• Research team estimates 13 million deaths worldwide from COVID-19 vaccines

    Updated: 2023-02-28 16:47:00

  • The UK is “rationing” vegetables…& it’s all about normalization

    Updated: 2023-02-28 15:00:18
    Kit Knightly The past few days have seen certain fruits and vegetables “rationed” by major UK supermarkets. Aldi, Morrisons, Tesco and Sainsbury’s have all put limits on customer purchases of peppers, tomatoes and cucumbers. Just yesterday, Lidl added their own name to that list. Many – including Justin King, former Sainsbury’s CEO – have jumped …

  • Ukraine! Ukraine! Ukraine! PM Trudeau and Premier Ford attended a rally in Toronto last Friday – and all they wanted to talk about was… Ukraine

    Updated: 2023-02-27 22:08:25

  • WATCH: Canada Criminalizes Dissent

    Updated: 2023-02-27 14:00:24
    The freedom convoy commission has delivered its verdict: dissent is now illegal whenever the government declares it so! Find out about the commission’s final report and what it means for Canadians and freedom lovers the world over on this important edition of The Corbett Report. For sources show notes and download options for this episode …

  • Roald Dahl: The first man down the memory hole

    Updated: 2023-02-26 18:00:51
    Kit Knightly The first shocking censorship of 2023 dropped last week. As covered by CJ Hopkins in his most recent column, Roald Dahl’s publishers have hired a team of “sensitivity readers”, in order to edit the next edition of Dahl’s books to remove outdated language. According to this piece in The New Statesman: The changes …

  • …A LIE SO BIG…

    Updated: 2023-02-26 08:00:53
    RK Winfield Yes, all the world a stage[1], Turned to a theatre of deceit When “Money” directs the plays. Then, it’s lies, lies, endless…the lies! All ‘agents provocateurs’ and ‘false flags’ these days. Inconvenient truths just don’t make the grade, Won’t find their way onto newspaper pages, Bought newspaper pages, Bought lies. And all of …

  • AUDIO: Kit Knightly talks Nordstream 2 Sabotage

    Updated: 2023-02-25 19:00:53
    On his latest appearance on Perspective, OffG editor Kit Knightly and host Jesse Zurawell discuss our recent article on Sy Hersh’s Nordstream 2 “revelations”. The talk ranges across the history of the conflict in Ukraine, how it furthers the same agenda as Covid, how the war might end, the nuclear “near miss” scenario and the …

  • The World is Ending, Buckle Up

    Updated: 2023-02-25 07:00:04
    Todd Hayen If what is now happening and about to happen is not stopped, the world as we know it, will cease to exist. This is NOT hyperbole, it is rational truth. Exactly what this will look like, nobody knows, but we can certainly guess, and it is only the details we are uncertain of. …

  • Yakety Yat Chat

    Updated: 2023-02-24 08:00:34
    Sylvia Shawcross Now I know I promised last time that I might tell you the tragic tale of the Luna moth during its larval development but it is such a dreadfully sad story and given the woebegotten way the world is, I just couldn’t bring myself to subject readers to such a thing right now. …

  • In The Flesh: The Oxford Anti-LTN March

    Updated: 2023-02-23 11:30:40
    JJ Starky Some protests are torrid affairs. Others can prove enlightening. The march last Saturday in the heart of Oxford was the latter. Attendees rocked up nearly 2 hours before the scheduled meet, poised with their homemade placards, ready to dissent. It was truly an eclectic mix. Tweed jackets juxtaposed grey baggy trackies, edgy high-tops …

  • The War on Insensitivity

    Updated: 2023-02-22 08:00:11
    CJ Hopkins So, here’s a “conspiracy theory” for you. This one is about the global-capitalist thoughtpolice and their ongoing efforts to purge society of “insensitivity.” Yes, that’s right, insensitivity. If there is anything the global-capitalist thoughtpolice can’t stand, it is insensitivity. You know, like making fun of ethnic or religious minorities, and the physically or …

  • Optimizing Vector Delivery to Reduce Risk: Q&A With Beverly Davidson, PhD, and Misun Hwang, MD

    Updated: 2023-02-06 00:00:00
    Two scientists with unique skill sets are developing an alternative method for gene therapy delivery with support from a CGTC Seed Grant.

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