• Love and care for the ancient trees in Greenwich Park

    Updated: 2011-09-30 10:20:25
    In 1661, Louis XIV was King of France, Charles II was King of England, Australia had been ‘discovered’ but not colonised, the Qing Dynasty and Harvard University were new – and this Castanea sativa was planted. The ugly 20th century bitmac path cut across its roots has been troubling me for years. So [...]

  • Londoners want to move from the City to the West Country

    Updated: 2011-09-25 06:36:22
    As this man walked past me I heard him bark into his mobile phone ‘I could pay the mortgate on a 5-bedroom farm in Devon for what I’m paying to rent in London’ (the photograph was taken outside the Temple Church, made famous by Dan Brown’s Da Vinci Code, in the Inns of Court). Joel [...]

  • The Alnwick Garden, Jacques Wirtz and Tadao Ando

    Updated: 2011-09-20 06:40:10
    Most of the people I have asked find the Alnwick Garden very disappointing, as I do. The Telegraph reported in 2003 that ‘The Duchess of Northumberland has launched a scathing and bitter attack on “bitchy” and “snobby” gardeners in the south in a riposte to critics of her lavish £42 million “people’s garden” at [...]

  • A landscape memorial to Saddam Hussein’s “Victory” over the Marsh Arabs who lived in the Garden of Eden

    Updated: 2011-09-16 07:43:09
    Saddam Hussein’s Victory Arch in Baghdad is being restored – with mixed feelings among commentators. Meanwhile, the habitat of the Marsh Arabs is also being restored. But the Marshes, which are often identified as the geographical location of the Garden of Eden story, now have only a few thousand inhabitants instead of the half-million who [...]

  • 9/11 Memorial Landscape Architecture

    Updated: 2011-09-11 18:17:25
    The 9/11 Memorial to the victims of the World Trade Center attack opens today, 11th September 2011. The memorial was conceived by the 42-year-old Israeli-born architect Michael Arad, with help from co-architect, Gary Handel, and landscape architect Peter Walker. The first pool opens on the 10th anniversary of the attack. When completed, it will be [...]

  • Michaelangelo’s David considers the history of planting design and wonders if the LCHF diet would help the obesity epidemic

    Updated: 2011-09-10 19:58:53
    Michaelangelo’s David has wandered from his usual haunt, outside the Palazzo della Signoria in Florence, to visit the nearby garden of the Villa La Petraia. Looking west, he sees his American cousin, Dave, and wonders why he eats so much bread, candy and icecream, and why he has grown so fat, and why he has [...]

  • Housing landscape architecture and planning

    Updated: 2011-09-08 04:27:36
    Would you rather live in the top row houses or the lower row houses? The top row gives you central heating, indoor toilets and no rising damp, no earwigs and few spiders. The lower row gives you peace, beauty, calm and sustainability. The obvious thought is ‘Why can’t I have both?’ Well, perhaps you can, and [...]

  • Busy in the park

    Updated: 2011-09-05 07:22:29
    China is a busy country, even when relaxing. Shanghai’s public open spaces are particularly well used in the glorious late summer weather, and the emphasis is on doing something, even if it’s only watching what other people are doing. The only restriction that I have seen is on accepting money for singing or playing an [...]

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