• Silicon Valley Streetbeefs

    Updated: 2024-07-26 10:59:48
    This essay is the work of a dinobaby. Unlike some folks, no smart software improved my native ineptness. If you are not familiar with Streetbeefs, I suggest you watch the “Top 5 Boxing  Knock Outs” on YouTube. Don’t forget to explore the articles about Streetbeefs at the about section of the Community page for the […]

  • If Math Is Running Out of Problems, Will AI Help Out the Humans?

    Updated: 2024-07-26 09:37:00
    This essay is the work of a dinobaby. Unlike some folks, no smart software improved my native ineptness. I read “Math Is Running Out of Problems.” The write up appeared in Medium and when I clicked I was not asked to join, pay, or turn a cartwheel. (Does Medium think 80-year-old dinobabies can turn cartwheels? […]

  • How Can Creatives Survive AI Disruptions?

    Updated: 2024-07-26 09:07:00
    What does the AI takeover mean for creative workers? No one really knows. But there is no shortage of opinions on how to prepare. Art and design magazine Creative Boom polled its readers and shares some of their insights in, “Where the Creative Industry Is Heading, and How to Survive the Next 15 Years.” Some […]

  • Google and Third-Party Cookies: The Writing Is on the Financial Projection Worksheet

    Updated: 2024-07-25 09:59:00
    This essay is the work of a dumb dinobaby. No smart software required. I have been amused by some of the write ups about Google’s  third-party cookie matter. Google is the king of the jungle when it comes to saying one thing and doing another. Let’s put some wood behind social media. Let’s make that […]

  • The Simple Fix: Door Dash Some Diversity in AI

    Updated: 2024-07-25 09:37:00
    This essay is the work of a dumb dinobaby. No smart software required. I read “There’s a Simple Answer to the AI Bias Conundrum: More Diversity.” I have read some amazing online write ups in the last few days, but this essay really stopped me in my tracks. Let’s begin with an anecdote from 1973. […]

  • Why Is Anyone Surprised That AI Is Biased?

    Updated: 2024-07-25 09:07:00
    Let’s top this one last time, all right? Algorithms are biased against specific groups. Why are they biased? They’re biased because the testing data sets contain limited information about diversity. What types of diversity? There’s a range but it usually involves racism, sexism, and socioeconomic status. How does this happen? It usually happens, not because […]

  • Crowd What? Strike Who?

    Updated: 2024-07-24 09:53:00
    This essay is the work of a dumb dinobaby. No smart software required. How are those Delta cancellations going? Yeah, summer, families, harried business executives, and lots of hand waving. I read a semi-essay about the minor update misstep which caused blue to become a color associated with failure. I love the quirky sad face […]

  • The French AI Service Aims for the Ultimate: Cheese, Yes. AI? Maybe

    Updated: 2024-07-24 09:37:00
    AI developments are dominating technology news. Nothing makes tech new headlines jump up the newsfeed faster than mergers or partnerships. The Next Web delivered when it shared news that, "Silo And Mistral Join Forces In Yet Another European AI Team-Up.” Europe is the home base for many AI players, including Silo and Astral. These companies […]

  • Automating to Reduce Staff: Money Talks, Employees? Yeah, Well

    Updated: 2024-07-24 09:07:00
    This essay is the work of a dinobaby. Unlike some folks, no smart software improved my native ineptness. Are you a developer who oversees a project? Are you one of those professionals who toiled to understand the true beauty of a PERT chart invented by a Type A blue-chip consulting firm I have heard? If […]

  • Google AdWords in Russia?

    Updated: 2024-07-23 09:53:00
    This essay is the work of a dumb humanoid. No smart software required. I have been working on a project requiring me to examine a handful of Web sites hosted in Russia, in the Russian language, and tailored for people residing in Russia and its affiliated countries. I came away today with a screenshot from […]

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