• The Society of Professional Journalists faces a “dire situation”

    Updated: 2023-09-28 20:51:07
    The Society of Professional Journalists, known for decades as the oldest and largest professional organization for journalists, is facing an identity crisis on top of a financial one. The flow of membership and conference revenue has slowed to a trickle and the organization’s outgoing treasurer describes the financial situation as “dire.” Maybe more importantly, SPJ...

  • “It got too expensive to have all the subscriptions”: How people think about paying for news now

    Updated: 2023-09-28 15:56:51
    A few years back, German publisher Spiegel decided to try something new: A cheaper Spiegel+ digital subscription just for readers under 30. It’s €2.99 per week, compared to €4.99 per week for readers over 30. At around €12 a month, though, Spiegel+ for the young is still more expensive than the basic German Netflix subscription...

  • Four disabled journalists on how news outlets can support staffers and audience members with disabilities

    Updated: 2023-09-28 14:28:12
    Athens — Despite the fact that an estimated 1.3 billion people around the world experience some form of disability, newsrooms are “woefully unprepared” to serve audience members or employ journalists with disabilities, according to journalists on a panel on Thursday at the IMEDD International Journalism Forum in Athens, Greece. The panel featured three journalists living...

  • Press freedom means controlling the language of AI

    Updated: 2023-09-27 15:59:42
    Generative AI poses the biggest threat to press freedom in decades, and journalists should act quickly to organize themselves and radically reshape its power to produce news. The news industry has long been buffeted by economic and technological challenges beyond its control. From early innovations in moveable type and photo reproduction to more recent concerns...

  • What is news, anyway? Readers’ answers depend on how much they see people like themselves in the story

    Updated: 2023-09-26 18:42:59
    What is news, anyway? I don’t mean to get all metaphysical with you on a Tuesday, but it’s not a question with an obvious answer. What’s news to you might not be news to me. Sometimes, when people talk about “the news,” they really mean “politics and government.” News changes at scale; a new restaurant...

  • In another warning sign for nonprofit local news, The City cuts costs

    Updated: 2023-09-21 18:53:59
    When The City launched in 2019, it was a nonprofit beacon of hope for local news in NYC at a time when for-profit outlets were shrinking and shutting down. In its 2019 annual report, The City acknowledged that it had “received extraordinary launch support from lead founding donors the Charles H. Reason Foundation, the Leon...

  • “Flexicles,” story alert systems, and other ways AI will serve publishers, reporters, and readers

    Updated: 2023-09-21 14:25:43
    Understanding artificial intelligence has become an essential skill for a media leader. That isn’t simply because you need to determine whether to allow scraping of your website, whether to sue for copyright, or if you should do a deal with a company like OpenAI. It’s also because you need to figure out which aspects of...

  • Evidence suggests Russia has been deliberately targeting journalists in Ukraine — a war crime

    Updated: 2023-09-20 18:12:38
    At least 15 media workers have been killed in Ukraine since Russia began its full-scale war in February 2022. Along with targeting civilians, hospitals, schools, orphanages, residential buildings, communications centers, and places of worship, the Russian state has been accused by the National Union of Journalists of Ukraine of deliberately targeting journalists. In a conflict...

  • The Guardian launches Guardian Europe, its fifth digital edition

    Updated: 2023-09-20 14:49:12
    On Wednesday, The Guardian launched its fifth digital edition, Guardian Europe, which joins the paper’s U.K., U.S., Australian, and international editions. Why Europe? A release offers a few reasons: The Guardian’s European audience is its third largest after the UK and the US, with recurring digital support from the continent seeing steady growth; three and...

  • The story of InterNation, (maybe) the world’s first investigative journalism network

    Updated: 2023-09-18 13:38:41
    “You Americans, you’re so obsessed with those mountains of facts,” was the response I recall during the early days of our efforts to establish an international investigative network, back in the days before the internet. The voice on the other end was Nils Gunnar Niilson, editor of Sydsvenska Dagbladet, a leading newspaper in southern Sweden....

  • Want to boost local news subscriptions? Giving your readers a say in story ideas can help

    Updated: 2023-09-14 17:46:06
    Asking your audience for story ideas, and following through, can help increase subscriptions and improve audience perceptions of local news outlets, according to research published this summer. In recent years, engaged journalism — a reporting approach that brings audiences into the journalism process and tries to respond directly to their concerns and questions — has...

  • A new station in Mexico City is making radio for social media — and filling local news gaps

    Updated: 2023-09-13 13:32:14
    What happens when a capital city of 22 million people and 16 boroughs doesn’t have enough local news sources to cover its massiveness? Welcome to Mexico City, Mexico, where this is a reality that a new radio station is trying to address. Radio Chilango, launched on August 28, is the newest wing of Chilango, a...

  • “This sick beat”: The Tennessean lists job opening for a Taylor Swift reporter

    Updated: 2023-09-12 22:57:52
    It’s not every day a local news opening gets international attention. But, like pretty much everything else Taylor Swift touches, a job listing from The Tennessean and parent company Gannett for a “Taylor Swift Reporter” made sparks fly on Tuesday. A new era in your career is coming …Ready For It? 💫 @USATODAY and @Tennessean...

  • The Colorado Sun, a pioneering for-profit/nonprofit hybrid, moves toward a fully nonprofit model

    Updated: 2023-09-12 15:27:04
    The Colorado Sun is going nonprofit. The five-year-old digital news organization, launched by journalists who’d left The Denver Post following round after round of cuts by the paper’s hedge-fund owner, Alden Global Capital, had operated as a rare for-profit exception in the universe of local news startups. Now the Sun is joining its tax-exempt peers....

  • Can ❤️s change minds? How social media influences public opinion and news circulation

    Updated: 2023-09-11 14:35:03
    Social media use has been shown to decrease mental health and well-being, and to increase levels of political polarization. But social media also provides many benefits, including facilitating access to information, enabling connections with friends, serving as an outlet for expressing opinions and allowing news to be shared freely. To maximize the benefits of social...

  • Is half a billion dollars a big-enough Band-Aid to cure what ails local news?

    Updated: 2023-09-07 14:02:43
    2023 has not been kind to the balance sheets of media companies. In the notoriously challenging business of local news, even for-profit and nonprofit regional heavyweights looked to as the industry’s bright spots have announced layoffs this summer, a grim addendum to the big picture of the losses of well over 2,000 local newspapers since...

  • Nieman Lab made a Connections-like quiz. How well can you do?

    Updated: 2023-09-06 17:34:00
    Have you played Connections? Read about The New York Times’ new hit game and then play the Nieman Lab version here. Want more? Go ahead and get the real thing over at the Times.

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