Updated: 2013-01-31 00:48:10

MAKE Blog Magazine Maker Faire Make : Projects Maker Shed Kits Blog Magazine Projects Reviews Shop Hot : Topics Arduino 3D Printing Guide Raspberry Pi Craft Maker Pro Kids Family Home Electronics The Endlessly Modded MonoBox Powered Speaker The Endlessly Modded MonoBox Powered Speaker By Nick Normal 2013 01 30 4:48 pm If there’s a standout maker-modded project from 2012 s Weekend Projects it’s clearly the MonoBox Powered Speaker Makers not only love exploring audio amplification , but they also enjoy customizing their MonoBox’s aesthetics . From using cigar boxes to cookie tins , the MonoBox is a great project to customize Readers Hauke and Jakub recently wrote in with pictures of their builds . What I especially like about Hauke’s story is that he originally left a how-to question on the
Updated: 2013-01-31 00:42:54

MAKE Blog Magazine Maker Faire Make : Projects Maker Shed Kits Blog Magazine Projects Reviews Shop Hot : Topics Arduino 3D Printing Guide Raspberry Pi Craft Maker Pro Kids Family Home General MAKE Named a FAME Award Finalist MAKE Named a FAME Award Finalist By Stett Holbrook 2013 01 30 4:42 pm MAKE’s Hardware Innovation Workshop and Maker Faire New York were among the finalists in different categories for the FAME awards . FAME recognizes magazine industry special . events MAKEâ s Hardware Innovation Workshop was named a finalist in the best first-time event” and best overall single event business-to-business categories while Maker Faire New York 2012 was named a finalist for best overall single event business-to-consumer And just so you know , our next Hardware Innovation Workshop is set
Updated: 2013-01-30 22:30:53

MAKE Blog Magazine Maker Faire Make : Projects Maker Shed Kits Blog Magazine Projects Reviews Shop Hot : Topics Arduino 3D Printing Guide Raspberry Pi Craft Maker Pro Kids Family Home General Early Bird Maker Faire Bay Area Tickets Early Bird Maker Faire Bay Area Tickets By John Baichtal 2013 01 30 2:30 pm Is it too soon to start early birding tickets to the Greatest Show and Tell On Earth , Maker Faire Bay Area Definitely not . Between now and March 14th you can buy discounted Maker Faire tickets but prices go up March 15th . Share : this Pin It More Email Share on Tumblr Digg Like : this Like Be the first to like . this Posted by John Baichtal Wednesday January 30th , 2013 2:30 PM Categories : General 1 Comment Engadget’s Talent Show for Hardware Makers 2012 : 3D Printing’s Big Year In
Updated: 2013-01-30 21:48:04

MAKE Blog Magazine Maker Faire Make : Projects Maker Shed Kits Blog Magazine Projects Reviews Shop Hot : Topics Arduino 3D Printing Guide Raspberry Pi Craft Maker Pro Kids Family Home Maker Pro Crowdfunding Engadget’s Talent Show for Hardware Makers Engadget’s Talent Show for Hardware Makers By Stett Holbrook 2013 01 30 1:48 pm Got a great invention the world needs to get their hands on Engadget is offering a hardware talent show of sorts called Insert Coin to help choose tech’s next great gadget . The winner will be chosen by a panel of judges at Expand in San Francisco March 17 and will walk away with 20,000 and a Engadget review . Submissions will be accepted until Feb . 8 so get . busy Expand is Engadget’s answer to CES , but it’s open to the public . You don’t need industry
Updated: 2013-01-30 21:30:02

MAKE Blog Magazine Maker Faire Make : Projects Maker Shed Kits Blog Magazine Projects Reviews Shop Hot : Topics Arduino 3D Printing Guide Raspberry Pi Craft Maker Pro Kids Family Home Workshop 3D Printing 3D Printed Mendocino Motor 3D Printed Mendocino Motor By John Baichtal 2013 01 30 1:30 pm I got to play around with Chris Connors’ Mendocino Motor at Maker Faire New York last year . It consists of magnetically levitating pencils turned into motors with magnets , magnet wire , and 3D-printed . joists The Mendocino Motor floats in its own magnetic field and converts light into electricity and magnetism , which are then converted into the motion of the . motor Building and studying this project provides the satisfaction of creating an amazing bit of technology , and the opportunity to
Updated: 2013-01-30 19:30:43

MAKE Blog Magazine Maker Faire Make : Projects Maker Shed Kits Blog Magazine Projects Reviews Shop Hot : Topics Arduino 3D Printing Guide Raspberry Pi Craft Maker Pro Kids Family Home Maker Pro Hackerspaces What We Can Learn From Hackerspaces What We Can Learn From Hackerspaces By John Baichtal 2013 01 30 11:30 am Open source advocate Catarina Mota spoke at TEDxStockholm about the increasingly cool and important role hackerspaces play in world society . Check it out Share : this Pin It More Email Share on Tumblr Digg Like : this Like Be the first to like . this Posted by John Baichtal Wednesday January 30th , 2013 11:30 AM Categories : Hackerspaces 1 Comment Today on Food Makers : An Interview with Tim Burton of Burton’s Maplewood Farm 3D Printed Mendocino Motor In the Maker Shed Make :
Updated: 2013-01-30 17:19:21

: MAKE Blog Magazine Maker Faire Make : Projects Maker Shed Kits Blog Magazine Projects Reviews Shop Hot : Topics Arduino 3D Printing Guide Raspberry Pi Craft Maker Pro Kids Family Home Food Today on Food Makers : An Interview with Tim Burton of Burton’s Today on Food Makers : An Interview with Tim Burton of Burton’s Maplewood Farm By Stett Holbrook 2013 01 30 9:19 am Tim Burton drills a hole into a maple tree and readies to insert a spile” to tap the . syrup Today on this week’s episode of Food Makers , a Google+ hangout on air , I’ll be talking to Tim Burton , owner of Burton’s Maplewood Farm in Medora , Ind . In New England and America’s upper Midwest , the sap is starting to flow in maple trees and that means sugaring season is near . Tim will talk about the craft of maple syrup , the
Updated: 2013-01-30 15:21:14

MAKE Blog Magazine Maker Faire Make : Projects Maker Shed Kits Blog Magazine Projects Reviews Shop Hot : Topics Arduino 3D Printing Guide Raspberry Pi Craft Maker Pro Kids Family Home Electronics Arduino Results from Arduino Hackathon at AT T’s 2013 Results from Arduino Hackathon at AT T’s 2013 Developer Summit By Brian Jepson 2013 01 30 7:21 am Hackathon photo courtesy of Tom Young Sara Streeter wrote in to let us know about the hackathon that Axeda where Sara is an Innovationeer put on for AT T’s 2013 Developer summit The projects were Arduino-based and sensor-enabled , and featured NFC , geotracking , emergency response , and all kinds of : monitoring At the AT T Developer Summit in Las Vegas just before CES 2013, nine Teams competed in an M2M Hackathon . All of the teams started out
Updated: 2013-01-30 09:31:11

Thanks to Alexandre for sending in his latest project, it is a DIY Quadcopter that is powered by an Arduino Pro Mini Module. He took out the original control electronics and did a brain transplant with a Arduino Pro Mini Module and a ton of sensors. Looks like it can fly very nicely, his [...]
Updated: 2013-01-30 04:51:22

MAKE Blog Magazine Maker Faire Make : Projects Maker Shed Kits Blog Magazine Projects Reviews Shop Hot : Topics Arduino 3D Printing Guide Raspberry Pi Craft Maker Pro Kids Family Home Education Houston Hosts its First Maker Faire Houston Hosts its First Maker Faire By Sabrina Merlo 2013 01 29 8:51 pm Courtney Kilgard of Techno Chaos explains e-textile construction and the Lilypad Arduino controller at the Houston Mini Maker Faire Over 2,200 people from the greater Houston area met at the Stafford Centre on Saturday , Jan . 19 for the first annual Houston Mini Maker Faire This inaugural event introduced the maker movement themes of creativity , invention , and resourcefulness to the Houston area by showcasing real people making real projects and learning activities for attendees of all
Updated: 2013-01-29 14:58:14

Home About How To Make A Robot Robotics Projects Archives Shopping Personal and Domestic Robots Professional and Service Robots Robotics Tools and Robot Equipment RobotShop Promotional Products Robot Parts Robot Kits Robot Toys Robot Books Education Education Robots for Colleges and Universities Robots for Elementary Schools Robots for Graduates and Research Robots for High Schools Robots for Preschool and Kindergarten Support RobotShop Support center RobotShop Learning Center Forum RobotShop Blog GoRobotics MyRobots Social Network RobotShop's Twitter RobotShop's Facebook RobotShop TV YouTube RobotShop Toolbar RobotShop's Flickr RobotShop Accelerator RobotShop on Facebook 05.24.2013 Get Ready to Change the World of Robotics Posted on January 29th , 2013 in Latest News Servo Erector Set
Updated: 2013-01-29 08:41:24

Do you work in an office where you sometimes telecommute? You may have a use for a Cheap Telepresence Robot that can be used to sit in one some meetings while you are relaxing in your boxers sipping a coffee. If you have the money to spend you can look into something that is [...]
Updated: 2013-01-28 02:27:37
Today we went on one of the most interesting tours of this trip. It's
something that I've always been interested in but didn't really know how
to approach. The tour was of a chip-on-board bare die bonding assembly
house. For those that don't know, one interesting technique used for
very low cost, high volume products is bare die bonding. In this
process, the bare die is used rather than a die packaged in a lead frame
and epoxy resin. This...
Updated: 2013-01-28 02:00:31
We will be running an event for the Addison public library. We’re taking our introduction to arduino on the road to do for a group there. Are there other libraries in the area that would like to know more about … Continue reading →
Updated: 2013-01-27 18:40:30

Workshop 88 is offering our introduction to the Arduino platform at our makerspace in Glen Ellyn. Class attendees will learn how to configure their arduino programming environment, how to design simple circuits for interfacing with the arduino and how to … Continue reading →
Updated: 2013-01-27 18:32:42

The prize this week is a breadboard power supply. This contest will run for one week (January 27 2013 – February 1, 2013). Ending time is based on central standard time. To enter, identify the item above and what it can be used for. Please do not give the answer in the comments. [...]
Updated: 2013-01-27 18:08:24

Many University campuses have blue light emergency stations people can go to if they are in distress. John Yin, Cordelia Lee and Adrian Tung have made a device that will do something that these stations can’t, their project can take and send a picture of the situation. The prototype device has a microcontroller, bluetooth [...]
Updated: 2013-01-27 18:00:24
This is the follow up class to our Electronics 101 class. We will be looking at resistor networks including: series circuits, parallel circuits, combination of series and parallel circuits and how to analyze all of these. What you should bring: … Continue reading →
Updated: 2013-01-27 17:04:50
This is an electronics class for the absolute beginner – we will cover many basic concepts such as: Current Voltage Resistance Ohm’s Law Power Measurement tools Breadboards – How to use them to prototype circuits Circuit diagrams and circuit elements … Continue reading →
Updated: 2013-01-26 22:48:34

I recently decided to buy an Arduino UNO R3, to test compatibility with my sketches, which I have been testing w/ a Deumilanove. The UNO R3 contains an ATmega16U2 instead of an FTDI chip to do the serial to USB conversion, as well as 3 extra pins on the digital side of the board: SCL/SDA/AREF. [...]
Updated: 2013-01-26 20:42:04
Workshop 88 is offering a follow-up to the Introduction to the Arduino class featuring a concentration on interfacing the arduino with various sensors and learning to use the serial protocol with the arduino. If you already have an arduino, you … Continue reading →
Updated: 2013-01-25 20:14:06

If you have a Raspberry Pi sitting on the shelf looking for a purpose have a look at this Raspberry Pi Dog Treat Machine project for some inspiration. The box allows you to feed Judd (a friendly and hungry dog). All you need to do is send an email to Judd and the box [...]
Updated: 2013-01-24 03:49:27

Mike from Mike’s Electric Stuff has a pick and place machine that he uses to assemble some of his projects. A short in the wires going to one of the stepper motors caused one of his motor drivers to fail. When he swapped one of the different drivers in place of the blown one [...]
Updated: 2013-01-23 20:00:59

One of the best capabilities provided by Arduino regards its very high modularity, which helps users to quickly translate ideas into physical artifact, as practically demonstrated by Mauro, which shows on his blog how to build a simple data-logger by properly combining different shields. By using few additional components (mainly resistors and buttons) a fully-functional [...]
Updated: 2013-01-23 05:25:24

Dazaro3 shows us how to make a Tiny Surveillance Spy Bug in this video. Dazaro3 makes the PCB using the toner transfer method. Since the board is very small (9mm X 9mm) and the parts and even smaller assembling the thing looks very difficult! The result is a super small device though. “Parts used: [...]
Updated: 2013-01-22 19:01:40

This original Atari controller is pretty small (take a look at that RCA cable for a sense of scale). Despite it’s size, [Kyle Brinkerhoff] managed to fit a complete gaming system inside the controller. This Pocket Sized Atari is a follow-up to another project he did called ArduPong which let him play Pong using a joystick [...]
Updated: 2013-01-22 11:45:50
When we released the Arduino Kit, we knew that we are equiping the closet-wannabe-makers to start planning for world domination. Now it has the stamp of approval from MakerLab too! Make Noise With The New Arduino Kit is a project by Alessandro Contini (@CNTLSN) and Alberto Massa (@nkint) The above video explores the basic components [...]
Updated: 2013-01-21 04:59:42

If you are looking for a new remote platform Carambola might work for you. The Carambola Core is a small module that is only 35×45 mm (larger if you use the development board), open-source and Linux friendly. It allows for simple wired and wireless networking capabilities to connect to everything around you. This [...]
Updated: 2013-01-20 00:34:54

We mentioned earlier about the very special geek way of entering new year 2013. So here is a first hand, un-altered account of Tricia Blickfeldt who participated in the Arduino workshop for kids held there. We now are richer by one more arduino user! Yay! “Before I tell you about the conference, I have to [...]
Updated: 2013-01-19 17:09:41

The prize this week is a breadboard power supply. This contest will run for one week (January 19 2013 – January 25, 2013). Ending time is based on central standard time. To enter, identify the item above and what it can be used for. Please do not give the answer in the comments. Send [...]
Updated: 2013-01-19 16:47:17

If you like pixel art or want to see some of the 80′s video game graphics again the PIXEL Interactive LED Art Mirror might be for you. The project is a continuation of the Haunted Mirror project that we saw before, Al Linke has started a Kick Starter for this one and the funding [...]
Updated: 2013-01-19 08:00:52

It’s always nice to see how creative makers approach communication issues in DIY projects, and today we would like to highlight the approach followed by Alex, from InsideGadgets. On his website, he provides a detailed tutorial on how to use an old Nokia 6110 (or any derivatives) to send SMS messages by exploiting the Nokia’s [...]
Updated: 2013-01-18 18:01:25

This board is the start of [Steven Pearson's] quest to automate his home. The module will be used to prototype the rest of the project. Right now it uses an ATmega328 chip running the Arduino bootloader. This connects to one mechanical relay which we would wager is mains rated. The module will be controlled wirelessly [...]
Updated: 2013-01-16 18:28:16
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Updated: 2013-01-16 14:48:30

Il prossimo fine settimana Officine Arduino si trasferisce a Modena in occasione della Fiera dell’Elettronica. [...] Fab Lab Reggio Emilia, Officine Arduino e Kentstrapper allestiranno il Mo.Ma FabLab; uno spazio a disposizione dei maker allestito con alcune stampanti 3D Galileo Next e una ShareBot Pro con doppio estrusore, un laser cutter, una fresa e un kinect per scansione 3D. All’interno del temporary FabLab di Mo.Ma [...]
Updated: 2013-01-15 16:24:27
Here you will find articles written by RobotShop and external authors. Articles have been placed in the closest relevant category. If you have an article you would like to share, please submit it to the RobotShop Support Center, Subject: Learning Center Article. General General articles, which could be placed in multiple categories, are found here. [...]
Updated: 2013-01-12 09:20:20

On his blog, Miguel presents one of his latest projects: This project shows the operation of an RGB lamp using a digital LED strip. After activating the bluetooth connection, the user can open the GUI on the PC to control the lamp. The program shows a hue palette divided into 30 rods, one for each LED of [...]
Updated: 2013-01-10 11:40:06

Have you ever wondered to use your old-fashioned NeXT keyboard with your current, non-ADB computer? The main issue that needs to be solved regards how to interface this ADB keyboard (standing for Apple Desktop Bus, an old protocol used in former NeXT and Apple computers) with a standard USB interface. In this nice tutorial, Ladyada and Pt [...]
Updated: 2013-01-08 14:46:01

The ethernet shield opens up lot of possibilities for Arduino. One of which has been explored by Sudar. He has found a way to make YQL calls and even parse the JSON response using Arduino and Ethernet shield. So what is YQL? YQL stands for Yahoo Query Language. It is an expressive SQL-like language that [...]
Updated: 2013-01-07 11:24:04
Ever had to wait outside your loo, in a long queue during office hours? Wished that you had not left your desk un-attended when your boss was on rounds? Avail the new feature from the Indian company Webchutney. It’s an interactive loo service which removes the queue from the loo. The service allows anyone in [...]
Updated: 2013-01-03 21:01:46

The tank robot builds that we see are often quite complex. This lets them do great things, but makes the platform scary for beginners. Here’s a tank build that would be a great first project, especially if you’re more interested in the programming side of robotics than you are in the hardware itself. [Paul Bleisch] combined [...]
Updated: 2013-01-03 15:01:23

[Manish] packed lots of functionality into this radiation sensor module. The device is completely solar powered and weatherproof, so it can be mounted anywhere. It uses a Geiger Muller tube to monitor radiation and connects to the internet using wifi network to report the readings. The design uses an Arduino Pro Mini to perform the [...]