• Theme Parks

    Updated: 2011-02-28 11:16:05
    A design without a concept is usually not worth much. Where is the boundary where a concept becomes a theme? Where is the boundary where a theme becomes kitsch? And where is the boundary where a concept becomes art? Is there a context in which we can compare Disneyland with the Garden of Cosmic [...]

  • Quarry garden sculpture at Pedreres de s’Hostal as an example of the after-use of mineral workings

    Updated: 2011-02-26 08:02:50
    Quarries are famed for their propensity to create ‘a scar on the landscape’. But they can also produce wonderful results, as land sculpture on a supra-human scale and majesty. This has led me to conclude that the Permission for new quarrying projects should only be given when a restoration and after-use plan has been [...]

  • Is new urbanism old?

    Updated: 2011-02-24 04:11:00
    The 10 principles of New Urbanism are: 1. Walkability 2. Connectivity 3. Mixed use and diversity 4. Mixed housing 5. Quality architecture and urban design 6. Traditional neighbourhood structure 7. Increased density 8. Smart transportation 9. Sustainability 10. Quality of life According the wikipedia entry “This new system of development, with its rigorous separation of uses, became known as “conventional suburban development” or pejoratively as [...]

  • John Ruskin: picturesque tourism, poverty, love, life and sex

    Updated: 2011-02-22 06:33:10
    John Ruskin was one of the most brilliant writers of the nineteenth century. We all tread in his picturesque footsteps when exploring foreign cities and taking street photographs. But take care. Ruskin wrote that “Yesterday, I came on a poor little child lying flat on the pavement in Bologna – sleeping like a corpse [...]

  • Panda pandemonium

    Updated: 2011-02-18 03:00:16
    China’s number one mascot the giant panda (ailuropoda melanoleuca) are only found in the bamboo forests of south western China. “They occupy 6 small forest fragments in the provinces of Sichuan, Gansu and Shaanxi. (5,400 square miles).” The panda is well travelled in popular culture, as well as being a local hero. With the recent release [...]

  • Permaculture as an approach to planting design for landscape architects

    Updated: 2011-02-15 08:14:42
    Permaculture is an attractive idea and may become an economic necessity (as argued in the video below) when the oil supply begins to run out. Permaculture relates to the ancient agriculture of West Asia but, in its modern form, originated in Australia and was popularised by Bill Mollison. My worry is that too often it [...]

  • See the entire world as a blazing inferno. Then, when all has turned to ashes, enter bliss.

    Updated: 2011-02-15 05:47:18
    I often light candles for people I know in European churches and cathedrals. I don’t really know why I do this because I am not a Believer. I am also fascinated by the use of incense in Asia. I like the habit even more now that I have just read this: The practice of offering incense, [...]

  • How green is my neighbourhood?

    Updated: 2011-02-12 05:06:52
    One of the unfortuneate consequences of the fight against urban sprawl, which has been largely taken up in the name of Jane Jacobs, is the loss of green space and the urban forests of many communities. They are disappearing in the manner environmentalists call ‘death by a thousand cuts’, that is (sometimes) slowly and incrementally. Sherwood [...]

  • The Englishness of English policy, English gardening and English gardens

    Updated: 2011-02-10 09:11:44
    A video clip of a 71-year-old lady using her handbag to stop a gang of thieves robbing a jeweller is being shown everywhere. Ann Timson deserves to be memorialised in a park or garden. She encapsulates a strand in English foreign policy and English garden design. Instead of making a permanent alliance with any [...]

  • Tianhou Palace needs a better landscape setting 天津天后宫需要更好园林设计

    Updated: 2011-02-08 05:49:19
    Tianjin Ancient Cultural Street is located in the Nankai District of the Tianjin Municipality in China. It begins at Gongbei Avenue in the north and ends at Gongnan Avenue in the south (0.36 miles long and 16 feet wide). As the geographical center of Tianjin Ancient Cultural Street, Tianhou Palace is a very significant place [...]

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