• Spacing Dovetails with Dividers – a Little History

    Updated: 2012-01-30 22:24:15
    I’ve always been intrigued about the history of the way some English-trained woodworkers set out their dovetail joints using dividers. I first learned to use this method – which I love – from Rob Cosman. He learned it from legendary craftsman Alan Peters. But where did Peters learn it from? I don’t know, so I’m [...]

  • Campaign Pulls from Londonderry Brasses

    Updated: 2012-01-30 20:43:29
    My credit card is groaning a bit thanks to all the hardware samples I’ve been ordering to find a selection of quality brasses for some Campaign-style pieces I’m building. Today I received a chest pull that I ordered from Londonderry Brasses of Cochranville, Penn. I have some other pieces on order from Londonderry, but this [...]

  • A New Bookmark: Hardware City Tools for Totes

    Updated: 2012-01-29 15:29:12
    When you buy vintage Stanley planes in the wild, one of the most common problems is the tote – and sometimes the knob – are trashed. My first No. 5 had a crude replacement tote that was so poorly rasped that it looked like it was furry. I’d always intended to make a replacement but [...]

  • How to Baby-Proof Your Child’s Room in Five Easy Steps

    Updated: 2012-01-27 15:00:57
    The experience of baby-proofing a room for the first time can be an overwhelming one for new parents. With your child's safety at stake, it is incredibly important to pay attention to details and to change your habits so that you are not likely to undo your work with one ill-placed object. Luckily, by following [...]

  • The Case for Hidden Joinery

    Updated: 2012-01-26 16:52:45
    When I took my first woodworking class in 1993 I was gung-ho to learn two things: through-tenons and through-dovetails. At the time I was intoxicated by Arts & Crafts furniture and exposed joinery. For many woodworkers, I suspect that exposed joinery sends a message: This piece is made well. It’s not made using corrugated fasteners, [...]

  • Why You Should Visit Midwest Woodworking Co.

    Updated: 2012-01-25 03:01:34
    In this business, there are a few things you don’t share: Finishing secrets, wood sources and saliva. This post breaks one of those three cardinal rules – revealing excellent wood sources. Last week Andy Brownell took me to a lumber supplier that has been sitting under my nose since I moved to Cincinnati in 1996. [...]

  • Jan 22, Get Listed In Carpentry Pages

    Updated: 2012-01-22 21:14:29
    Get listed in carpentrypages, do you have a carpentry project that you will like to get done? Do you think you have what it takes to be a cool and great carpenter. Do you want more customers for you

  • Hardware Review: Ansaldi & Sons Campaign Hardware

    Updated: 2012-01-22 00:55:07
    While Horton Brasses has agreed to produce some custom pieces of campaign hardware for the chest/secretary I’m building for Popular Woodworking Magazine, that doesn’t squelch my desire to see what other makers have on offer. So I ordered a load of campaign brasses from Ansaldi & Sons of Hudson, N.H. The company has a wide [...]

  • A Little More on the Fork

    Updated: 2012-01-21 15:12:07
    After posting this story about the campaign-style fork and knife, I got an e-mail from woodworking researcher extraordinaire Jeff Burks. Burks, a trade carpenter, is a voracious collector of books, magazines and journals relating to woodworking. He also spends a lot of time researching patents related to tools and the trade. Which brings us to [...]

  • Things Woodworkers Don't Say

    Updated: 2012-01-21 03:05:28
    When I hang out with other woodworkers, the conversation almost always turns to what we are building now and what we are building next. Recently I said something I didn’t think I’d ever say: “I want to build a fork.” As I’ve been digging deeper into the 250-year history of campaign furniture, I’m turning up [...]

  • The Black Knife

    Updated: 2012-01-18 13:19:19
    In 19th-century English workshops you could be sacked (fired) for wearing eyeglasses. There are even accounts of how a shop might have a certain phrase that was spoken when the master was about to walk through the workroom. When that phrase was uttered, all the eyeglasses would go into hiding. I would have been fired [...]

  • Jan 18, Removing A Wall In Your House

    Updated: 2012-01-18 04:05:16
    Walls, floors, and ceilings are all around you! Taken together they are four or five times the floor area of your house or apartment –and they offer plenty

  • Jan 18, Carpentry Work Outside

    Updated: 2012-01-18 04:02:32
    I did carpentry work outside and I did it with pride knowing that I was going to get through the day. But all at once the wind picked up and the temerture dropped to low thirty. The wind gust and

  • Jan 18, Removing A Wall;Tips And Advice

    Updated: 2012-01-18 03:34:36
    Removing a wall should be done by a professional. If you're not a professional and you are looking forward to removing the wall then here are some tips for you.

  • Jan 14, Carpentry In New Jersey

    Updated: 2012-01-14 22:45:00
    Carpentry in New jersey is starting to look good. Carpenters all across New Jersey should be very excited because mortgage rates fall sales increase New Jersey home sales agents have noticed a rise in

  • Jan 14, Cabinetmaking The Key To All Woodwork

    Updated: 2012-01-14 21:40:02
    Cabinet making is the key to all woodwork. Its basic skills and knowledge are needed by all those who work in wood, whether or not they carry the title

  • Jan 13, Carpentry Home Improvement Ideas

    Updated: 2012-01-13 02:27:20
    Carpentry home improvement ideas; here you can find tips to customize your house and make it your home sweet home.

  • Jan 13, Carpenter Safety Tips

    Updated: 2012-01-13 01:33:40
    Carpenter safety tips for carpenters that want to be safe and not sorry. If thse rules are followed through successfully you will remain safe and healthy in the carpentry business.

  • Dovetails: The Strong, Silent & Shy Type

    Updated: 2012-01-12 15:08:13
    Campaign chests had to take a beating. They traveled all over the British Empire during the 18th, 19th and early 20th centuries. And yet they bore their burden without complaint or explanation. Which is to say: When you look at most campaign chests, it’s unclear how they were constructed. Yes, the drawers were dovetailed. But [...]

  • Jan 11, Energy Saving Window Covers

    Updated: 2012-01-11 04:47:35
    Energy saving window covers ideas and instulation instructions that will reduce the cost on your heating bill.The windows in old homes are year round energy wasters. During the cold months, 25-30 perc

  • Think outside of the box with a stair railing design

    Updated: 2012-01-06 07:18:12
    We recently finished the construction of an unusual stair railing.  The homeowner wanted a unique look  and a style to complement his home.  The newel posts are solid douglas fir and distressed for an aged look.  The top and bottom rails and the cross members are 2 x 6 alder that has been distressed as well. [...]

  • Jan 5, Envi Wall Mounted Heater

    Updated: 2012-01-05 04:17:38
    Envi wall mounted heater is one of the best heaters that we have ever bought. My wife and me decided to go green this year and buy this energy efficient heater. This heater has highly efficient techno

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