Copying a calculated cell from Numbers into Pages - two workarounds and Apple's Copy Snapshot answer
Updated: 2024-11-24 22:40:00
: . Gordon's Tech Tech tips and notes with a bit of commentary . macOS and iOS . mostly Sunday , November 24, 2024 In 2024 you still can't copy a calculated cell from Numbers into Pages . You can't copy a Numbers calculated cell , like one formed by concatenating strings in other cells , into Pages . The formula is pasted instead , typically with an error icon absent references It's apparently been a problem for all eternity , though I just ran into it . recently There's some kind of shades-of-macOS Classic Publish Subscribe paste functionality that works if the Numbers source is non-calculated . But that functionality breaks calculated . cells The workaround is to paste into something like or or pretty much anything but Pages . Then copy paste that into . Pages at