• The Biggest Questions in Palliative Care and Geriatrics Finally Answered

    Updated: 2011-10-21 22:32:00
    Pages Home About Videos Links Tweets Friday , October 21, 2011 The Biggest Questions in Palliative Care and Geriatrics Finally Answered Every week we have been posting a lot of questions on GeriPal about some of the biggest issues in geriatrics and palliative care . These range from how to define our professions both in geriatrics and palliative care how to communicate with patients and family members , and how best manage serious progressive illness . nbsp The thing is , it turns out to be a lot of work to think through these questions . nbsp What if there was a better way An easier way Well , thanks to the power of Alex’s new iPhone 4s , there may be . We found that Siri , the new iPhone’s personal digital assistant , can tackle some of the biggest issues in both geriatrics and

  • Vision Problems as Seniors Age

    Updated: 2011-10-18 22:05:00
    Filter by APML Home Archive Contact Subscribe Log in Vision Problems as Seniors Age by CHritz 19. October 2011 02:05 Today , roughly more than 6.5 million Americans over the age of 65 have a severe visual impairment . By 2030, medical experts predict that vision loss and severe visual impairment will double as the country's 78 million baby boomers reach retirement age and beyond . According to the National Eye Institute , the risk of vision loss and blondness increase signifigantly with age , particularly in those over the age of 65. With the number of Americans over 65 doubling to 71.5 million by 2030, roughly 20 percent of the population will be facing fears of vision loss and decreased . independence To help families , senior home care providers , nursing specialists and those directly

  • No Need to Perfuse Brain in Pulmonary Endarterectomy

    Updated: 2011-10-14 14:00:00
    During pulmonary endarterectomy for chronic thromboembolic pulmonary hypertension, continuously maintaining brain perfusion provides no advantage over periods of deep hypothermic circulatory arrest of up to 20 minutes, a randomized trial showed.

  • Inappropriate prescribing

    Updated: 2011-10-14 00:47:00
    Pages Home About Videos Links Tweets Thursday , October 13, 2011 Inappropriate prescribing It's been a while since I posted but I had to share frustration This week I saw a new patient who has been receiving prescriptions for Librium and Serax benzodiazepine from her dentist oral doctor . That was only one of a long list of issues this woman had which were concerning to me . But when there's a trickle , there's a flood . I also just received notice of a new referral for a woman needing geriatrics care whose ophthalmologist has been filling her ativan . These specialists may very well be well-meaning , trying to help these women's anxiety in the face of either poor or lack of primary care . But the unintended consequences of such prescribing is frightful to think . of It raises for me the

  • Flu Vaccine for Seniors

    Updated: 2011-10-11 21:40:00
    Filter by APML Home Archive Contact Subscribe Log in Vision Problems as Seniors Age Flu Vaccine for Seniors by CHritz 12. October 2011 01:40 While the beginn ing of fall typically marks the time of the year when kids are going back to school , it aslo signals the begninning of flu season . Anyone involved in the elderly care home nursing or senior living industries knows how important protecting seniors against the flu or others diseases can . be Many of our senior patients at Interim HealthCare incorrectly assume the vaccines they received as children will protect them for the rest of their lives . Generally this is true , except : that Some adults were never vaccinated as children Never vaccines were not available when some adults were children Immunity can begin to fade over time After

  • What it Means to be a Caregiver

    Updated: 2011-10-06 14:51:00
    Filter by APML Home Archive Contact Subscribe Log in What it Means to be a Caregiver by CHritz 6. October 2011 18:51 According to AARP , one in four American adults help provide senior home care to an older parent , spouse , adult relative or loved one . Family support is critical for seniors to remian in their homes and in their communities , but it often comes at a substantial cost . Valuing the : Invauable 2011 Update The Growing Contributions and Costs of Family Caregiving , stated that in 2009 about 42.1 million family caregivers in the U.S . provided care to an adult with limitations in daily activities at any given point in time , and about 61.6 million provided care at some time during the year . The estimated economic value of their unpaid contributions was approximately 450

  • Boniva vs. Radiation for Bone Pain in Prostate Cancer Patients

    Updated: 2011-10-04 14:49:00
    . Home Hospice Blog Hospice News Feed Overview of Services Clinical Services Education Services Pharmacy Search Why Choose Us About Us Contact Us Subscribe by Email Your : email Free Whitepaper Outcome Resources on Facebook Hospice Action Network ALERTS Browse by Tag ABH Gel 1 Acetaminophen 3 Agitation 2 alprazolam 1 Alzheimer's 2 anorexia 2 antipsychotics 2 appetite 1 Arcapta Neohaler 1 asthma 1 Baclofen 1 bone metastases 1 bone pain 1 Boniva 1 Buprenorphine 2 cancer pain 2 Celexa 1 Citalopram 1 compounded medication 1 constipation 2 COPD 6 Darvocet 1 Darvon 1 DEA 3 Delirium 2 dementia 5 depression 3 Doxepin 1 drug disposal 1 drug shortages 2 dyspnea 1 Exalgo 1 FDA 18 FDA REMS 5 fentanyl 4 flu vaccine 1 hiccups 1 hospice 25 Hospice Action Network 2 hospice advocacy 2 hospice clinical 9

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