Updated: 2024-11-20 16:54:06
Learn how to convert terminating decimals to fractions with an interactive and animated lesson
Updated: 2024-11-20 12:21:20
To identify and get an understanding of decimal place value with an interactive lesson and quiz
Updated: 2024-11-18 17:57:38
A new hat puzzle from Gribalko, reminding me of traffic lights. Share:
Updated: 2024-11-13 20:30:21
I once saw a TikTok video featuring a puzzle: four matches were arranged to form a plus sign, and the challenge was to move one match to create a square. The solution shown differed from what first came to my mind, so I decided to share the puzzle with my students. Instead of drawing a […]
Updated: 2024-11-11 14:19:22
Updated: 2024-11-10 16:19:07
A foam is a finite 2-dimensional CW-complex with extra properties. This one opening sentence is already more advanced than any of my usual blog posts. Let me define a finite 2-dimensional CW-complex in layman’s terms. To construct such a CW-complex, we can start with a bunch of discrete points. This will be the 0-dimensional part […]
Updated: 2024-11-10 02:24:47
NOTE: The deadline has been extended to Tuesday, September 8th to account for the Labor Day Holiday in the US. The 12th Innovations in Theoretical Computer Science (ITCS) conference will be held online from January 6-8, 2021. The submission deadline is now September 8, 2020. The program committee encourages you to send your papers our way! See the call for papers for information about submitting to the … Continue reading ITCS 2021 Call For Papers (deadline extension)
Updated: 2024-11-10 02:24:28
Math millionaire will help you review basic math skills in a fun and engaging way
Updated: 2024-11-10 02:24:28
This fractions calculator will help you add, subtract, multiply, and divide an unlimited number of fractions from the simplest to the most complex expression
Updated: 2024-11-10 02:24:27
add and subtract unlimited integers step-by-step with this calculator
Updated: 2024-11-10 02:24:27
Use this adding fractions calculator to add or subtract an unlimited number of fractions step by step.
Updated: 2024-11-10 02:24:26
Use this simple long multiplication calculator to strengthen your multiplication skills.
Updated: 2024-11-10 02:24:25
Use this simple long division calculator to master division concepts with clear step-by-step explanations
Updated: 2024-11-10 02:24:25
Updated: 2024-11-10 02:24:23
Algebra is a fundamental skill that is widely used in school and in life. This article takes a look at what algebra is and its vital role in math.
Updated: 2024-11-10 02:24:22
Updated: 2024-11-10 02:24:20
Our exciting Integer Game! will help you master adding, subtracting, multiplying, and dividing integers while having fun.
Updated: 2024-11-10 02:24:20
Telling time quiz - Learn to tell time ( It's three o'clock, It's a quarter past 2, etc...
Updated: 2024-11-10 02:24:19
Updated: 2024-11-10 02:24:19
Updated: 2024-11-10 02:24:18
This calculator will split a bill according to income so everyone can have a fair share.
Updated: 2024-11-10 02:24:18
Updated: 2024-11-10 02:24:17
Updated: 2024-11-08 16:28:18
Updated: 2024-11-07 13:37:56
A very interactive divisibility rules game that will really help you sharpen your basic mathematics skills while you play against an opponent
Updated: 2024-11-07 11:09:29
A very interactive comparing integers game that will really help you sharpen your basic mathematics skills.
Updated: 2024-11-05 17:36:43
Here is another riddle I discovered in a book and gave as homework to my students. Puzzle. I can use the number 20 thrice to make 60: 20 + 20 + 20 = 60. Make it 60 again by using a different number three times. The book’s answer was to use 5: 55 + 5 […]
Updated: 2024-11-05 11:53:03
Practice adding, subtracting, and multiplying and dividing with number ninja, a fun and interactive arithmetic game
Updated: 2024-11-04 16:41:16
An interactive prime number game that will engage students every step of the way and sharpen their basic mathematics skills.