• Calling all writers, We need some guest writers for the Toolcrib.com Blog

    Updated: 2010-07-30 23:05:58
    Hey everyone. With the summer heat beating down on us, and G taking the summer off, we need some of you to submit articles to the Toolcrib.com blog, and who knows, we might publish them. If you have a new product you think everyone would be interested in, or if you have a [...]

  • Cob Oven Story

    Updated: 2010-07-14 15:33:24
    register tour sign in home my books find books friends explore groups explore books trivia quizzes people authors videos writing quotes events swap Next Pop-Up Farmstand : Wednesday 5-7pm Cob Oven Story Ok , my mom keeps asking to see it . So here we go… I'm really tired , so I'm just going to show some pictures and tell you how we made this . oven First , I scrounged a bunch of urbanite rip-rap , busted pieces of concrete and piled them into a pile . Then threw some gravel in between the cracks . This was all free and took about a . day Then Sadie and Emma came over and we made the oven . S and E have made ovens before and are really hilarious and fun people.First we made a cob layer over the . View full post on Novella Carpenter's website 0 comments like Published on July 14, 2010

  • Manny Howard Update

    Updated: 2010-07-07 21:02:29
    Remember awhile back when I was all pissed off about Manny Howard, the urban farmer in Brooklyn? I just reread my post, and man, I was being such a bitch. I think I was scared that his book would come out and Farm City would look derivative, and I worried that he was mocking something–growing food in cities–that I hold near to my heart. My fears retreated once Farm City was published and I started getting letters from readers and fellow urban farmers who were so supportive. It's great to get ... posted by Novella Carpenter on July, 19

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