Search Why Choose Us About Us Contact Us Subscribe by Email Your : email Free Whitepaper Outcome Resources on Facebook Hospice Action Network ALERTS Browse by Tag ABH Gel 1 Acetaminophen 4 Agitation 2 allergy 1 alprazolam 1 Alzheimer's 2 Angina 1 anorexia 2 antipsychotics 3 appetite 1 Arcapta Neohaler 1 Asthma 2 Ativan 1 Avinza 1 Baclofen 1 Beers Criteria 1 Benzodiazepines 1 bone metastases 1 bone pain 1 Boniva 1 Buprenorphine 2 cancer pain 2 cardiovascular 1 Celexa 1 Citalopram 1 compounded medication 1 constipation 3 COPD 7 Coronary Artery Disease 1 Corticosteroids 1 dabigatran 1 Darvocet 1 Darvon 1 DEA 3 Delirium 2 dementia 5 depression 3 Diazepam 1 Doxepin 1 drug disposal 1 drug

  • Pro-Bowl Player's Suicide Renews Head Trauma Debate

    Updated: 2011-12-23 13:55:00
    Our Year in Review series highlights the major medical news stories of 2011. Concerns over head trauma among football players and other athletes were amplified with the suicide death of pro football player Dave Duerson, who suffered depression that he feared was the result of a trauma-related brain ailment. Here, again, is the original article, first published on Feb. 25, 2011. In a companion article, you'll find out what's happened since.

  • Skinny Mice Offer Clue to Delayed Aging

    Updated: 2011-12-19 21:20:00
    Animal experiments have found a clue to why a low-calorie diet may put off aging and help prevent age-associated neurodegeneration, researchers reported.

  • Hospice Drug Shortage: Oxycodone Immediate-Release Tablets & Capsules

    Updated: 2011-12-19 16:38:00
    : Home Hospice Blog Hospice News Feed Overview of Services Clinical Services Education Services Pharmacy Search Why Choose Us About Us Contact Us Subscribe by Email Your : email Free Whitepaper Outcome Resources on Facebook Hospice Action Network ALERTS Browse by Tag ABH Gel 1 Acetaminophen 4 Agitation 2 allergy 1 alprazolam 1 Alzheimer's 2 Angina 1 anorexia 2 antipsychotics 3 appetite 1 Arcapta Neohaler 1 Asthma 2 Ativan 1 Avinza 1 Baclofen 1 Beers Criteria 1 Benzodiazepines 1 bone metastases 1 bone pain 1 Boniva 1 Buprenorphine 2 cancer pain 2 cardiovascular 1 Celexa 1 Citalopram 1 compounded medication 1 constipation 3 COPD 7 Coronary Artery Disease 1 Corticosteroids 1 dabigatran 1 Darvocet 1 Darvon 1 DEA 3 Delirium 2 dementia 5 depression 3 Diazepam 1 Doxepin 1 drug disposal 1 drug

  • How to Choose an NSAID for Hospice Patients, Part 3

    Updated: 2011-12-16 15:56:00
    , Home Hospice Blog Hospice News Feed Overview of Services Clinical Services Education Services Pharmacy Search Why Choose Us About Us Contact Us Subscribe by Email Your : email Free Whitepaper Outcome Resources on Facebook Hospice Action Network ALERTS Browse by Tag ABH Gel 1 Acetaminophen 4 Agitation 2 allergy 1 alprazolam 1 Alzheimer's 2 Angina 1 anorexia 2 antipsychotics 3 appetite 1 Arcapta Neohaler 1 Asthma 2 Ativan 1 Avinza 1 Baclofen 1 Beers Criteria 1 Benzodiazepines 1 bone metastases 1 bone pain 1 Boniva 1 Buprenorphine 2 cancer pain 2 cardiovascular 1 Celexa 1 Citalopram 1 compounded medication 1 constipation 3 COPD 7 Coronary Artery Disease 1 Corticosteroids 1 dabigatran 1 Darvocet 1 Darvon 1 DEA 3 Delirium 2 dementia 5 depression 3 Diazepam 1 Doxepin 1 drug disposal 1 drug

  • Delirium Linked to Contact Protocol

    Updated: 2011-12-15 14:28:30
    Hospitalized patients who are transferred to isolation after admission have a greater risk for developing delirium than patients who are admitted to hospitals under contact precautions, according to an analysis of patient records from a large Maryland hospital.

  • How to Choose an NSAID for Hospice Patients, Part 2

    Updated: 2011-12-13 15:12:00
    , Home Hospice Blog Hospice News Feed Overview of Services Clinical Services Education Services Pharmacy Search Why Choose Us About Us Contact Us Subscribe by Email Your : email Free Whitepaper Outcome Resources on Facebook Hospice Action Network ALERTS Browse by Tag ABH Gel 1 Acetaminophen 4 Agitation 2 allergy 1 alprazolam 1 Alzheimer's 2 Angina 1 anorexia 2 antipsychotics 3 appetite 1 Arcapta Neohaler 1 Asthma 2 Ativan 1 Avinza 1 Baclofen 1 Beers Criteria 1 Benzodiazepines 1 bone metastases 1 bone pain 1 Boniva 1 Buprenorphine 2 cancer pain 2 cardiovascular 1 Celexa 1 Citalopram 1 compounded medication 1 constipation 3 COPD 7 Coronary Artery Disease 1 Corticosteroids 1 dabigatran 1 Darvocet 1 Darvon 1 DEA 3 Delirium 2 dementia 5 depression 3 Diazepam 1 Doxepin 1 drug disposal 1 drug

  • Brain Atrophy Tied to Cognition Loss in Parkinson's

    Updated: 2011-12-13 04:00:00
    Brain atrophy in Parkinson's disease correlates with cognitive decline, which worsens with the degree of tissue shrinkage, investigators reported.

  • How to Choose an NSAID for Hospice Patients, Part 1

    Updated: 2011-12-09 16:12:00
    , Home Hospice Blog Hospice News Feed Overview of Services Clinical Services Education Services Pharmacy Search Why Choose Us About Us Contact Us Subscribe by Email Your : email Free Whitepaper Outcome Resources on Facebook Hospice Action Network ALERTS Browse by Tag ABH Gel 1 Acetaminophen 4 Agitation 2 allergy 1 alprazolam 1 Alzheimer's 2 Angina 1 anorexia 2 antipsychotics 3 appetite 1 Arcapta Neohaler 1 Asthma 2 Ativan 1 Avinza 1 Baclofen 1 Beers Criteria 1 Benzodiazepines 1 bone metastases 1 bone pain 1 Boniva 1 Buprenorphine 2 cancer pain 2 cardiovascular 1 Celexa 1 Citalopram 1 compounded medication 1 constipation 3 COPD 7 Coronary Artery Disease 1 Corticosteroids 1 dabigatran 1 Darvocet 1 Darvon 1 DEA 3 Delirium 2 dementia 5 depression 3 Diazepam 1 Doxepin 1 drug disposal 1 drug

  • Hospice Medication Alert: Pradaxa® Under FDA Investigation

    Updated: 2011-12-08 14:51:00
    : Home Hospice Blog Hospice News Feed Overview of Services Clinical Services Education Services Pharmacy Search Why Choose Us About Us Contact Us Subscribe by Email Your : email Free Whitepaper Outcome Resources on Facebook Hospice Action Network ALERTS Browse by Tag ABH Gel 1 Acetaminophen 4 Agitation 2 allergy 1 alprazolam 1 Alzheimer's 2 Angina 1 anorexia 2 antipsychotics 3 appetite 1 Arcapta Neohaler 1 Asthma 2 Ativan 1 Avinza 1 Baclofen 1 Beers Criteria 1 Benzodiazepines 1 bone metastases 1 bone pain 1 Boniva 1 Buprenorphine 2 cancer pain 2 cardiovascular 1 Celexa 1 Citalopram 1 compounded medication 1 constipation 3 COPD 7 Coronary Artery Disease 1 Corticosteroids 1 dabigatran 1 Darvocet 1 Darvon 1 DEA 3 Delirium 2 dementia 5 depression 3 Diazepam 1 Doxepin 1 drug disposal 1 drug

  • Move from Mexico to U.S. Tied to Conduct Disorder

    Updated: 2011-12-06 15:21:58
    Mexicans immigrating to the U.S. may be placing themselves at risk for conduct disorder, researchers found.

  • Hockey Player, 28, Called Latest CTE Victim

    Updated: 2011-12-06 04:00:23
    Brain autopsy results on Derek Boogaard, the National Hockey League player found dead last May at age 28, indicated that he suffered from chronic traumatic encephalopathy, the ALLNew York Times reported.

  • Researchers Block Morphine-Induced Pruritis

    Updated: 2011-12-05 16:53:00
    Home Hospice Blog Hospice News Feed Overview of Services Clinical Services Education Services Pharmacy Search Why Choose Us About Us Contact Us Subscribe by Email Your : email Free Whitepaper Outcome Resources on Facebook Hospice Action Network ALERTS Browse by Tag ABH Gel 1 Acetaminophen 4 Agitation 2 allergy 1 alprazolam 1 Alzheimer's 2 Angina 1 anorexia 2 antipsychotics 3 appetite 1 Arcapta Neohaler 1 Asthma 2 Ativan 1 Avinza 1 Baclofen 1 Beers Criteria 1 Benzodiazepines 1 bone metastases 1 bone pain 1 Boniva 1 Buprenorphine 2 cancer pain 2 cardiovascular 1 Celexa 1 Citalopram 1 compounded medication 1 constipation 3 COPD 7 Coronary Artery Disease 1 Corticosteroids 1 dabigatran 1 Darvocet 1 Darvon 1 DEA 3 Delirium 2 dementia 5 depression 3 Diazepam 1 Doxepin 1 drug disposal 1 drug

  • Treating Pain to Reduce Behavioral Disturbances in Dementia

    Updated: 2011-12-05 16:00:00
    Pages Home About Videos Links Tweets Monday , December 5, 2011 Treating Pain to Reduce Behavioral Disturbances in Dementia There have been a lot of pharmacologic and non-pharmacologic interventions proposed for the all too common behavioral complications of dementia Some non-pharmacologic methods have shown to be successful in reducing not only the number of troubling dementia related behaviors , but also in improving caregiver burden read about the REACH VA here Pharmacologic interventions have not had similar success , although you wouldn’t guess that based on current prescribing habits . Many health care providers still write for mood stabilizers , like valproic acid , despite a high risk of side effects when used in this population and the paucity of evidence showing any effectiveness

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