• Programme Manager - North Wales, UK

    Updated: 2010-05-21 17:27:02
    £25,000 to £35,000.

  • Can an iPod be an iPod without a laser?

    Updated: 2010-05-20 17:28:56
    Hi, I’m Kevin Harding. I am a Principal Engineer in the Laser and Metrology Lab at GE Global Research and ...

  • Laser fusion test results raise energy hopes

    Updated: 2010-05-16 09:08:47
    A major hurdle to producing fusion energy using lasers has been swept aside, results in a new report show The controlled fusion of atoms – creating conditions like those in our Sun – has long been touted as a possible revolutionary energy source. However, there have been doubts about the use of powerful lasers for fusion energy [...]

  • Video: Boeing’s Truck-Mounted Laser

    Updated: 2010-05-16 09:08:46
    Video: Boeing’s Truck-Mounted Laser Neatly Picks Off 50 IEDs in a Row Boeing’s laser weapons have already shown the power to blast aerial drones from the sky, but may find even more immediate use in detonating roadside bombs, which are a top killer of soldiers deployed in Iraq and Afghanistan. A newly unveiled video shows the [...]

  • EADS Astrium want solar power plant in space

    Updated: 2010-05-16 09:08:46
    EADS Astrium, Europe’s biggest space company, plans to put a solar power satellite in orbit to demonstrate the collection of solar power in space and its transmission via infrared laser to provide electricity on Earth. Chief executive officer of Astrium, François Auque, said the system is at the testing stage, but that a viable system collecting [...]

  • Laser-scanning super robot vacuum!

    Updated: 2010-05-16 09:08:45
    How did we miss this laser-scanning super robot vacuum? Not sure how we missed this robotic vacuum but this bugger uses lasers to scan your room and grab dust and lint as it goes. It’s quite cute how this little fellow does everything the Roomba does but, seemingly, it does it better. (more…)

  • Where Are All The Laser Guns?

    Updated: 2010-05-16 09:08:44
    A Lesson on Gadgets of the Future: Blame The Jetsons, repeated viewings of Star Wars (the good ones), and half of Will Smith’s movies. Blame whoever you so choose for tricking us into believing that the distant future promised cool gadgets and robots. Lucky for us, the folks over at Motherboard were perturbed about the current [...]

  • How ‘Random’ Lasers Work

    Updated: 2010-05-16 09:08:44
    How ‘Random’ Lasers Work: Natural Cavities Act Like Mirrors in Light-Emitting Plastics. When University of Utah scientists discovered a new kind of laser that was generated by an electrically conducting plastic or polymer, no one could explain how it worked and some doubted it was real. Now, a decade later, the Utah researchers have found these “random [...]

  • Building the Most Powerful Laser in the World

    Updated: 2010-05-16 09:08:43
    Producing a laser with a power of a terawatt — equal to one trillion watts — used to be impressive, but now the forefront of optical research power is measured in 1 quadrillion-watt units known as petawatts. But even that much power isn’t good enough for physics professor Todd Ditmire at the University of Texas [...]

  • Scottish firm’s laser gun to foil Somali pirates

    Updated: 2010-05-16 09:08:42
    A LASER that dazzles and disorientates has been developed by a Scottish firm to help shipowners ward off pirate attacks. The first device has been fitted to a commercial vessel due to sail within weeks through the Gulf of Aden, off the pirate stronghold of Somalia. Dunoon-based ProForm Marine believes the non-lethal laser will prompt pirates to [...]

  • The rise of two new laser TV technologies

    Updated: 2010-05-16 09:08:42
    Two years ago laser TV appeared in the marketplace to compete with LCD and plasma screens, as described here: How Laser TVs work Now there are two new companies entering the field with innovative laser technology. The first is HDi, which has introduced a 100-inch 3D laser screen with a refresh rate of over 1,000 hz. The second is [...]

  • Liposuction That Melts Fat and Tightens Skin?

    Updated: 2010-05-16 09:08:41
    Liposuction has entered a new era. There’s now a procedure that melts fat and tightens skin — all in the same operation. Liposuction technology has come a long way over the past several decades, with the advent of everything from ultrasound-assisted liposuction to power-assisted, tumescent, body-jet and even microcannula liposuction. Now, another new technique called SmartLipo™ [...]

  • Happy Golden 50th Anniversary to the laser

    Updated: 2010-05-14 16:57:53
    Hi, I am Marshall Jones, a principal engineer in GE’s Laser & Metrology Labs. I am one of several researchers ...

  • Plagiarism, Exploiting the Encyclopedia of Laser Physics and Technology

    Updated: 2010-05-14 10:47:00
    The Encyclopedia of Laser Physics and Technology has become the victim of plagiarism, but RP Photonics fights against that - successfully so far.

  • Director of Laser Research and Development - Manchester, NH

    Updated: 2010-05-12 11:19:51

  • Fibre-Optic Development Technician - Rugby, UK

    Updated: 2010-05-07 10:02:06
    Closing date: 21 May 2010

  • Operations Manager - Cheshire, UK

    Updated: 2010-05-06 14:30:40
    £40,000 to £50,000.

  • Electrical Engineer - Portland, OR

    Updated: 2010-05-06 14:10:24

  • Senior Laser Technician - Hilo, HI

    Updated: 2010-05-06 09:53:19

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Apr 2010