Fluxgate magnetometer daily cycle of earth's magnetic field.
Updated: 2024-08-31 16:16:13
, . Site Home Blog Home Recent Images Equipment Sharpless Software Fluxgate magnetometer daily cycle of earth's magnetic . field Category : magnetometer Posted by : Tom How I've started looking at creating an average of the diurnal cycle of the Earth's magnetic field as detected by my FGM-3h fluxgate magnetometer linked up to the Arduino mega in my Earth Magnetic field . Observatory There are a great deal of problems with this due to different errors in the readings , so to start with I've simply taken the average reading on each day . I've used this to calculate the variance from the average at each 5 minute interval during each day , and then averaged all these . together This doesn't get a nice result of the diurnal magnetometer reading cycle so I've excluded everything outside one