Updated: 2023-07-31 16:07:43
Many substances change their properties when they are cooled below a certain critical temperature. Such a phase transition occurs, for example, when water freezes. However, in certain metals there are phase transitions that do not exist in the macrocosm. They arise because of the special laws of quantum mechanics that apply in the realm of nature's smallest building blocks. It is thought that the concept of electrons as carriers of quantized electric charge no longer applies near these exotic phase transitions. Researchers have now found a way to prove this directly. Their findings allow new insights into the exotic world of quantum physics.
Updated: 2023-07-31 05:23:05
Researchers offer insight into the source of cosmic magnetic fields. The research team used models to show that magnetic fields may spontaneously arise in turbulent plasma. Their simulations showed that, in addition to generating new magnetic fields, the turbulence of those plasmas can also amplify magnetic fields once they've been generated, which helps explain how magnetic fields that originate on small scales can sometimes eventually reach to stretch across vast distances.
Updated: 2023-07-28 16:34:06
Using ultra-high-precision laser spectroscopy on a simple molecule, a group of physicists has measured the wave-like vibration of atomic nuclei with an unprecedented level of precision. The physicists report that they can thus confirm the wave-like movement of nuclear material more precisely that ever before and that they have found no evidence of any deviation from the established force between atomic nuclei.