Updated: 2012-11-30 18:24:44
. var log mind Dhananjay Neneâ s opinions on programming , design , architecture and the internet RSS Blog Archives About Why OSGi Or Why Not Using It Makes Your JVM Runtime . Unsafe Jan 21 st 2012 Comments Not sure how long ago I started using OSGi . Perhaps it was 12 months ago or then perhaps 18. And yet I still find it painful using OSGi especially every time I bring in a foreign set of jars into the ecosystem . And yet I continue to be a dogged proponent . Hereâ s . why First let us understand one of the many problems OSGi solves . Let us imagine your java application has exactly three classes . One is the class you wrote called âMy.javaâ bundled in a jar called âmy.jarâ . Another is a class called âUses.javaâ whose api and features are leveraged by âMy.javaâ and is
Updated: 2012-11-19 06:37:00
An Architect's View CFML , Clojure , Software Design , Frameworks and more . front page Archives Presentations Software RSS Clojure conj 2012 November 18, 2012 No Comments Another conj , another three days of awesome . Hundreds of Clojurians met in Raleigh , NC for a single track of leading edge talks from the community . What did this year's Clojure conj have to offer Here's my view of the highlights . There were several themes that kept coming up over and over again this year which I'll pull out first , then I'll go over all the sessions that I really enjoyed and or that were especially applicable to my work at World : Singles ClojureScript is growing up fast Several sessions showed just how solid it has already become , how it helps build sophisticated solutions in the browser , and how
Updated: 2012-11-15 17:41:06
In my last post on TypeScript I had mentioned about the null & the undefined data types very briefly.Both these are present in Javascript and, TypeScript being a superset of Javascript includes the same.But there are certain confusing aspects in terms of these two data types and I wanted to discuss these in a little [...]
Updated: 2012-11-11 11:29:48
Over the past few years, we have seen how the importance of client side scripting has grown in modern web applications.For these browser based applications Javascript has been the only language available. Javascript is a fine, lightweight dynamic language with full support for several functional programming constructs.But with growing volume of code there is need [...]
Updated: 2012-11-09 22:10:04
An Architect's View CFML , Clojure , Software Design , Frameworks and more . front page Archives Presentations Software RSS cf.Objective( 2013 Call for Speakers November 9, 2012 No Comments Yes , the world's only Enterprise ColdFusion Conference , cf.Objective( will be back in 2013 at a new location in Minneapolis and has just opened their call for speakers cf.Objective( has always been a massive hit with attendees because of the high quality of content offered and this is your opportunity to propose sessions you'd like to talk about for next year's schedule . Your talk can cover anything you believe will be relevant and of interest to an audience of CFML developers looking to improve their skills . Tracks last year covered Architecture Design in Software , Integration Tools , Process