• The IgNobels: First Makes You Laugh, then Makes You Think... 2011 Winners

    Updated: 2011-09-30 16:52:39
    submitted by azmanam [link] [comment]

  • how to remove semi-permanent hair-dye from a chemical perspective?

    Updated: 2011-09-30 16:52:39
    jump to content all random pics reddit.com funny politics gaming AskReddit worldnews videos IAmA todayilearned trees WTF atheism AdviceAnimals starcraft tf2 aww firstworldproblems gifs technology leagueoflegends science Music comics apple programming movies news harrypotter canada doctorwho Android space soccer Libertarian offbeat shutupandtakemymoney EarthPorn askscience sex gameofthrones creepy food guns bestof wow loseit Fitness pokemon vertical more chemistry comments related want to join register in seconds English limit my search to r chemistry use the following search parameters to narrow your : results reddit : name find things posted in name only author : username return things submitted by username only site : domain get links to pages on domain only url : text search for text in

  • Chemistry cat ..!

    Updated: 2011-09-30 16:52:39
    jump to content all random pics reddit.com funny politics gaming AskReddit worldnews videos IAmA todayilearned trees WTF atheism AdviceAnimals starcraft tf2 aww firstworldproblems gifs technology leagueoflegends science Music comics apple programming movies news harrypotter canada doctorwho Android space soccer Libertarian offbeat shutupandtakemymoney EarthPorn askscience sex gameofthrones creepy food guns bestof wow loseit Fitness pokemon vertical more chemistry comments related want to join register in seconds English limit my search to r chemistry use the following search parameters to narrow your : results reddit : name find things posted in name only author : username return things submitted by username only site : domain get links to pages on domain only url : text search for text in

  • Breathylizer type test can detect multiple sclerosis.

    Updated: 2011-09-30 16:52:39
    submitted by AaronRowe [link] [comment]

  • Need general chem help: would fertilizing the sea to combat global warming?

    Updated: 2011-09-30 16:52:39
    : jump to content all random pics reddit.com funny politics gaming AskReddit worldnews videos IAmA todayilearned trees WTF atheism AdviceAnimals starcraft tf2 aww firstworldproblems gifs technology leagueoflegends science Music comics apple programming movies news harrypotter canada doctorwho Android space soccer Libertarian offbeat shutupandtakemymoney EarthPorn askscience sex gameofthrones creepy food guns bestof wow loseit Fitness pokemon vertical more chemistry comments related want to join register in seconds English limit my search to r chemistry use the following search parameters to narrow your : results reddit : name find things posted in name only author : username return things submitted by username only site : domain get links to pages on domain only url : text search for text

  • Why is a regular solution a prude?

    Updated: 2011-09-30 16:52:39
    It has no SEX submitted by coffeeisking [link] [comment]

  • Chemical oscillations: The Belousov-Zhabotinsky reaction

    Updated: 2011-09-26 23:00:09
    We’ll take a brief break from chemical safety today in order to participate in the “favorite reaction” blog carnival. I first recall learning about the Belousov–Zhabotinsky reaction several years ago when I was working on a story about photos of chemical reactions on display at the University of Wisconsin, Madison. It’s quite possible that I’d [...]

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