• Wind turbine catches fire and explodes in Blaen Bowi

    Updated: 2024-01-29 15:52:33
    Walkers enjoying a Sunday stroll were shocked to see a wind turbine burst into flames, disintegrate and explode. The wind turbine, located at Blaen Bowi Wind Farm, at Moelfra Hill near Newcastle Emlyn caught fire shortly before midday. Fire fighters from Newcastle Emlyn and Carmarthen were called to the fire at 11.46. They arrived to find the turbine well-alight with pieces of debris falling to the ground nearby. Nick and Alison Blasdale, who were on a countryside walk at the . . .

  • Residents raise fears for wildlife over onshore wind farm proposals

    Updated: 2024-01-29 15:31:50
    People living near the site earmarked for the first Manx onshore windfarm have voiced fears for local wildlife. Manx Utilities (MU) is investigating an area at Earystane and Scard to build several turbines designed produce 20 megawatts of electricity by 2026. It forms part of government’s commitment to decarbonise the island’s electricity supply by 2030. But John Corteen of Bee and Blossom Farm holiday cottages said the project could be “hugely damaging”. Mr Corteen, who keeps bird of prey and . . .

  • Projet éolien: “une imposture écologique”, selon la maire de Vorly, Corinne Lefebvre

    Updated: 2024-01-29 15:22:09
    Lors de ses voeux à la population, la maire, Corinne Lefebre, a présenté les projets 2024, et rappelé que le conseil municipal “a fortement combattu cette imposture écologique” que représente le projet d’implantation éolien prévu sur la commune. La maire de Vorly, Corinne Lefebvre, a présenté samedi 20 janvier, ses vœux à la population. Après un retour sur les projets réalisés en 2023, la première édile a annoncé le début des travaux du city-stade et de l’espace fitness pour ce . . .

  • Wind turbine in Newcastle Emlyn catches on fire

    Updated: 2024-01-29 15:12:17
    Fire services were called after a wind turbine caught on fire on Sunday. Pieces of the turbine in Blaen Bowi, Newcastle Emlyn, Carmarthenshire, were falling on to nearby ground during the blaze. Newcastle Emlyn and Carmarthen crews arrived at the scene at 11:46 GMT and helped put it out. The Mid and West Wales Fire and Rescue Service said they left at 13:03 GMT and the landowner made sure the fire did not spread. [video at source]

  • Raising their voices: Offshore wind opponents share environmental, health worries

    Updated: 2024-01-28 14:42:01
    Since the offshore wind industry in Massachusetts went into high gear, a group of Cape residents say their concerns about potential harm to the environment and public health have been dismissed and ridiculed. So, they held a summit. On Saturday, more than 300 people crowded into a meeting room at the Hyport Conference Center in Hyannis to hear speakers – from Cape Cod, Maine, Rhode Island and Virginia – who addressed many of the residents’ concerns. One theme among those who spoke . . .

  • Suspicion, distrust, confusion: Why wind farm developments are being delayed

    Updated: 2024-01-28 14:38:31
    As is often the case with this business, it started as a rumour. A few people in the village of Kilmanagh heard some local farmers had been getting a knock on the door. Inquiries were made to check whether it was true. Most of the farmers who inhabited the rumour were reticent, but one or two had no problem sharing their experience. Yes, there had been an approach to sell or lease land. Yes, it’s another wind farm they’re talking . . .

  • Hearing set Monday on wind farm proposed for North Dakota coal country

    Updated: 2024-01-27 19:53:40
    The public will be able to weigh in Monday on a proposed wind farm in Oliver County, the heart of North Dakota coal country. The North Dakota Public Service Commission hearing will be at 10 a.m. Central time Monday, in the Betty Hagel Memorial Civic Center in Center. The PSC intends to livestream the hearing on its website, www.psc.nd.gov. NextEra Energy’s Oliver Wind IV Energy Center would spread 73 wind turbines over more than 22,000 acres near Hannover, west of . . .

  • Offshore wind and the stress on commercial fishermen

    Updated: 2024-01-27 15:23:12
    Congressional Republicans are sounding the Mayday alarm this weekend to the grave challenges commercial fishermen face resulting from the Biden administration’s offshore wind agenda. Offshore wind development is placing enormous stress on the American commercial fishing fleet, which may not survive these challenges. A trio of coastal lawmakers, Reps. Andy. Harris (R-Md.), Chris Smith (R.-N.J.), and Jeff Van Drew (R-N.J.) will explore offshore wind farm interactions at an upcoming hearing, which their colleagues and the public should heed. President Joe . . .

  • Weiträumige Sperrung nach Brand von Windrad in Alt-Mahlisch bei Seelow

    Updated: 2024-01-26 15:08:42
    [A wind turbine caught fire near Seelow (Märkisch-Oderland) on Wednesday evening. The fire department allowed it to burn down in a controlled manner – they were unable to intervene because of the height of the system. There are still traffic closures.] Bei Alt-Mahlisch in der Nähe von Seelow (beides Märkisch-Oderland) hat am frühen Mittwochabend ein Windrad gebrannt. Das teilten das Amt Seelow-Land und die Polizeidirektion Ost rbb24 mit. Die Ursache des Feuers sei bislang noch unklar. Der Bereich sei weiträumig . . .

  • Windrad bei Greifswald brennt — Wind turbine near Greifswald on fire

    Updated: 2024-01-26 15:02:42
    Die Fotos waren spektakulär: Riesige Flammen schlugen aus einem Windrad, Böen fachten das Feuer immer weiter an: Bei Hinrichshagen in der Nähe von Greifswald (Mecklenburg-Vorpommern) brannte am Dienstag ein Windrad! Feuerwehr und Polizei wurden gegen Mittag zu dem Park mit neun Anlagen alarmiert, doch die Retter konnten nicht viel tun: Die Gondel der Anlage brannte bis zum Nachmittag kontrolliert ab, weil eine Löschung in über 100 Metern Höhe zu kompliziert gewesen wäre. Die anderen Windräder im Umkreis wurden vorsorglich ausgeschaltet. . . .

  • Zweiter Windrad-Brand an einem Tag – dieses Mal in der Seenplatte

    Updated: 2024-01-26 14:57:23
    [Second wind turbine fire in one day] Nachdem Dienstagmittag ein Windrad in Vorpommern in Brand geraten war, ist am späten Nachmittag an einem weiteren Windrad in Sarow bei Demmin Feuer ausgebrochen. Feuerwehrleute waren vor Ort im Einsatz, konnten die brennende Gondel aber nur Kontrolliert abbrennen lassen. In einer amtlichen Warnung waren Anwohner aufgefordert, das betroffene Gebiet zu meiden. Fenster und Türen sollten geschlossen bleiben. Lüftungen und Klimaanlagen sollten abgeschaltet werden, heißt es. Den Angaben zufolge kam es zum Austritt von . . .

  • U.S. sets plans to protect endangered whales near offshore wind farms

    Updated: 2024-01-26 14:06:41
    Of the 360 right whales left in the ocean, only 70 are reproductively active females.

  • Offshore wind farms are vulnerable to cyberattacks

    Updated: 2024-01-26 14:03:28
    The emerging technology lacks the regulatory framework necessary to protect itself Summary: Researchers have presented a new study on cyberattack risks to offshore wind farms in Glasgow, United Kingdom. They looked specifically at wind farms that use voltage-source-converter high-voltage direct-current (VSC-HVDC) connections, which are rapidly becoming the most cost-effective solution to harvest offshore wind energy around the world. They found that their complex, hybrid-communication architecture presents multiple access points for cyberattacks. The hurrying pace of societal electrification is encouraging from . . .

  • Orsted withdraws from contract for Maryland offshore wind farm

    Updated: 2024-01-26 13:56:41
    Orsted A/S withdrew from an agreement with regulators in the US state of Maryland to sell electricity from a big offshore wind farm it’s planning to build in the Atlantic Ocean. It’s the latest step for the Danish firm to reconfigure its portfolio of American projects after soaring costs forced it to take billions of dollars of write downs last year. Orsted’s executives plan to update investors on Feb. 7 on how they will reset the company after the setbacks. . . .

  • Energy industry bill disenfranchises Vermonters

    Updated: 2024-01-25 17:38:03
    A new bill, S.236, is under consideration by the Senate Finance committee. This bill will make it more difficult for the public – including adjoining landowners – to object to new industrial-scale renewable energy projects. As a lifelong environmental advocate, I oppose this legislation on many grounds, not least of which is the fact that it disenfranchises ordinary Vermonters trying to protect the environment from industrial development. It is the very definition of tyrannical, top-down government limiting the rights of . . .

  • Fenwick mayor: Wind farm deal ‘rushing to outcome’

    Updated: 2024-01-25 14:41:29
    Fenwick Island Mayor Natalie Magdeburger has a lot of questions about the state embracing a plan to bring an offshore wind power cables ashore in a Delaware State Park near her town: US Wind is an Italian company and could be sold, she pointed out. Could that give an unfriendly company access to the United States’ power grid? What exactly is the impact of sonar and radar to be used to build the US Wind turbine farm off nearby Ocean . . .

  • New wind turbines receive backlash from Otsego County communities

    Updated: 2024-01-24 16:13:44
    Members of the towns of Stark, Warren, and Springfield are fighting against the new wind farm projects. These wind farms are projects of New Leaf Stark 1 and Stark 2. The project encompasses more than 400 acres across the three towns. Many right now are against the idea of wind farms for a number of reasons. Earlier tonight, an information session was held to learn more about wind energy. Four different engineers spoke about all the negative effects that can . . .

  • Wind farm plan in Hokkaido called threat to endangered fish

    Updated: 2024-01-24 14:49:58
    Environmental groups are demanding the suspension of a wind power plant project in Hokkaido, saying it could devastate the population of “ito” (Japanese huchen), an endangered species of salmonid freshwater fish. The Environment Ministry has also cited the need for major revisions to the project. Japan Renewable Energy Corp. (JRE), a Tokyo-based company affiliated with Eneos Corp., a major oil company, is in charge of the wind power project. JRE has indicated it is open to changes. “We are aware . . .

  • Blade of wind turbine in Findlay breaks off

    Updated: 2024-01-24 14:45:30
    If you’re used to seeing the wind turbines off of I-75 in Findlay, you’ll notice a new problem for the next few weeks. Just before noon on Monday, a blade on the southernmost wind turbine at the North Findlay Wind Campus, operated by Findlay-based One Energy, broke off. One Energy crews were on site within 10 minutes and no local emergency responders were needed. CEO Jereme Kent said he’s never seen a blade fail like this in his 20 years . . .

  • New bird and butterfly survey threatens wind project proposal

    Updated: 2024-01-24 14:40:59
    Significant additional information, including a new survey on the endangered Marsh Fritillary butterfly, has been submitted to An Bord Pleanála in relation to a planning application for a proposed 26 turbine wind farm in the Ballivor Bog Group. Bord na Mona Powergen Limited is seeking a ten-year planning permission for the wind farm on the Meath/Westmeath border which would be operational for 30 years from the date of commissioning. The application is a strategic infrastructure development (SID) which means it . . .

  • Group aims to repeal key piece of Michigan Democrats’ clean energy package

    Updated: 2024-01-24 14:33:57
    Michigan’s 100% clean energy goal faces a potentially imperiling challenge from a petition that would repeal a new law giving state regulators the authority to decide where to locate large wind and solar projects. An initiative petition from a group called Citizens for Local Choice would undo a part of the new law preempting local policies that are more stringent than the state’s zoning requirements for constructing clean energy and storage facilities. Last week, Citizens for Local Choice cleared a . . .

  • All One Energy wind turbines shut down after blade falls off turbine near Findlay

    Updated: 2024-01-23 14:39:09
    Just before noon Monday, a blade on a wind turbine in Allen Township fell off. According to a statement from One Energy, the turbine belongs to the company and fell at 11:55 a.m. Monday. One Energy officials say the blade fell directly to the ground below and caused no further damage or injuries. Personnel with the energy company were on the site within minutes to perform an inspection of the site and turbine. Jereme Kent, One Energy’s CEO, spoke to . . .

  • Windrad brannte in Roth bei Prüm in der Eifel [Burning wind turbine]

    Updated: 2024-01-23 13:50:30
    In der Nähe von Roth bei Prüm brannte am frühen Donnerstagnachmittag ein Windrad. Rauch kam aus dem Rotorgehäuse und aus einem Flügel. Zur Brandursache ist noch nichts bekannt. Auf Bildern der Unglücksstelle waren zunächst große schwarze Rußwolken zu sehen. Das Gelände um das Windrad wurde laut Feuerwehr in einem Radius von 500 Metern aus Sicherheitsgründen durch Einsatzkräfte abgesperrt. Das Feuer sei im Maschinenhaus ausgebrochen, sagte der Einsatzleiter dem SWR. Die Einsatzkräfte würden das Haus, das sich direkt am Rotor befindet, . . .

  • Group gets OK to collect signatures to restore local control over solar, wind permits

    Updated: 2024-01-22 17:01:40
    A citizens initiative seeking to restore local control over large-scale wind and solar projects in Michigan can begin collecting signatures after gaining approvals Friday for a petition that would repeal a newly minted law transferring permitting authority to the state. The Michigan Board of State Canvassers on Friday voted to approve the 100-word summary and the form of the petition initiative, hurdles that needed to be cleared before the group could begin collecting signatures from voters. The ultimate summary approved . . .

  • Turbines at newly installed Victoria wind farm pulled down to fix faulty parts

    Updated: 2024-01-22 16:56:25
    Spanish energy giant Acciona is pulling down turbines at its brand new Mortlake South wind farm in Victoria to fix faulty parts, just months after the project was commissioned. The faulty parts are bearings in the nacelle, an Acciona spokesperson told RenewEconomy. He said that not all of the 35 Nordex turbines will need to be dismantled. The wind energy giant, which is also building Australia’s first gigawatt-scale wind project at MacIntyre in Queensland, told residents in December that some . . .

  • Fate of Higgins Mountain rests with Supreme Court judge

    Updated: 2024-01-20 14:47:15
    A group that has taken the provincial Environment Department to court to oppose the May 4, 2023, approval of a 17-turbine wind farm in the Wentworth Valley awaits with fingers crossed a Nova Scotia Supreme Court judge’s decision. “Our group is supportive of renewable energy; we understand that the province needs to meet its goal with respect to energy and getting us off coal,” said Nancy Frame, who lives in nearby Folly Mountain and is a member of the Protect . . .

  • Fenwick opts out of wind farm payments

    Updated: 2024-01-20 14:34:21
    Fenwick Island officials have said “no thanks” to an offer from a wind energy company to receive payment from the company in return for agreeing not to speak out negatively against efforts to place wind turbines within visibility of the Delaware coast. U.S. Wind has been making the rounds of coastal towns in recent weeks, offering up to $2 million over 20 years to towns that accept the company’s Community Benefit Agreement. So far, Fenwick Island and Lewes are the . . .

  • Last meeting on proposed HH Hills wind farm coming Jan. 24th

    Updated: 2024-01-20 14:28:40
    For over three years, there has been a battle raging over a massive proposed wind farm project that would wind its way for nearly 50 miles along the spine of the Horse Heaven Hills south of Finley and Kennewick. Now, the ‘final’ committee meeting is coming. Citizens have a chance to sign a petition (below) against the project (link). EFSEC set to send draft proposal to Governor The Energy Facility Site Evaluation Council (EFSEC) is slated to meet January 24th, . . .

  • Public Health Office issues new guidelines requiring 3km between wind turbines and inhabited areas

    Updated: 2024-01-20 13:38:53
    Slovakia seems less likely to get new wind power plants any time soon after investors were presented with a new bureaucratic hurdle. The Public Health Office has issued new guidelines for the assessment of noise and vibration at wind power plants. Plants with 150-metre high towers must now be located at least 3 kilometres from inhabited areas. The guidelines apply to all the projects that are currently in the permitting phase; these are collectively worth €1.4 billion. The Economy Ministry . . .

  • Nord de l’Aisne, un technicien écoute les infrasons des éoliennes

    Updated: 2024-01-19 17:54:21
    Ne cherchez pas un casque ou un micro, Jean-Louis Rémouit écoute les éoliennes autrement. Sur la nappe vichy de la cuisine de Valérie Bernardeau, la présidente de SOS danger éolien, il a installé son ordinateur et surtout un boîtier abritant son enregistreur atmosphérique. Derrière cette dénomination un peu technique, il faut voir le principe du baromètre qui enregistre la pression générée et diffusée par les éoliennes. « Il s’agit d’évaluer la pression en Sound pressure level (SPL), unité de mesure utilisée . . .

  • Survey says 57 percent of U.K. fishermen saw lower catches, profitability around wind turbines

    Updated: 2024-01-19 14:25:05
    Early results from a survey of fishermen who work around offshore wind projects in the United Kingdom show “more than half of those surveyed have cited a negative outcome on catches and profitability,” according to the Plymouth Marine Laboratory. The research group is conducting a survey of fishermen through Jan. 21 to assess the impact on the fishing industry from wind power developments. Most of the fishermen responding to the survey so far fish within 6 and 12 nautical miles . . .

  • Swedish wind farm PPA terminated

    Updated: 2024-01-19 13:51:16
    The owners of the 71 MW Aldermyrberget wind farm in Sweden have terminated a 15-year power purchase agreement (PPA) with mining group Boliden due to economic issues. “The deal has been terminated since mid-January,” Boliden spokesman Klas Nilsson told Montel. He said the group had previously rejected a plea from the wind farm to amend the PPA. The companies will enter arbitration to decide how much compensation Boliden is entitled to after the wind farm failed to live up to its . . .

  • Portsmouth Town Council begrudgingly approves host agreement with SouthCoast Wind

    Updated: 2024-01-18 13:05:58
    Faced with receiving $23 million or nothing, the Portsmouth Town Council begrudgingly approved an agreement that allows a Massachusetts offshore wind farm developer access to town property under which to bury power cables. The 18-page host community agreement, approved by a 5-1 vote of the council Tuesday, gives SouthCoast Wind Energy LLC access to town property. The easements will be used so the Massachusetts wind developer can bury 2 miles of high-voltage, underground transmission lines below town roads, meant to . . .

  • Blown away: almost 70% of animals displaced from homes by wind-power developments

    Updated: 2024-01-16 13:59:39
    Wildlife and wind turbines are an uncomfortable mix. Rotating turbine blades can make short work of anything unlucky enough to collide with them, but direct mortality is only part of the story. Having reviewed the available evidence from around the world, biologists in Finland have found that 63 per cent of bird species, 72 per cent of bats and 67 per cent of terrestrial mammals are displaced from areas where turbines are installed. Some of the most pronounced effects were . . .

  • Turbine at Colorado wind farm collapses, burns

    Updated: 2024-01-16 13:52:06
    A wind turbine at a northern Colorado wind farm folded in half and caught fire Thursday morning, startling neighbors who heard banging noises prior to the collapse. [Click here for photos.] The incident was reported at 8 a.m. No injuries were reported. Oil and grease from the generator caught fire after the tower’s collapse. Personnel from the Peetz and Crook all-volunteer fire departments responded. Employees from Invenergy – a Chicago-based company which first owned the wind turbine field and now . . .

  • Most of Alberta’s wind fleet shut down by cold Thursday night

    Updated: 2024-01-14 22:40:51
    UPDATE: By 7:28 a.m., wind output fell to less than 1 per cent of capacity. One of the first lessons any new engineering student learns in their materials class is “cold brittle behaviour” of materials. When it gets really cold, like −30 C or colder, many materials lose much of their strength and are prone to shattering. This applies to wind turbines as much as it applies to car bumpers. And as a result, most wind turbines are shut down . . .

  • To ram through giant energy projects, states strip power from local governments

    Updated: 2024-01-14 22:26:54
    Clean energy developers had planned a 75-turbine wind farm in mid-Michigan’s Montcalm County before local voters shot down the idea in 2022 and recalled seven local officials who had supported it. About 150 miles (240 kilometers) southeast, Clara Ostrander in Monroe County found herself at the center of a similar conflict as rising medical costs forced her and her husband to consider selling land her family has owned for 150 years. Leasing a parcel to an incoming solar farm could . . .

  • Sweden’s largest wind farm faces bankruptcy

    Updated: 2024-01-13 14:00:39
    Sweden’s largest wind farm, Markbygden Ett outside Piteå in Norrbotten, is facing bankruptcy. The Swedish Tax Agency opposes a reconstruction of the Chinese-owned company that has had financial problems for several years, writes Dagens Industri. Markbygden Ett, with 179 wind turbines, has in the last three years an accumulated loss of 2.5 billion kronor (220 million euros). Its debts now amount to SEK 6 billion (EUR 530 million). The reason for the financial problems is a long-term contract with the . . .

  • ‘I just refuse to move’: Codroy Valley outfitter says he’s not interested in buyout

    Updated: 2024-01-13 13:57:14
    Some say World Energy GH2’s proposed wind farm will be the greatest thing to ever happen in the Codroy Valley, but Art Ryan is not convinced of that. Ryan lives in Searston and is the owner of Mountain Top Outfitters. He’s been in the outfitting business pretty much all his life, but said that could end if the wind farm goes ahead. “It’s a terrible thing,” said Ryan. He has camps located in three big-game management areas, and the two . . .

  • World’s first floating wind farm Hywind Scotland faces shutdown for ‘heavy maintenance’

    Updated: 2024-01-12 21:56:07
    Norwegian energy giant Equinor will temporarily remove all five floating wind turbines from the pioneering Hywind Scotland array later this year after discovering a need for “heavy maintenance” on the Siemens Gamesa machines deployed there, Recharge has learned. The 6MW turbines will be towed back to Wergeland on the west coast of Norway as part of a maintenance programme that is likely to take around four months and will disrupt power output from the project operating 24km off Peterhead since . . .

  • Wind turbines pose environmental risks

    Updated: 2024-01-12 15:08:39
    Recent letters slamming the Preservation Society’s lawsuit against the Bureau of Ocean En­ergy Management are an unfor­tunate result of all the misinfor­mation about wind power that has been trafficked by the “green” lobby for years now. But I agree the lawsuit’s about money, all right: It’s the billions being made from tax­payer and ratepayer subsidies by the developers, without regard for the consequences. Regardless of the approval and promotion of this project by other entities, permitting by agencies like BOEM . . .

  • Wind turbine near Peetz collapses, catches fire

    Updated: 2024-01-12 14:16:27
    A second NextEra Energy wind turbine has collapsed in Logan County, this one near Peetz in an older wind farm. Firefighters from Peetz and Crook were called to the site near Peetz between 8 and 9 a.m. Thursday after one of the turbines apparently collapsed and caught fire. Logan County, Emergency Manager Jerry Casebolt told the Journal-Advocate word he heard at the scene was that the tower collapsed first and then caught fire. Casebolt said he believed NextEra personnel had . . .

  • City NIMBYs v regions in a fight over renewables

    Updated: 2024-01-12 13:51:13
    Farmers and others from regional communities will rally in Sydney’s Martin Place next week to campaign against renewable energy projects that will blight landscapes, alienate farmland, damage bushland and disrupt livelihoods. Public protests do not come naturally to people of the land; we can be relatively confident they will not glue themselves to the road, chain themselves to critical infrastructure or block the traffic, and I doubt children will be given the day off school to join them. But governments . . .

  • Battling offshore wind for NSW coast

    Updated: 2024-01-12 13:44:19
    Down in Austinmer, that pretty northern Illawarra village south of Sydney, with its crescent beach and tidal pools, Dr Saul Griffith can hear each day half a dozen coal trains thundering down the railway line near his home as he despairs about the ­nation’s energy future. About 50km south down the M1 and off Grand Pacific Drive, Jay McIlquham, president of the Shellharbour Game Fishing Club, is fuming that his rights to fish offshore could soon be threatened in the . . .

  • Proposal for wind farm in Northern Irish beauty spot refused

    Updated: 2024-01-11 14:24:39
    An application for planning permission to build a wind farm at a Northern Irish beauty spot has been refused. The Department for Infrastructure (DFI) has issued a Notice of Opinion to refuse planning permission for the proposed Unshinagh Wind Farm within the Antrim Coast and Glens Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty (AONB). Deemed ‘regionally significant’, the planning application was for a windfarm comprising 14 three-bladed horizontal axis wind turbines. After considering it, civil servants – who are running the DFI . . .

  • Lawsuit dismissed in latest chapter of wind turbine dispute in Orono

    Updated: 2024-01-11 14:21:48
    An Orono resident who is a wind turbine enthusiast filed another lawsuit against Orono and various city employees, claiming that they had worked together to bring fraudulent civil and criminal actions against him with the purpose of driving him out of town. In a ruling issued on Jan. 5, the U.S. District Court for Minnesota granted defendants’ motions to dismiss. Jay Nygard, who resided in the city of Orono, asked about regulations regarding wind turbines in 2010. He was told . . .

  • Wind turbine collapse in southwest Missouri

    Updated: 2024-01-11 14:14:05
    Liberty Utilities is looking into a wind turbine collapse at one of its wind farms in southwest Missouri. According to Communications Director Kelli Price, it happened at Liberty’s North Fork Ridge Wind Farm off Highway 43 in Barton County. Price says the site has been secured for safety. She confirmed there was no one near the site at the time of the incident. No injuries were reported. “We are assessing the situation and will provide additional details as they become . . .

  • ‘I feel like we’ve been dismissed’: Codroy Valley group formed over concerns about proposed wind farm in area

    Updated: 2024-01-11 14:00:43
    Claudelle Devoe hopes something good comes out of the efforts of Codroy Valley United to find and share information about World Energy GH2’s proposed wind energy project in the area. World Energy GH2 is proposing to build a 164-wind turbine wind farm on Crown land in the Anguille Mountains of the Codroy Valley as part of its Project Nujio’qonik. Devoe said there are many people in the valley who are concerned about the project and that’s why Codroy Valley United . . .

  • Muscatine County poised to enact wind farm moratorium

    Updated: 2024-01-11 13:44:14
    Muscatine County leaders are expected to pause new approvals of wind farms in light of a proposal that will include turbines that exceed 650 feet in height. “They’re going to have problems with those that nobody in this room’s even thought about,” Muscatine County Supervisor Scott Sauer said in a meeting this week. The county’s supervisors have discussed potential changes to county turbine regulations during their past two meetings and instructed staff to draft a moratorium for their approval, according . . .

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