• What are competed planetary missions?

    Updated: 2024-05-30 13:30:00
    A critical part of a balanced exploration program, competed missions are scientist-led projects that cost less and occur more frequently than large, flagship-class missions.

  • New insights into the degradation dynamics of organic material in the seafloor

    Updated: 2024-05-22 17:03:08
    Many processes in the deep sea are not yet well understood, and the role of microbial communities in particular is often a big unknown. This includes, for example, how organic material that sinks from the water surface to the ocean floor is metabolised -- an important building block for a better understanding of the global carbon cycle.

  • Extreme complexity in formation of rare earth mineral vital for tech industry

    Updated: 2024-05-20 04:27:31
    Researchers have unveiled that myriad, intricate factors influence the genesis and chemistry of bastnasite and rare earth carbonates, which are critically needed for today's tech industry and its hardware outputs. Their work unveils a newly acquired depth of understanding that had previously been unexplored in this field. In combination, the findings mark a significant advancement and promise to reshape our understanding of rare earth mineral formation.

  • Subduction zone splay faults compound hazards of great earthquakes

    Updated: 2024-05-20 04:27:21
    Groundbreaking research has provided new insight into the tectonic plate shifts that create some of the Earth's largest earthquakes and tsunamis.

  • Clues from deep magma reservoirs could improve volcanic eruption forecasts

    Updated: 2024-05-10 18:22:37
    New research into molten rock 20km below the Earth's surface could help save lives by improving the prediction of volcanic activity.

  • Heavy snowfall and rain may contribute to some earthquakes

    Updated: 2024-05-08 18:06:38
    Episodes of heavy snowfall and rain likely contributed to a swarm of earthquakes over the past several years in northern Japan, researchers find. Their study shows climate conditions could initiate some earthquakes.

  • Rock steady: Study reveals new mechanism to explain how continents stabilized

    Updated: 2024-05-08 15:31:36
    Ancient, expansive tracts of continental crust called cratons have helped keep Earth's continents stable for billions of years, even as landmasses shift, mountains rise and oceans form. A new mechanism may explain how the cratons formed some 3 billion years ago, an enduring question in the study of Earth's history.

  • Researchers show that slow-moving earthquakes are controlled by rock permeability

    Updated: 2024-05-07 19:01:35
    A research group explores how the makeup of rocks, specifically their permeability -- or how easily fluids can flow through them -- affects the frequency and intensity of slow slip events. Slow slips' role in the earthquake cycle may help lead to a better model to predict when earthquakes happen.

  • From fossils to fuel: Mozambique's Maniamba Basin's energy potential

    Updated: 2024-05-07 19:00:16
    In the ever-expanding search for energy resources, a new study has emerged from Mozambique's Maniamba Basin. Mozambique's Maniamba Basin could be a big source of natural gas.

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