20 W HF Power Amplifier, Tri-Band VHF/UHF Antenna Design, Building The Fox-in-a-Box, Aircraft Scatter ACS, Airplane scattering, Taking a look at the 900 MHz band, Thevenin equivalent calculator,
The ID-50 is a compact VHF/UHF dual bander with both D-STAR and FM dual modes. Connecting to the D-STAR network, you can call a friend in another city, or other regions around the world with the ID-50. Smart functions such as Band Scope and Picture Sharing function enhance your QSO experience.
Antennas/30MThis article describes the construction of a 9,50 m long dipole for the 30 m band (10.1 MHz to 10.15 MHz). It was designed to be mounted ca. 6 m above ground inside an attic. The calculations were performed by OE1MEW
Technical Reference/Radio Frequency Interference/Noise ReductionIf RF noise threatens to take your hobby away, this could be probably a good solution to reduce or even eliminate RF Noise.
Technical Reference/Raspberry PiRemote Ham Radio via WebRTC Audio Raspberry Pi 3. Stream Transceiver Audio to and from the remote station though a Browser using WebRTC.
Software/DatabasesThis script queries the QRZ.com callsign database and returns the result to the command line. A XML subscription plan with QRZ.com is required for full functionality. QRZ.com callsign data query script written in Bash
Antennas/YagiThis article describes the phases for the construction of a Yagi antenna. The calculations of the parameters are made using 4NEC2 software. This type of antenna is used for transmissions and receptions of electromagnetic waves. The project shown here refers to the frequency of 433.92 MHz.
Technical Reference/BatteriesA free educational website offering hands-on battery information. The tutorials evaluate the advantages and limitations of diverse battery chemistries, advise on best choices, and suggest ways to extend life.