• Read Only Properties in ES5

    Updated: 2010-07-29 22:58:08
    I thought I’d take a quick moment to provide some examples of making object properties read only in EcmaScript 5 (and by extension node.js). There’s several ways to accomplish it, so I’ll just iterate over all the different ways. Object.freeze The quickest way to make all properties of an object read only is by calling Object.freeze on [...]

  • Use CSS3 Media Queries To Create Mobile Version of Your Website

    Updated: 2010-07-26 18:00:26
    I read an excellent article highlighting how to create iPhone, Android and iPad–friendly versions of your website. This is achieved with CSS3 media queries, either in your main stylesheet or using a seperate stylesheet. The key point is that you can simply add the following [...] Use CSS3 Media Queries To Create Mobile Version of Your Website | Brightscape | Copyright 2006-2010

  • Using an SSL Certificate to Make a Secure HTTP Request in Node.JS

    Updated: 2010-07-26 05:17:00
    I’m documenting this only because I had some difficulty finding info online… the API docs tell you what you need, but it took me a couple hours to get things working and a little known bug that threw my work off track. So say you want to make a secure request to a website, perhaps [...]

  • Payflow Pro API released for nodejs

    Updated: 2010-07-24 21:35:12
    On and off over the past couple days I’ve been working on a nodejs module to interact with Paypal’s Payflow Pro API to allow the acceptance of online payments within node.js apps. The feature list is steadily growing and soon I hope to implement the parts of the API that let paypal do the heavy [...]

  • Flex webservices security error accessing url

    Updated: 2010-07-23 15:24:00
    , , , : Shaun Mccran My digital playground Home About Me Portfolio Projects Gallery Xbox 360 Contact 23 J U L 2010 Flex webservices security error accessing url Posted By Shaun Related Categories : ActionScript Security Flex Remoting I've been working with some client side flash developers recently and we came across an unusual error that was being thrown in a Flex application when we were sending a webservice request to a Coldfusion . server The error was Security error accessing URL I thought I'd overcome this a long time ago by using the cross-domain.xml file to allow server access to . services It appears that there is a security issue with Flash 9 that requires the following line to be added to the CrossDomain.xml : file print about ColdFISH is developed by Jason Delmore . Source code

  • Google Chrome Speed Tests

    Updated: 2010-07-23 09:00:44
    Non-developers can't be choosers . Unless they have lots of money and ask nicely . Geekology About Facebook Page Software Posts coding applescript bash scripting css html javascript objective-c php python databases mysql sqlite entertainment boardgames books humor series videogames news documentaries podcasts the geeks productivity tips tricks unix apple linux tools asterisk cpanel subversion whm videos web development apache seo Google Chrome Speed Tests 23 Jul 2010 0 Comments The Google Chrome Team recently released this video testing Chrome’s webpage rendering speed against a potato gun , sound waves , and lightning . Related : posts Google Chrome Frame changes Internet Explorer into Google Chrome Google’s Page Speed Firefox plugin Geekology has 10 Google Wave invites to give away

  • DotNetNuke 5.5 Getting Closer to Release

    Updated: 2010-07-22 15:57:47
    The Accidental Geek One Geek's Journey Search Sign in Home Subscribe Where did Telerik go DotNetNuke 5.5 Getting Closer to Release Jul 22 Last night we posted another beta of DotNetNuke 5.5 which you can access from the beta release page on DotNetNuke.com . 160 This is probably your last chance to provide feedback on the 5.5 release as we are nearing completion of the testing cycle . 160 You can have a direct impact on the quality of the 5.5 release if you act . today Since the last beta release 2 weeks ago , the DotNetNuke team has been busy cleaning up bugs and validating the user scenarios for the new Content Localization feature . 160 During this time more than a 160 bugs and enhancements have been implemented . 160 Many of these changes have been as the result of feedback we received

  • Pusher.cfc - ColdFusion Component For Realtime Notification With HTML5 WebSockets

    Updated: 2010-07-21 16:55:00
    Lately, I have been playing around a lot with a service called Pusher . Pusher provides realtime push notification services for your web applications using HTML5 WebSockets (or Flash for non-compatible browsers). While using the Pusher service is extremely simple, digitally signing your HTTP request is not; I've had a good deal of back and forth with the Pusher support team, trying to squash a few bugs in my code. Having finally figured out wh ... ead More raquo;

  • Running Firefox 3 and the Firefox 4 BETA simultaneously on your Mac

    Updated: 2010-07-20 08:16:36
    There are 10 types of people in the world : those who understand binary , and those who don't . Geekology About Facebook Page Software Posts coding applescript bash scripting css html javascript objective-c php python databases mysql sqlite entertainment boardgames books humor series videogames news documentaries podcasts the geeks productivity tips tricks unix apple linux tools asterisk cpanel subversion whm videos web development apache seo Running Firefox 3 and the Firefox 4 BETA simultaneously on your Mac 20 Jul 2010 0 Comments Mozilla recently made the Firefox 4 BETA available for download to the public . Installing the BETA would usually overwrite your old installation of Firefox 3 but if you’d like to try out the Firefox 4 BETA and retain your existing Firefox 3 installation and

  • Defining Getters and Setters in NodeJS

    Updated: 2010-07-20 01:01:04
    Recently I discovered something interesting while messing around with NodeJS… you can define getters and setters using the ECMAScript5 syntax. For a useless example I could do something like this: This is kind of boring though because it’s just a more complicated way of doing however you can notice in the first example you can [...]

  • Cross site AJAX HttpRequest problems and how to create a Proxy handler

    Updated: 2010-07-19 15:36:00
    , , , : Shaun Mccran My digital playground Home About Me Portfolio Projects Gallery Xbox 360 Contact 19 J U L 2010 Cross site AJAX HttpRequest problems and how to create a Proxy handler Posted By Shaun Related Categories : AJAX JQuery Coldfusion Json Most of us are familiar with the AJAX post( and getJSON( methods of remotely calling and passing around data , I use them with abundance when building applications . One thing I had not considered until recently is that all my AJAX Http requests are usually internal to that application , which also means they are on the same server and . domain I recently jumped into a project where the application spanned 24 domains , and had been developed to use a core component library to help code re use . The problem with this arose when you are on one

  • Cell Phones, SMS, Twilio, Pusher, ColdFusion, And Google Maps == Fun

    Updated: 2010-07-18 22:53:00
    As of late, I've been playing around some very cool technologies like Pusher's HTML5 WebSocket server and Twilio's mobile SMS text messaging web services . Each of these technologies is exciting on its own; but, I w ... ead More raquo;

  • How to sync your Android phone with iTunes

    Updated: 2010-07-18 21:31:00
    , , , : Shaun Mccran My digital playground Home About Me Portfolio Projects Gallery Xbox 360 Contact 18 J U L 2010 How to sync your Android phone with iTunes Posted By Shaun Related Categories : Mobile Android Applications Android Recommended Apps I've recently convinced a colleague at work to switch from his iPhone to the Android platform . His one caveat was that you could get hold of the same Applications , or at least Applications that would provide the same . functionality Almost all the Applications he used we available on both platforms , the most process to replicate is synchronising your phone with iTunes . Obviously the iPhone does this out of the box , but how can you do this on the Android platform The answer is DoubleTwist a free Application that can manage synchronising

  • links for 2010-07-17

    Updated: 2010-07-17 14:01:09
    Installing_on_Ubuntu - Couchdb Wiki (tags: couchdb tutorial)

  • Creating A Custom Image Upload Service For Tweetie (Twitter For iPhone) Using ColdFusion

    Updated: 2010-07-15 16:14:00
    The other day, I was uploading a photo from Tweetie (Twitter for iPhone) when it occurred to me that I might be able to write my own custom image upload service using ColdFusion. After all, if Tweetie supports multiple image upload services, then I figured all I would have to do is follow some standard API to make it work. As it turns out, this is exactly correct. If you look in the Services section of your Tweetie settings, it allows you to define a custom image upload service: ... ead More raquo;

  • How to change or move your profile files in windows 7

    Updated: 2010-07-15 14:39:00
    , , , : Shaun Mccran My digital playground Home About Me Portfolio Projects Gallery Xbox 360 Contact 15 J U L 2010 How to change or move your profile files in windows 7 Posted By Shaun Related Categories : Windows Microsoft Whilst being technical support for a family member I found the cause of one of his pc issues to be that he had used all the space on his primary hard drive , but had Gigs of free space on a secondary hard drive . All the space was pretty much used by photos and music within his users' profile . directory This article deals with how to move your profile files to another drive other than the default C . partition Browse to your users' directory in windows explorer . By this I mean the actual directory , so something like C : users username Once you are there find the My

  • CSS 3 Rounded Corners Example

    Updated: 2010-07-08 00:46:00
    , , , : Shaun Mccran My digital playground Home About Me Portfolio Projects Gallery Xbox 360 Contact 08 J U L 2010 CSS 3 Rounded Corners Example Posted By Shaun Related Categories : CSS Web technologies My curiosity into CSS 3 was piqued at Scotch on the Rocks 2010 this year . There was a very good presentation from Chris Mills from Opera http : twitter.com chrisdavidmills where he touched on some of the new CSS 3 and HTML 5 functionality that some of the modern browsers are taking advantage of . I particularly liked some of the really simple , but visual CSS 3 changes , in this case rounded . corners This article is a quick example of how to add rounded corner styling to your . designs Here is a demo of CSS 3 rounded corners in . action This is a purely CSS 3 driven example . There are

  • Twitter client roundup for Android phones

    Updated: 2010-07-07 14:56:00
    , , , : Shaun Mccran My digital playground Home About Me Portfolio Projects Gallery Xbox 360 Contact 07 J U L 2010 Twitter client roundup for Android phones Posted By Shaun Related Categories : Mobile Recommended Apps I've had my HTC Desire for a few months now , and I've been using half a dozen Twitter clients for most of that time . I've been switching between them periodically to compare the features sets . I'm running out of running system memory now , so I have to delete some of them Where is Froyo Here is my roundup of some of the Twitter clients I've been testing for the Android platform . I'm going to update this with more Apps as time passes . Seesmic , Peep and a few others will be added later . Similarly if there are any you know of that aren't listen please comment below 1.

  • Disabling auto-formatting of telephone numbers by the Skype Browser Plugin

    Updated: 2010-07-05 08:25:16
    My software never has bugs . It just develops random features . Geekology About Facebook Page Software Posts coding applescript bash scripting css html javascript objective-c php python databases mysql sqlite entertainment boardgames books humor series videogames news documentaries podcasts the geeks productivity tips tricks unix apple linux tools asterisk cpanel subversion whm videos web development apache seo Disabling auto-formatting of telephone numbers by the Skype Browser Plugin 05 Jul 2010 0 Comments If your website displays telephone numbers , visitors who have Skype installed might see a broken . layout This is due to the Skype Browser Plugin functionality that parses each webpage visited to find textual telephone numbers and replace them with Call via Skype image : links To keep

  • Using the JQuery Cookie plugin to emulate server side forms

    Updated: 2010-07-05 00:27:00
    , , , : Shaun Mccran My digital playground Home About Me Portfolio Projects Gallery Xbox 360 Contact 05 J U L 2010 Using the JQuery Cookie plugin to emulate server side forms Posted By Shaun Related Categories : CSS JQuery Javascript A project request recently came up where we needed to track some users responses to a series of questions , then build an account home' page based on those responses . Pretty straight forward you'll agree . The problem here arose from the clients using a bespoke online solution that blocked any kind of server side . interaction I've played with JavaScript cookies in the past to remember display states in JQuery functions , so I thought they would be a great solution to this . This article deals with how to use JavaScript cookies to emulate a normal form .

  • Swype 1.47 for Android phones

    Updated: 2010-07-04 21:44:00
    , , , : Shaun Mccran My digital playground Home About Me Portfolio Projects Gallery Xbox 360 Contact 04 J U L 2010 Swype 1.47 for Android phones Posted By Shaun Related Categories : Mobile Android Applications Android I've never found typing on the Android graphic keyboard to be all that difficult , so when people started mentioning a way of typing that involved simply dragging your finger around , rather than tapping the keyboard , and how it was much quicker , I was a little . sceptical The Application is called Swype , and it literally allows you to drag you finger over the keyboard to type . I've only just installed it , so I'm reserving judgement until I've used it for a . while It is not the easiest of installs , as it is not available through the Android Marketplace , and you need a

  • iPhone 4 vs htc Evo 4G Fanboy video

    Updated: 2010-07-04 11:25:00
    , , , : Shaun Mccran My digital playground Home About Me Portfolio Projects Gallery Xbox 360 Contact 04 J U L 2010 iPhone 4 vs htc Evo 4G Fanboy video Posted By Shaun Related Categories : Social Gadgets Android HTC I don't normally re post other blog entries , or link to hosted videos , but I'm making an exception for this . one Its a short video exploring the extremes of fanboy-ism . Its not necessarily a dig at Apple or the iPhone , its just a good example of how hype can overrule consumers making informed decisions about their . purchases Oh , and its hilarious . Its actually had me crying with laughter . Features some bad language Credit goes to Phandroid.com for posting it first : http : phandroid.com 2010 06 30 nsfw-iphone-4-vs-htc-evo-4g-i-dont-care After having a dig around I have

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