• Celebrities and Acne

    Updated: 2010-07-31 15:04:48
    In this age of paparazzi intrusion, it is rare that anyone thinks that celebrities are perfect. While prying videos and photos can still save some imperfections of celebrities, there are artists who have no qualms about spreading suffering from acne, a condition caused when the excess fat in the face is combined with dead skin [...]

  • Own The Poll UPDATED (Or, more proof that Christian = Liar) [Greg Laden's Blog]

    Updated: 2010-07-30 19:42:24
    , Now on ScienceBlogs : Were You The Third Reviewer Last 24 Hrs Life Science Physical Science Environment Humanities Education Politics Medicine Brain Behavior Technology Information Science Jobs Greg Laden's Blog Evolution , Life Sciences , Science Education , Human Evolution , and Stuff Latest Posts Archives About RSS Contact Profile Welcome to my blog . Please click on About for the big picture , and Archives for the details . Other things to click on An archaeological expedition to the Congo The Zodiac The Big Park Pirate Island The Crater and the Crocodile The Story of Wally the Waterbuck Zorba and The Crew How to make an elephant turn invisible It had to be snakes Linux How to pronounce Ubuntu Using the Command Line The Three Button Mouse Problem Win friends and fix up your data with

  • Cleveland Plain Dealer: The roots of a naturalist – his first professional sale

    Updated: 2010-07-30 19:11:48
    It’s a little bit of a squeeze putting this Plain Dealer story by Sandy Bauers on to the science beat, but only a bit. It is about John James Audubon, best known for his  bird paintings. Bauers skillfully presents a tale of historical research into a man and his long reported, long unseen, commercial painting. [...]

  • Greenwire/NYTimes: The slipping, siding, oozing, impermeable salt in the gulf = deep OIL

    Updated: 2010-07-29 17:57:28
    It is hard to find on the NYTimes site, but the paper picked up from Energy & Environment Daily’s Greenwire subscription service an engrossing explainer by Paul Voosen of the geology under the gulf that for years repelled oil explorers looking for deep deposits of oil as the shallow ones began to peter out. That [...]

  • Hypothyroidism And Your State Of Mind

    Updated: 2010-07-29 17:29:23
    When the thyroid gland is under active, you have Hypothyroidism. Being underactive means that your thyroid fails to produce sufficient amounts of hormones. These thyroid hormones regulate and maintain the correct metabolic rate for your body to function properly. But when the level of your thyroid hormones drops off the range chart as a result [...]

  • New Scientist: Q&A with the man hurt most by Climategate attacks

    Updated: 2010-07-29 16:31:40
    A salute to New Scientist and a Q&A that Catherine Brahic did with Phil Jones, head of the Climatic Research Unit at East Anglia University and, in the same session, with a former head of the same unit.  Jones hasn’t said much in public in recent months, other than one interview that he may have [...]

  • Wash. Post: All the ants news you need in this summer filled with them

    Updated: 2010-07-28 20:01:40
    I learned a few things from the Washington Post’s Eric Niler about ants this morning – when I finally came across a piece of his that ran a week ago. Which is that just because almost every urban corner of California has been conquered by Argentine ants, leaving only odd corners and wilderness as havens [...]

  • The Key to Keep The Body Hydrate

    Updated: 2010-07-28 14:46:29
    Not only drink water and eat water, the key to keeping your body hydrated is not limited to consume eight glasses of water daily. Reality or Myth? Exercise causes dehydration Much is said about the benefits of exercise, but one of the least mentioned benefits is the ability it provides to keep the body hydrated. People who [...]

  • Ways of Avoiding Anemia

    Updated: 2010-07-24 14:44:01
    Having anemia means that your blood does not carry enough oxygen to the rest of your body. This may cause you to feel weak, you feel very cold, suffering from dizziness and you’re irritable. If you submit one or more of these symptoms and want to know if you have anemia, you have to do is [...]

  • High Blood Pressure in Alcoholism

    Updated: 2010-07-21 01:11:07
    High intake of alcohol can cause some severe health complications. Within these complications can mention hypertension. Both risk factors together and empowered can result even in death, so it is important to know how alcoholism is associated with high blood pressure, to understand their potential complications. While mild to moderate consumption of alcohol may be beneficial [...]

  • Vitamin D Deficiency and Diabetes

    Updated: 2010-07-20 18:02:24
    : Natural Standard Blog Vitamin B6 and Arthritis Main Glucosamine May Be Ineffective for Back Pain July 20, 2010 Vitamin D Deficiency and Diabetes Researchers in Maryland have found that vitamin D deficiency may be linked to poor diabetes control . Vitamin D is found in foods , such as eggs , fish and fortified milk . It is also produced in the body after sun exposure . Adequate vitamin D levels are necessary for the body to absorb the essential minerals calcium and phosphorus . It is also important for immune system function and healthy . bones The researchers analyzed data from 124 adults with type 2 diabetes from 2003 to 2008. They specifically analyzed their average glycosylated hemoglobin HbA1c and vitamin D levels . HbA1c levels are used to measure how well diabetes is being

  • Creatine May Help Prevent Fatigue

    Updated: 2010-07-20 17:47:20
    : Natural Standard Blog Acupuncture May Not Improve IVF Success Main Vitamin B6 and Arthritis July 20, 2010 Creatine May Help Prevent Fatigue A recent study suggests that low doses of creatine may lessen exercise-related fatigue without increasing body weight . Creatine is created by the body and is an important building block of muscle . Many human studies support creatine supplementation for increased lean body mass and strength . Athletes commonly take high doses of creatine after exercise to help build muscle . Until now , most studies on creatine supplementation have used fixed doses for five days . In this recent study , the researchers used low doses of creatine based on the participants’ body weight for six weeks . Researchers from the Bloomsburg University in Pennsylvania randomly

  • Acupuncture May Not Improve IVF Success

    Updated: 2010-07-20 17:34:23
    : Natural Standard Blog Fish Oil Linked to Lower Cancer Risk Main Creatine May Help Prevent Fatigue July 20, 2010 Acupuncture May Not Improve IVF Success New evidence suggests that in women trying to become pregnant using in vitro fertilization IVF acupuncture may not improve success rates Acupuncture is often used during IVF treatments , despite the limited evidence of effectiveness . In the recent study , 160 women 38 years of age or older were randomly assigned to receive either true acupuncture or sham” acupuncture 25 minutes before and after IVF . For the sham acupuncture , real acupuncture needles were inserted into non-acupoints that are not associated with fertility . The researchers found that true acupuncture did not have a significant benefit on pregnancy rates compared to sham

  • Aloe Vera Treatment for Wrinkles

    Updated: 2010-07-17 10:58:10
    Aloe vera is a plant that contains about 75 organic compounds that act to benefit the body in different ways. It also contains properties to improve the appearance of the skin and combat wrinkles. Aloe also known as aloe vera is a plant that contains active ingredients such as enzymes, minerals, vitamins, amino acids and phytonutrients, [...]

  • Important Details to Know Before Applying for NHS Nurses Jobs

    Updated: 2010-07-15 17:22:13
    Some people might think of nursing as a quite demanding job with high responsibility. But for those who have passion in helping others, this profession can be very much satisfying. NHS nurses jobs are divided into several specializations; one of those is theatre nursing. The main job descriptions for a theatre nurse include assisting the [...]

  • Dissociated Protein Diet and Subsistence

    Updated: 2010-07-10 10:13:25
    It is summer and increasingly good weather invites us to finally get rid of warm clothes and enjoy our free time outdoors, walking or swim in the pool. The intense heat makes much more comfortable go with tank tops and shorts, but many people who want to get rid of the extra kilos to feel [...]

  • Asthma: a creative condition?

    Updated: 2010-07-09 02:00:00
    People with asthma may be more creative than those with diabetes, according to the new book 'Asthma The Biography', by Mark Jackson.

  • Self-Identified Race not Best Predictor of Lung Function

    Updated: 2010-07-07 23:03:15
    Reliance on self-identified race to predict lung function may lead to inaccurate classification of a substantial proportion of patients who identify themselves as African American, according to statistical analyses of five cohort studies.

  • Dental Hygiene is Essential for Diabetics-2

    Updated: 2010-07-07 09:49:05
    It is important to healthy teeth and gums. To control the level of glucose in the blood and prevent gum disease, it is important to brush and floss every day and be tested periodically. If diabetes is not under control, the possibility of having problems in your mouth increases. If you have diabetes, take the following [...]

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