• Admissions Requirements for Psychology Schools

    Updated: 2023-09-30 19:09:59
    : About Bookstore Contact Podcasts Home About Bookstore Contact Us Podcasts EN Explore 431 Tip Sites Search 120,491 Tips Accounting Degree Accounting Jobs Accounting Software Acting ADD-ADHD Adoption Adventure Travel Affiliate Marketing Air Force Air Quality ALS Alzheimers Anger Management Antiaging Antique Appliance Repair Army Arthritis Art Supplies As Seen On TV Asthma Auction Autism Auto Accessories Auto Loans Auto Parts Auto Transport Baby Baby Gifts Baby Shower Babysitter Baby Travel Bachelor Degree Bachelorette Party Backpain Balance Bankruptcy Barbecue Baseball Basketball Beach Beadwork Bedding Bicycle Bingo Binoculars Birth Control Birthday Blogging Boat Body Jewelry Book Bra Breast Cancer Breastfeeding Bridal Beauty Business Degree Business Intelligence Business Management

  • AI, a boon for science and a disaster for creatives

    Updated: 2023-09-29 05:00:00
    : , Deric's MindBlog This blog reports new ideas and work on mind , brain , behavior , psychology , and politics as well as random curious stuff . Try the Dynamic Views at top of right column . Friday , September 29, 2023 AI , a boon for science and a disaster for creatives The Sept . 16 issue of the Economist has two excellent articles : How artificial intelligence can revolutionise science and How scientists are using artificial intelligence I pass on here some edited clips from the first of these articles . I also want to point to much less benign commentary on how AI is moving toward threatening the livelihoods of creators of music , art , and literature : The Internet Is About to Get Much . Worse Could AI turbocharge scientific progress and lead to a golden age of discovery Some

  • Approaches to Illustrations (Updated 27.9.23)

    Updated: 2023-09-27 21:41:06
    I’ve been exploring the use of generative AI for images which has taken me on a journey. With my primary interest being psychiatry and the images being secondary I have limited my approach. Firstly there are the more practical applications. Secondly there is the relationship with the theoretical underpinnings. I am writing about this second […]

  • Memory for stimulus sequences unique to humans?

    Updated: 2023-09-27 05:00:00
    : Deric's MindBlog This blog reports new ideas and work on mind , brain , behavior , psychology , and politics as well as random curious stuff . Try the Dynamic Views at top of right column . Wednesday , September 27, 2023 Memory for stimulus sequences unique to humans Continuing the never-ending quest to find fundamental human abilities or behaviors lacking in other animals many , like the mirror recognition test , have failed Lind et al . find that bonobo chimpanzees fail to remember the order of two stimuli even after 2,000 trials . I pass on their abstract below . They suggest the ability to remember sequences may be an ability that sets humans apart from other animals . Hmmmmm , maybe the bonobos just don't think the task is important They should try the test on ravens and crows that

  • Emergent analogical reasoning in large language models

    Updated: 2023-09-25 05:00:00
    : Deric's MindBlog This blog reports new ideas and work on mind , brain , behavior , psychology , and politics as well as random curious stuff . Try the Dynamic Views at top of right column . Monday , September 25, 2023 Emergent analogical reasoning in large language models Things are moving very fast in AI development . From Webb et al The recent advent of large language models has reinvigorated debate over whether human cognitive capacities might emerge in such generic models given sufficient training data . Of particular interest is the ability of these models to reason about novel problems zero-shot , without any direct training . In human cognition , this capacity is closely tied to an ability to reason by analogy . Here we performed a direct comparison between human reasoners and a

  • Chemistry that regulates whether we stay with what we're doing or try something new

    Updated: 2023-09-20 05:00:00
    : Deric's MindBlog This blog reports new ideas and work on mind , brain , behavior , psychology , and politics as well as random curious stuff . Try the Dynamic Views at top of right column . Wednesday , September 20, 2023 Chemistry that regulates whether we stay with what we're doing or try something new Sidorenko et . al demonstrate that stimulating the brain's cholinergic and noradrenergic systems enhances optimal foraging behaviors in humans . Their significance statement and abstract : Significance Deciding when to say stop” to the ongoing course of action is paramount for preserving mental health , ensuring the well-being of oneself and others , and managing resources in a sustainable fashion . And yet , cross-species studies converge in their portrayal of real-world decision-makers

  • Does "situational awareness" in AI's large language models mean consciousness?

    Updated: 2023-09-18 05:00:00
    : Deric's MindBlog This blog reports new ideas and work on mind , brain , behavior , psychology , and politics as well as random curious stuff . Try the Dynamic Views at top of right column . Monday , September 18, 2023 Does situational awareness in AI's large language models mean consciousness The answer to that question would be no , for a number of reasons I won't go into , but Berglund et . al provide an interesting nudge in the direction of sentiece like behavior in some large language models by showing an example of situational awareness . They provide a link to their code Here is their abstract : We aim to better understand the emergence of situational awareness' in large language models LLMs A model is situationally aware if it's aware that it's a model and can recognize whether

  • Some Thoughts on Disorders of Consciousness (Updated on 16.9.23)

    Updated: 2023-09-16 17:58:23
    This post refers to the paper ‘Consciousness: Its Neurobiology and the Major Classes of Impairment‘ by Goldfine and Schiff. The Reticular Activating Formation is Considered a Key Structure for Consciousness The paper considers a subset of disorders of consciousness, hitherto referred to as DOC. So just to cut to the chase there are three disorders […]

  • What we seek to save when we seek to save the world

    Updated: 2023-09-15 05:00:00
    : Deric's MindBlog This blog reports new ideas and work on mind , brain , behavior , psychology , and politics as well as random curious stuff . Try the Dynamic Views at top of right column . Friday , September 15, 2023 What we seek to save when we seek to save the world Yet anoather fascinating set of ideas from Venkatesh Rao that I want to save for myself by doing a MindBlog post of some clips from the piece . threats that provoke savior responses are generally more legible than the worlds that the saviors seek to save , or the mechanisms of destruction . I made up a 2x2 to classify the notions of worlds-to-save that people seem to have . The two axes are biological scope and temporal scope . Biolocial scope is the we' the range of livings beings included as subjects in the definition of

  • Constructing Self and World

    Updated: 2023-09-13 05:00:00
    : Deric's MindBlog This blog reports new ideas and work on mind , brain , behavior , psychology , and politics as well as random curious stuff . Try the Dynamic Views at top of right column . Wednesday , September 13, 2023 Constructing Self and World There is a strong similarity between the predictive processing brain model that has been the subject of numerous Mind Blog Posts , and the operations that ChatGPT and other generative pre-trained transformer algorithms are performing , with the priors’ of the predictive processing model being equivalent to the pre-trained’ weightings of the generative transformer algorithms . The open and empty awareness of the non-dual perspective corresponds to the generator’ component of the AI algorithms . It is what can begin to allow reification

  • Glance at Deric's MindBlog only once in a while? Try a dynamic view in the right column.

    Updated: 2023-09-11 14:08:00
      find this mosaic view most engaging. I suspect Blogger (owned by Google) is using its algorithms to cherrypick the most interesting or popular posts.

  • Open access articles on consciousness (Thomas Metzinger and others)

    Updated: 2023-09-08 05:00:00
    : Deric's MindBlog This blog reports new ideas and work on mind , brain , behavior , psychology , and politics as well as random curious stuff . Try the Dynamic Views at top of right column . Friday , September 08, 2023 Open access articles on consciousness Thomas Metzinger and others I am overwhelmed by how much good stuff comes flooding into my email inbox , even after I have deleted 90 of it unopened . A newsletter from the Journal of Consciousness Studies points to Imprint Academic's open access articles As am example I pass on the abstract of a Metzinger article that is right down my alley . It can be downloaded as a PDF file . nbsp Thomas Metzinger M-Autonomy Abstract : What we traditionally call conscious thought’ actually is a subpersonal process , and only rarely a form of mental

  • Mapping the physical properties of odorant molecules to their perceptual characteristics.

    Updated: 2023-09-06 05:00:00
    : . Deric's MindBlog This blog reports new ideas and work on mind , brain , behavior , psychology , and politics as well as random curious stuff . Try the Dynamic Views at top of right column . Wednesday , September 06, 2023 Mapping the physical properties of odorant molecules to their perceptual characteristics . I pass on parts of the editor's summary and the abstract of a foundational piece of work by Lee et . al that produces a map linking odorant molecular structures to their perceptual experience , analogous to the known maps for vision and hearing that relate physical properties such as frequency and wavelength to perceptual properties such as pitch and color . I also pass on the first few slightly edited paragraphs of the paper that set context . Motivated readers can obtain a PDF

  • Inhalation boosts perceptual awareness and decision speed

    Updated: 2023-09-04 05:00:00
    : Deric's MindBlog This blog reports new ideas and work on mind , brain , behavior , psychology , and politics as well as random curious stuff . Try the Dynamic Views at top of right column . Monday , September 04, 2023 Inhalation boosts perceptual awareness and decision speed From Ludovic Molle et al . open source Significance Breathing is a ubiquitous biological rhythm in animal life . However , little is known about its effect on consciousness and decision-making . Here , we measured the respiratory rhythm of humans performing a near-threshold discrimination experiment . We show that inhalation , compared with exhalation , improves perceptual awareness and accelerates decision-making while leaving accuracy unaffected . Summary The emergence of consciousness is one of biology’s biggest

  • The fragility of artists’ reputations from 1795 to 2020

    Updated: 2023-09-01 05:00:00
    : Deric's MindBlog This blog reports new ideas and work on mind , brain , behavior , psychology , and politics as well as random curious stuff . Try the Dynamic Views at top of right column . Friday , September 01, 2023 The fragility of artists’ reputations from 1795 to 2020 Zhang et . al do an interesting study using natural language processing to measure reputation over time : Significance This study uses machine-learning techniques and a historical corpus to examine the evolution of artists’ reputations over time . Contrary to popular wisdom , we find that most artists’ reputations peak just before their death , and then start to decline . This decline is strongest for artists who were most popular during their lifetime . We show that artists’ reduced visibility and changes in the

  • Neuron–astrocyte networks might perform the core computations performed by AI transformer blocks

    Updated: 2023-08-30 05:00:00
    : Deric's MindBlog This blog reports new ideas and work on mind , brain , behavior , psychology , and politics as well as random curious stuff . Try the Dynamic Views at top of right column . Wednesday , August 30, 2023 Neuron–astrocyte networks might perform the core computations performed by AI transformer blocks Fascinating ideas from Kozachkov et . al Their text contains primers on Astrocyte biology and the transformers found in AI Generative Pre-trained Transformers such as ChatGPT . Significance Transformers have become the default choice of neural architecture for many machine learning applications . Their success across multiple domains such as language , vision , and speech raises the question : How can one build Transformers using biological computational units At the same time ,

  • A shared novelty-seeking basis for creativity and curiosity

    Updated: 2023-08-28 05:00:00
    : Deric's MindBlog This blog reports new ideas and work on mind , brain , behavior , psychology , and politics as well as random curious stuff . Try the Dynamic Views at top of right column . Monday , August 28, 2023 A shared novelty-seeking basis for creativity and curiosity I pass on the abstract of a target article having the title of this post , sent to me by Behavioral and Brain Science . I'm reading through it , and would be willing to send a PDF of the article to motivated MindBlog readers who wish to check it out . Curiosity and creativity are central pillars of human growth and invention . While they have been studied extensively in isolation , the relationship between them has not yet been established . We propose that curiosity and creativity both emanate from the same mechanism

  • The promise and pitfalls of the metaverse for science

    Updated: 2023-08-25 05:00:00
    : Deric's MindBlog This blog reports new ideas and work on mind , brain , behavior , psychology , and politics as well as random curious stuff . Try the Dynamic Views at top of right column . Friday , August 25, 2023 The promise and pitfalls of the metaverse for science A curious open-sourse bit of hand waving and gibble-gabble about the metaverse . I pass on the first two paragraphs and links to its references . Some technology companies and media have anointed the metaverse as the future of the internet . Advances in virtual reality devices and high-speed connections , combined with the acceptance of remote work during the COVID-19 pandemic , have brought considerable attention to the metaverse as more than a mere curiosity for gaming . Despite substantial investments and ambitiously

  • Why citizens vote away the democracies they claim to cherish.

    Updated: 2023-08-23 05:00:00
    : . Deric's MindBlog This blog reports new ideas and work on mind , brain , behavior , psychology , and politics as well as random curious stuff . Try the Dynamic Views at top of right column . Wednesday , August 23, 2023 Why citizens vote away the democracies they claim to cherish . Here is an interesting bit of research from Braley et . al reported in Nature Human Behaviour . Their abstract : Around the world , citizens are voting away the democracies they claim to cherish . Here we present evidence that this behaviour is driven in part by the belief that their opponents will undermine democracy first . In an observational study N 1,973 we find that US partisans are willing to subvert democratic norms to the extent that they believe opposing partisans are willing to do the same . In

  • Born Rich

    Updated: 2023-08-17 05:00:00
    : Deric's MindBlog This blog reports new ideas and work on mind , brain , behavior , psychology , and politics as well as random curious stuff . Try the Dynamic Views at top of right column . Thursday , August 17, 2023 Born Rich I want to pass on a few slightly edited clips from an interesting essay in The Dispatch by conservative writer Kevin Williamson that a friend pointed me to . And then I pass on the comment on Williamson's ideas offered by another friend : Wow , this one’s a big gulp of the Kool-Aid . This thesis is patently untrue . As the one percent continues to grow in our current corporate low-tax , constantly crippled regulated business environment , the fallacy of this perspective grows along with it . This is exactly the thinking that book I recommended discusses Oreskes and

  • Human History gets a rewrite.

    Updated: 2023-08-15 17:34:00
    : . Deric's MindBlog This blog reports new ideas and work on mind , brain , behavior , psychology , and politics as well as random curious stuff . Try the Dynamic Views at top of right column . Tuesday , August 15, 2023 Human History gets a rewrite . I want to point to two articles I have enjoyed reading , both describing the recent book by Graeber and Wengrowa The Dawn of Everything : A New History of Humanity The review by Deresiewicz is in The Atlantic Magazine , and The New Yorker Review is by Lewis-Krause . Some clips from Deresiewicz : The Dawn of Everything is written against the conventional account of human social history as first developed by Hobbes and Rousseau elaborated by subsequent thinkers popularized today by the likes of Jared Diamond , Yuval Noah Harari , and Steven

  • The immaturity of America's therapeutic culture

    Updated: 2023-08-11 13:30:00
    : Deric's MindBlog This blog reports new ideas and work on mind , brain , behavior , psychology , and politics as well as random curious stuff . Try the Dynamic Views at top of right column . Friday , August 11, 2023 The immaturity of America's therapeutic culture I recommend reading the most recent NYTimes David Brook's piece and pass on here ChatGPT 4's response to my request to summarize the main its 1,472 words . It produced the following 339 words which nicely cover Brook's core points . nbsp I think I will start using ChatGPT 4 more frequently for this purpose since I've only recently realized that MindBlog readers who do not subscribe to the NYTimes can not read articles that I point to . nbsp Also , I simply don't have the time to generate summaries myself , because I want to be

  • What is intelligence?

    Updated: 2023-08-09 05:00:00
    : Deric's MindBlog This blog reports new ideas and work on mind , brain , behavior , psychology , and politics as well as random curious stuff . Try the Dynamic Views at top of right column . Wednesday , August 09, 2023 What is intelligence I want to share a message sent by Clint Sprott to the Chaos and Complexity seminar group at the University of Wisconsin which he started many years ago it is currently engaged in a discussion of : intelligence I asked ChatGPT to define intelligence and whether it is : intelligent User How would you define intelligence ChatGPT Defining intelligence is a complex and multifaceted task , as it encompasses a wide range of abilities and capacities exhibited by living organisms and artificial systems . Intelligence can be broadly described as the ability to

  • America's legacy of poverty - The injustice of place.

    Updated: 2023-08-07 05:00:00
    : . Deric's MindBlog This blog reports new ideas and work on mind , brain , behavior , psychology , and politics as well as random curious stuff . Try the Dynamic Views at top of right column . Monday , August 07, 2023 America's legacy of poverty The injustice of place . Having moved back into the house in which I grew up in Austin Texas , and watching the city inexorably move towards becoming a dystopian metroplex , the analysis of Edin , Schaefer and Nelson makes me feel like returning to the Midwest , where I spent most of my adult life as a professor at the University of Wisconsin in Madison . They paint the most clear and focused explanation for the roots of inequality in America that I have read , concluding that the upper Midwest is the best place to live in America . Here is the

  • 18-month old humans discriminate moral violations from disobedient or unexpected events

    Updated: 2023-08-04 05:00:00
    : Deric's MindBlog This blog reports new ideas and work on mind , brain , behavior , psychology , and politics as well as random curious stuff . Try the Dynamic Views at top of right column . Friday , August 04, 2023 18-month old humans discriminate moral violations from disobedient or unexpected events Fascinating studies from Kassecker et al . open source have used multiple methods eye-tracking , observations of expressive behaviors to probe the developmental origins of human moral cognition by assessing infants’ ability to differentiate between prototypical harmful moral and harmless conventional violations : Humans reason and care about ethical issues , such as avoiding unnecessary harm . But what enables us to develop a moral capacity This question dates back at least to ancient

  • Human Agency and AI Art (Updated 4.8.23 and 5.8.23)

    Updated: 2023-08-03 11:59:10
    Generative AI art is a recent development with the potential to bring in a new era of human creativity. There are two main problems that I see and i’m probably glossing over plenty of other hurdles that others have covered. Barriers are typical of any new technology as it emerges and promises to become useful […]

  • Work as war...and Pritzker's Formulae To Spot An Idiot

    Updated: 2023-08-02 05:00:00
    : . Deric's MindBlog This blog reports new ideas and work on mind , brain , behavior , psychology , and politics as well as random curious stuff . Try the Dynamic Views at top of right column . Wednesday , August 02, 2023 Work as war . and Pritzker's Formulae To Spot An Idiot Too fascinating pieces on how in the areas of politics and business our more recently evolved primate capabilities for empathy and compassion are being subverted by the more primitive instinctual drives regulating fear and combat . This post is another example of using MindBlog as an archive of some bonbons I have enjoyed , entering them so that I easily look them up later , and also on the odd chance that a few readers might find them interesting . Work as War . We’re in the Era of the Top Gun’ . C.E.O and , nbsp

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