Reverse-slope hearing loss, also known as low-frequency hearing loss, is a rare type of hearing loss that makes it harder to hear low-pitched sounds such as men's voices and thunder. Find out how it affects your hearing and what you can do about it.
Emerging research indicates that vinpocetine, folate, B vitamins, carotenoids, and omega-3s have the potential to boost hearing health, but experts stress caution, especially for tinnitus.
My experience wearing a CROS hearing aid to help with my single-sided deafness. Ultimately, I decided the device's disadvantages outweighed its advantages.
Modern hearing aids have lots to help reduce the burden of noisy background environments. But you can also improve your ability to hear speech in noise by using assistive listening devices and methods like auditory training.
It's common for tinnitus patients to feel dismissed by their doctors, and to lose hope in the process. Here's why that happens so often, and what you can do to feel better.
Some types of cancer treatment, especially cisplatin, can cause hearing loss, tinnitus and dizziness. Find out why this happens and what you can do about it.
The human ear is amazing, capable of transforming sound waves into electrical impulses interpreted by the brain. Here's a step-by-step explanation on how humans hear.
Millions of Americans are exposed to noise pollution every day that causes hearing loss and a host of other health conditions. Find out how to reduce noise pollution and preserve your well-being.
Regulations from OSHA help protect workers from harmful levels of workplace noise. Learn what your rights are and what you can do if your employer is not protecting you from noise-induced hearing loss.
It's not unusual for people with untreated hearing loss to also struggle with depression, irritability and anger. Fortunately, hearing aids and other treatments can go a long way in helping with mental health problems.
For people with hearing loss, listening fatigue hits you harder and faster than people with normal hearing. In fact, ear fatigue is considered an early warning sign of hearing loss. Fortunately, hearing aids can help.
Learn about ReSound Nexia hearing aids and how Auracast broadcast audio, a new Bluetooth capability, and Intel can enrich your hearing and open up a new world of socializing, connecting, streaming…
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People with tinnitus often struggle with negative thoughts. A technique known as cognitive reframing can be a helpful way to ease distressing emotions and thoughts.