• Posit Package Manager for Linux R Binaries

    Updated: 2023-07-29 21:52:00
    I’ve been getting a lot of use recently from the Posit (née RStudio) Package Manager (PPM), because it offers freely available R package binaries for quite a few Linux distributions—including common ones I tend to s... Continue reading: Posit Package Manager for Linux R Binaries

  • SatRdays London 2023 – Recordings

    Updated: 2023-07-27 23:59:00
    The recordings from this year’s SatRdays London conference are here! Over the next couple of weeks, we will be releasing the recordings of some of the excellent talks from the conference! Yo... Continue reading: SatRdays London 2023 – Recordings

  • Text Analysis in R – Exploring Barbie and Oppenheimer Reviews – Part 1

    Updated: 2023-07-27 04:00:00
    We follow the steps from Welcome to Text Mining with R to import text and reshape it into a format where can can apply what we know from the Tidyverse to analyze word and document frequency. This is a summary of the start of one of my workshops t... Continue reading: Text Analysis in R – Exploring Barbie and Oppenheimer Reviews – Part 1

  • See BlueSky Statistics GUI for R at JSM 2023

    Updated: 2023-07-26 13:36:58
    Are attending this year’s Joint Statistical Meetings in Toronto? If so, stop by booth 404 to see the latest features of BlueSky Statistics. A menu-based graphical user interface for the R language, BlueSky lets people access the power of R without having to learn to program. Programmers can easily add ... Continue reading: See BlueSky Statistics GUI for R at JSM 2023

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