We’re happy to see Arduino enthusiasts championing the use of smaller hardware when the need for a full-blown ATmega-based board just isn’t there. [Chris] has been doing just that, using ATtiny85 chips in his projects. But he’s tired of hooking jumper wires to flash the sketches. He finally got around to etching this ATtiny85 programming [...]
Cool, simple tutorial from one Kyle Wilson. Ingredients: One set drop-style handlebars, one matching quill stem, a short pipe nipple to match, a pipe flange, a few screws, and some bar-tape and -ends (or their improvised equivalents).
Redditor jennyleighb's roommate built a seascape from Lego with a Super Mario Bros. theme. I'm not sure how much the fish appreciate it, but this is definitely the most geek-tastic fish tank I've ever seen.
Comunikino is a box, connected to a PC which runs a script in Python. When receiving a mail, the subject will be printed to its LCD. You can then use one of three Comunikino’s buttons to send a mail back to say “Yes”, “No” or “Readed” (this button can also to be used to say: [...]
NASA JPL researchers present a 250-mm diameter omni-directional anchor that uses an array of claws with suspension flexures, called microspines, designed to grip rocks on the surfaces of asteroids and comets and to grip the cliff faces and lava tubes of Mars. [via Techland; thanks Bigpaws!]
Here's a fun Android Breathalyzer prototype using the IOIO board, a Seeed alcohol sensor and Li-po Rider power module, and a Li-po battery inside an Altoid tin.
Vulpestruments just announced the completion of the Droneitar, a two-stringed instrument that has drone strings powered by a string attached to an electric motor. In fact, the coils from another electric motor are used as a pickup for the device. Rich Stephenson demonstrates the sonic possibilities of the Droneitar in the video.
Ian from Dangerous Prototypes went to the Bay Area Maker Faire 2012 and video documented a ton of it. He had a booth, went to a bunch of the events and didn’t seem to get burnt out! Watch the video below to see some of the great projects that were on display at the [...]
Make your own DIY motion alarm using an Arduino, a motion sensor, a few wires and headers. The code can be obtained here. Oh also, its been featured on Hacker News, so you can read the thread for pleasure! Via:[Lifehacker]
In this instructable, Dustin Andrews shows how to make a custom Arduino board, equipped with a lcd, a buzzer and a solid enclosure. Dustin’s goal has been to design a rugged Arduino version, that can be employed “as is” in many practical project, in place of a less solid breadboard-based solution. The project is released [...]
Libelium, with its open source hardware division of Cooking Hacks has come out with a new 3G module for arduino. The new 3G shield for Arduino enables connectivity to high speed WCDMA and HSPA cellular networks allowing transfers up to 7.2Mbps (20 times faster than with GPRS technology). The module also counts with an internal [...]
From Workshop 88 At last week’s meeting, our expert in all things CNC, Branden, was around for the last meeting before his move to Boston. (We will miss you, Branden!!) He was, however, kind enough to show us how to work the LinuxCNC distro software in order to get our Shapeoko running when we [...]
Ref is a wearable pet made by Jens Dyvik. Its goal is to assist you in improving your emotional skills by mirroring your state of excitement through its behaviour. By sensing your heartbeat, Ref will respond through non-verbal communication. For example, if Ref detects that you are stressed, it will raise its head and tail, otherwise, when [...]
Moppy is a musical floppy controller program. By using an Arduino UNO as a translator, you can command an array of floppy drives with a musical keyboard. The head on each floppy drive is controlled by a stepper motor which will put out sounds when driven at the right frequency. Here is a [...]
Lots of people use solar power to supplement things like lighting power but why stop there? DIYPV has built a solar system on top of his pool pump to allow him to run the pool filter pump all day long for free. He currently has four 120 watt panels running a Hayward Ecostar pump.
The original post from Nick Gammon is old, but I’m pretty sure can still be useful. Check out this handy Arduino R3 pinout diagram and write up from Nick Gammon. He hits a lot of the important points here, and in addition he explains the limits of all the pins and interfaces in [...]
An MIT research group created tiny robots called “smart pebbles”. Although individually these robots do not have a lot of intelligence, they can collaborate and function together in order to replicate simple objects as shown below. The video below shows only a proof-of-concept made using current state of the art technology. It is possible to imagine that by shrinking the robots, [...]
Brian Neltner sent in some information about this Sound controlled RGB LED project that he designed. He has a Kickstarter running right now to try to build a 10X10 grid of them for Burning Man. Brian provides the full schematic for those who would like to build their own. “The goal of the SaikoLED [...]
Sure, we see hexapods all the time at [HAD], but moving around with four legs can be more tricky kinematics-wise. This Instructable shows you how to make one out of balsa wood. Although one might not think of balsa to make their robot out of [vexedpheonix] explains that this was chosen because it’s extremely light [...]
Dustin Evans used an old NES console, a Arduino Mega, a BlueSMiRF and some LEDs to allow him to play some old school emulated NES games on his cell phone in style. When turned on the BlueSMiRF searches for a device to connect to, once successfully paired to your phone you are now ready [...]
En este nuevo tutorial Arduino by ARDUTEKA, estudiamos a fondo los módulos GPS, en concreto los módulos diseñados por LIBELIUM, para aprender a extraer y comprender todas las tramadas de datos que recibimos de los GPS y posteriormente, tratar esa información para mostrar en un display con bus i2C datos como la latitud, longitud, altura y hora [...]
Wow, this Augmented Reality technique looks like it works very well! Via: Procrastineering “Video results for an Augmented Reality tracking system. A computer tracks a camera and works out a map of the environment in realtime, and this can be used to overlay virtual graphics. Presented at the ISMAR 2007 conference.”
We’ll be presenting and demonstrating our gear at the TechCrunch Disrupt NYC 2012 conference today. Last time we did this was with TechCrunch Disrupt in SF last September with Ford showing off our OpenXC platform. It was a great event. TCD NYC is hosting a “Hardware Alley” in response to the growing interest in DIY [...]
Workshop 88 decals (click photo to see all decals) I was at the Museum of Science and Industry this past weekend volunteering at the Fab Lab, and I learned how to use their vinyl cutter. I made four different decals of the Workshop 88 logo. One is a transparent decal, one is a bumper-sticker-style decal [...]
For those of you who could not attend ICRA 2012, here is a video compilation of all the awesome robots that were present including, DARPA, ARM, NASA’s Robonaut2, Willow Garage PR2, ReconRobotics Scout and Intuitive DaVinci. Via IEEE Spectrum. Related Posts:ICRA 2010: from the 3rd to the 8th of May in AlaskaTruly Awesome, Jedi [...]
Most of our workplaces are built using wood, metal and plastic. Adding some plants can go a long way to make the space a bit more comfortable. Have a look at the Bio Computer over at Total Geekdom. In this design the computer is used to help heat the soil to promote germination. ”I [...]
Like so many people these days David Prutchi has a space communications array in his back yard. His modification of his FTA dish allows it to be used to receive Ku-band transmissions from geosynchronous FTA satellites as known-Az/El beacons. “The Fortec Star 120 dish is small enough to be handled by a Yaesu G5500 Az/El [...]
This US Military Experimental Flying Platform from 1955 is like a flying Segway. I wonder how long it will be before we have a modern day version of this. With technology that is becoming common place because of devices like the AR Drone I think the time is close since the stabilization technology would [...]
George Graves built this Constant Current Dummy Load Project based on this blog post over at the EEVBlog. It was built from a single sided board which was designed using ExpressPCB. That software is very nice to draft something up fast and it allows for an easy screen grab to etch what you see [...]
Summer is nearly upon us and we’re making plans for events at Workshop 88. We’d like to hear from you! Here’s how you can contact us: On twitter, on meetup, or the mailing list (which is not just for members, anyone can subscribe). If you don’t use any of these services you can always shoot an [...]
The BrainGate2 technology allowed a tetraplegic (or quadriplegic) woman to control a robotic arm using her brain as shown in the video below. This technology uses a brain implant that broadcasts the neurons’ signals to a computer interface and although the prospect of poking electrodes into your brain is not appealing to everyone, this could [...]
Ever wanted to see how much electricity your next project is consuming? Look no further; this Instructable will guide you about how you can, too, make a device to monitor the same. This project was developed by Steve Spence of Arduinotronics with input from forum members at the Yahoo Group - Arduino Home and The Arduino Forum. Steve [...]
Going to buy a new Wireless Controller for your next Robotics project. Why buy a new one when you can Do-It-Yourself? All you need is an Arduino, an old Joystick with a Gameport (15-pin connector) and a pair of Series 1 xBee Modules. The explanation of the xBee Configuration and the xBee Packet Description is very [...]
Brian Schiffer and Sima Mitra, from Cornell University, propose a very nice wristwatch that allows you to keep track of your time perception, using a method known as duration production: TicTocTrac. Human perception of time is typically distorted, due to the different amount of information and experiences acquired everyday. TicTocTrac lets you to estimate your [...]
Arduino is fast becoming one of the most popular microcontrollers used in robotics.There are many different types of Arduino microcontrollers which differ not only in design and features, but also in size and processing capabilities. In this article, you’ll understand the differences between the Arduino Microcontrollers (as of 2012). There are many features that are [...]
With the help from Lindsey French, some houseplants in Chicago have enjoyed a concert generated by the vibrations of a cherry tree in western Massachusetts. Attached to the cherry tree was a piezo sensor, which measured the tree’s vibrations. These were uploaded to the world wide web using an Ethernet Pro as a [...]
Did you ever look for a cheap temperature monitor capable of collecting up to six sensor readings? Johnathan Hottell needed to monitor the engine temperature of his LB7 Duramax diesel truck to avoid over-heating problems in hot days. Looking for commercial products, he found several quite expensive scanners (around hundreds of dollars), so he decided to [...]
[Andy] is taking the complexity of a smartphone-controlled garage door down a notch with this project. He’s not interested in checking on the state of the door (open or closed) using a video feed, or in controlling the thing from anywhere in the world. He just wants to use his Android as the remote control and [...]
We’ve seen Arduino-based game controllers before, but the UnoJoy project wants to make it easy for you to plug them into a gaming console. The project is targeted at the Arduino UNO. Why only that hardware… isn’t Arduino universal? Well yes, but in this case the bootloader needs to be overwritten so that the Arduino [...]
This article is a follow-up to the RobotShop Grand Tutorial Series and includes all the hardware chosen in the “Practical Example” at the bottom of each lesson. The RobotShop Rover for Arduino is a small tracked platform designed around the popular Arduino USB microcontroller. The first product that one might look for after having received [...]
This radio controlled car controller replacement is a great project to try some new things with that fancy hardware you’ve got sitting around. The hack comes in two parts, the receiver and the transmitter. They’re communicating via Bluetooth so if you only want to build one side of the hardware you should be able to make most [...]
Here’s a way to program an Arduino wirelessly while still using the stock IDE. It uses an alternative bootloader called SuperDuplex along with an IR receiver like the ones used for TV remotes. As you can see, this does take two parts. There is the target device which has the IR receiver, as well as [...]
Since the Arduino was launched years ago, many ‘shields’ or add-on boards providing additional functionality have been released. There are hundreds of different shields, from video capture shields to touch screen shields. Now that the Raspberry Pi is out in the wild, it was only a matter of time before a RasPi to Arduino shield [...]