Updated: 2011-03-31 11:00:05
When you’re analysing a scene in your script, you will want to know what is driving your character, what is compelling them in the scene, what they truly WANT. You have discovered that your character has made a string of bad choices in the relationship and driven their lover away. In the scene you must [...]
Updated: 2011-03-23 22:07:47
Over the past 3 weeks I’ve been watching Agony and Ecstasy on BBC 4, a documentary showing English National Ballet’s fight for survival against the unjust budget cuts thanks to the so-called Coalition government, which will be well remembered for it’s brutal cuts to the things that makes Britain unique. I’ve learned a lot from [...]
Updated: 2011-03-21 20:12:44
If you’ve been involved in acting, you cannot have escaped this exercise. It is part of a plethora of tools used by the well meaning, to help to explore ‘character’. It’s aim is to help you learn more but in truth, it is a time wasting exercise, which prevents us from facing the real challenge, [...]
Updated: 2011-03-16 13:15:39
I believe that we all learn best from doing and that the best place to learn to be an actor is in a working theatre. My proposed model for training talked place not tucked away in the college, conservatory or studio, but in an actual theatre. It is here that they will learn the reality [...]
Updated: 2011-03-15 13:00:46
A student asked me how would she know if she were doing it right, if she didn’t have me standing over her shoulder in the future. The answer I think is fairly simple. With an improvisational style of acting like Practical Aesthetics, there is no way of knowing how you’re doing. Because to be entirely [...]
Updated: 2011-03-14 00:00:21
The monologue is often considered as a one-directional outpouring of words, emotion and action, but this is entirely incorrect. Consider when you speak a monologue in life, it’s always to someone, a person present, a person who isn’t present (physically, geographically, dead), a deity, a group, yourself! That’s right, even when you speak to yourself, [...]