Fred Thompson: The LRO’S Research on Measure 97
Updated: 2024-04-22 05:29:05
: : Wednesday , September 21, 2016 Fred Thompson : The LRO’S Research on Measure 97 Fred Thompson checks in with the forth in a series of posts on Measure 97 IP28 Proponents of Measure 97 deny that most of its burden will be shifted forward to consumers and that it will thereby reduce the progressivity of Oregon’s tax system . Moreover , they have consistently questioned the expertise and impartiality of the Legislative Revenue Office LRO for reporting that both claims are likely correct In my opinion , their criticism of the LRO is entirely unjustified . If anything , the LRO has bent over backwards to treat M-97 in an even-handed . fashion It is very hard to address these issues without getting wonky , but I’ll start by saying that economists who study tax questions agree that taxes on